Andrew Bonamici
Associate University Librarian for Media and Educational Technologies
University of Oregon
Heather Briston
Richard and Mary Corrigan Solari University Historian and Archivist
University of Oregon
Kevin Hatfield
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of History/University Housing
University of Oregon
Matthew Villeneuve
Freshman Interest Group Teaching Assistant (FA)
University of Oregon
In this case study, the instructor, the undergraduate teaching assistant, the university archivist, and a library administrator will assess how new media and Web 2.0 technologies transform project-based learning within a unique residential Freshman Interest Group (FIG) learning environment. This presentation will describe how the strategic integration of specific Web 2.0 technologies into the FIG, “Hidden History: Documenting Freshman Year,” fosters a dynamic partnership between librarians, archivists, and faculty; stimulates higher-order reasoning skills (independent inquiry, critical thinking, problem solving, and expository writing); introduces first-year students to the essential questions and methodologies of specific disciplines and fields of study; and promotes interdisciplinary study and research.
Handout (MS Word)
PowerPoint Presentation