Haipeng Li
University Librarian
University of California, Merced
Jeffrey Weekley
Director of Cyberinfrustructure & Research Computing
University of California, Merced
The University of California (UC) Merced LibraryCAVE (Cave Automated Virtual Environment) is a large-scale 3D immersive environment designed expressly for engaging teaching, learning, and research to support the mission of UC Merced. As a part of the UC Catalyst Grant Project, the LibraryCAVE enables members of the community to experience at-risk cultural heritage first-hand. Since its inception, the UC Merced LibraryCAVE has integrated classroom teaching and student research using 3D technology, but it has also been used as a development tool, whereby demonstrations are used to attract potential donors. To support these activities, a Docent Guide Program has been established to teach undergraduate students how to operate the LibraryCAVE system and to support the Wide Area Visualization Environment (WAVE), a massive VR installation. These students will be trained to interpret cultural heritage, scientific, engineering and other content, so that they can speak authoritatively on the 2D and 3D content presented in the LibraryCAVE, as well as provide users and visitors with background on the technology and content creation process. The Docent Guide program provides undergraduates with a unique opportunity to learn about the research and scholarship associated with the installations, as well as hone their public presentation skills and have fun exploring the content. This presentation will discuss how the LibraryCAVE is used as a learning and research tool both inside and outside the classroom, and how it demonstrates the changing role of academic libraries.