Martha Bedard
Vice Provost University Library
University of Connecticut
Holly Phillips
Assistant Vice Provost University Library
University of Connecticut
Greg Colati
Assistant University Librarian, Archives, Special Collections, & Digital Curation
University of Connecticut
While collaborative multi-modal presentations of scholarly output have become more common, much of the routine operations of scholarship remain anchored in print-centric regimens. Scholars – particularly in the humanities – continue to work within the familiar hierarchical and single author print tradition. In this model librarians are essential to the process; however, they are involved in the pre-work and not the development of the final product. One of the aims of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funded Greenhouse Studios at the University of Connecticut (UConn) is to draw together faculty and librarian staff, along with other non-academic staff to flatten the vestiges of a print-only tradition. It will do so by implementing and honing a design-based, inquiry-driven, collaboration-first model of scholarly production based on continuous, close, equitable communication among equal partners. There are specific questions the library in particular is seeking answers to in this inquiry. For example, librarians may participate in creating these scholarly products because of skills and knowledge not related to their library degree. How can we set up library staff for success in this environment? Are our current librarians equipped, both in training and organizationally, for a non-transactional relationship with faculty and other staff? How do we evaluate their contribution and feeling of integration, authorship, etc.? This project briefing will focus on the UConn Library’s motivations, expectations, and early impressions of the roles, benefits, and administrative barriers and as we begin this three year collaboration with a diverse set of UConn partners.
Presentation (Colati)