Fenella France
Chief, Preservation Research
Library of Congress
The continued challenges for data in any discipline are sustainable access, open source file formats, and the capacity for linked data. Collaborations with European and American colleagues indicates a shared concern, with the need for a more integrated approach to truly linked data, and high level metadata embedded within datasets. Many related disciplines have begun to focus on the need to integrate and assess approaches from colleagues – from materials science to earth sciences, archeology, biology and chemistry. The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is bringing together a more cohesive approach to data management on the global scale. Developments for linked scientific data generated on heritage materials have advanced within the Library of Congress Preservation Research and Testing Division, who have engaged with colleagues in RDA and internationally to build upon existing standards and authorities, allowing greater credence for humanities and cultural heritage linked data. The Center for Linked Analytical Scientific Samples – Digital (CLASS-D) encompasses both a physical collection of reference samples and a database structure with the unique capability to link a range of types of scientific instrumental analyses back to original source materials, to track samples, and to improve web accessibility for heritage collections. Access and interoperability of data are critical elements for an open, federated database initiative. While there is lip service given to “open access,” often the full requirements to achieve this are not fully understood until the completion of a project. Standardized digital protocols for storing and accessing scientific cultural heritage data are vital for interoperability between heritage institutions and the preservation of international culture in libraries, archives, galleries, and museums. The International Geo Sample Number Database (IGSN) uses an alphanumeric code to uniquely identify samples from the natural environment and can be integrated into DOI metadata to ensure linking between the physical objects and the data generated by their study. This is an excellent example of assuring data re-use and reproducibility and authentication of research results, a critical component of all research, and has been embraced by publishers. Linking and authenticating data for publication as well as ensuring these infrastructures are more freely accessible are essential components for linked networked data. Collaborators: Dr. Robert J. Hanisch, Director of the Office of Data and Informatics (ODI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Dr. Kerstin Lehnert, Director, Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University