Vinod Chachra
President & Chief Executive Officer
One year ago, the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) embarked on a program (now called VCOM-TV) to create an effective teaching and learning environment for their students. Within a year, the content increased ten times and usage increased 800 times. More than 1000 different educational lectures are now available. An institutional repository is used to store and make available the lectures. The program uses a multichannel video recording of the lecture: one channel shows the professor and the other shows a PowerPoint or other content such as recordings of lab experiments or operating theater activities. These channels are synchronized, allowing students to “jump” around in the content from either channel as required. In addition to being a consistent teaching tool, the system is an effective learning tool in that it allows students to navigate and review small portions of a lecture from anywhere in the world using a standard browser.
This presentation will discuss the creation of the system (based on VITAL and Fedora) and the delivery mechanism (based on Cloud Computing). If time permits, there will be a demonstration of the the operation of creating and delivering content.
Handout (PDF)
Presentation (PDF)