Michele Mennielli
International Business Developer
Maureen Walsh
Interim Head, Publishing and Repository Services, Libraries
The Ohio State University
Debra Hanken Kurtz
CEO, DuraSpace
In 2015, the DSpace Steering Group announced an initiative to prototype and select the technology to use for a new, modern user interface (UI), targeted for DSpace 7. Later that same year, a DSpace UI Prototype Challenge was announced, encouraging institutions and community members to rapidly build small UI prototypes on various technology platforms. In early 2016, the community prototypes were closely analyzed, and a developer team was tasked with building a proof-of-concept on the leading platform, Angular 2. At the 2016 Open Repositories conference, the proof-of-concept UI was presented along with an analysis of findings. We discovered that the Angular 2 proof-of-concept UI provided a more modern, dynamic user experience, while also meeting DSpace’s requirements for search engine optimization (SEO) and accessibility. As of late 2016, we established a new DSpace 7 UI Working Group to begin building the new Angular UI for DSpace 7. This working group quickly established two subgroups: a team concentrating on Angular 2 UI development and a team concentrating on necessary REST API enhancements. This briefing will provide information about the project’s goals, progress, and lessons learned. Acknowledgement: Tim Donohue, Technical Lead for DSpace, DuraSpace
DSpace UI Prototype Challenge: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+UI+Prototype+Challenge
DSpace 7 UI Working Group: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/DSpace+7+UI+Working+Group
CALL for Participation in DSpace 7 Development: http://duraspace.org/node/3075
Presentation (Walsh)