Philip Konomos
Associate University Librarian
Arizona State University
For over a decade research universities have focused on building repositories and additional cyberinfrastructure to enhance and support new forms of 21st century research. With digital repositories in place, the time has come to address the next set of challenges: building content, assuring sustainability, and fostering new uses for existing repository content.
The Arizona State University Libraries has begun a set of initiatives working with faculty, research staff, and administrators in new and innovative ways. Efforts include targeting new (first and second year) tenure-track faculty to promote use of our repository services for research data; targeting senior, Baby-Boom generation faculty to help capture their legacy research data before they retire; building a catalog of learning objects to leverage existing repository content; and doing systematic outreach to colleges, schools, and research centers to embed library staff in grant-funded projects as early as possible (preferably at the grant writing stage).