David Wilcox
Program Leader
Robin Ruggaber
Director of Strategic Technology Partnerships & Initiatives
University of Virginia
Amy Blau
Scholarly Communications Librarian
Whitman College
The IMLS-funded Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: A Pilot Project is an 18-month project to develop, pilot, and document tools and paths to migrate from the Fedora 3 repository software, which is widely used but no longer supported, to Fedora 6. The first phase of the project, which began in September, focuses on piloting migrations and upgrades for two institutions currently using Fedora 3: the University of Virginia, which uses a custom interface, and Whitman College, which uses Islandora. The grant team will work with the pilots to document each step of the migration process in order to produce a toolkit for the community to follow. This presentation will provide an overview of the project, including high-level goals and timelines, along with an update from the pilot partners on progress to date and initial lessons learned.