Andrew K. Pace
Executive Director, Technical Research
Holly Tomren
Head of Metadata and Digitization Services
Temple University
Over the past 18 months, OCLC Research has been working to develop a workflow to ensure that new ideas can find their way into usable production services. Successful transition between ideation, research and development activities, and production planning requires building a lot of bridges both within the organization and externally with library partners. This session will explore two projects that are at different points of the prototype-to-production workflow: IIIF—integration of the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) into a digital discovery environment (completed project); Linked Data Wikibase prototype-a linked data reconciliation tool and editor built to match library metadata workflows (transitioning to production and first reported on at the spring 2018 CNI meeting). Temple University will present on the experience from the experimenter and practitioner point of view. The session will end with an open discussion of the ultimate goal of these efforts: creation of a multi-party collaborative “labs” space for library research, data science activities, innovation ideation, and application prototyping.