Luc M. Declerck
Associate University Librarian, Technology and Technical Services
University of California, San Diego
Terry Ryan
Associate University Librarian for the UCLA Electronic Library
University of California, Los Angeles
Our users have a new set of expectations for libraries as internet services such as Amazon and Google offer them simplicity and immediate reward. How must our fragmented bibliographic systems and practices evolve to remain relevant to scholars in the future? In 2005, the University Librarians of the University of California (UC) charged a task force to tackle that question, to rethink how we provide bibliographic services and to recommend a roadmap for the future. The UC Bibliographic Services Task Force report is a call for change and a call to action. The entire University of California library system is currently giving feedback on the recommendations and discussing next steps. In this session, two members of the task force will describe how the report took shape, outline some of the key drivers for change, discuss some of the key recommendations, and explain how the UC Libraries will now move from vision to decision.
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Handout (MS Word)