Rodney Petersen
Policy Analyst
Julia Blixrud
Director of Information Services
Association of Research Libraries/SPARC
John Vaughn
Executive Vice President
Association of American Universities
An international group of stakeholders – including authors, publishers, librarians, and universities – have been meeting and working over the past four years with the objective “to achieve maximum access to scholarship without compromising quality or academic freedom and without denying aspects of costs and rewards involved.” New technologies have forced universities to rethink their strategic role in scholarly publications. Electronic publishing makes it possible to alter and strengthen their position in the process of creating and disseminating academic scholarship. How can faculty achieve maximum access to scholarly information? How can universities raise awareness and educate academic authors and administrators? How do we manage the allocation of rights among the key stakeholders: authors, publishers, universities, and the public?
This briefing will discuss the Zwolle Principles, published in 2002 under the title, “Balancing Stakeholder Interests in Scholarship Friendly Copyright Practices.” The Zwolle group has also collected and reviewed agreements between authors and publishers, institutional copyright ownership policies, and is creating a “copyright toolkit” that will help inform publication agreements and university policies.
Web Link:
Principles: Balancing Stakeholder Interests in Scholarship-Friendly Copyright Practices
Copyright Management for Scholarship (PPT)