Jan Kemp
Assistant Dean for Public Services
University of Texas at San Antonio
William Glenn
Head of Reference Services
University of Texas at San Antonio
At a time when many libraries continue to experience low reference activity, the University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries have seen a 489% increase in chat usage from 2013 (4,600 questions) to 2015 (27,000 questions), after implementing Zopim, a proactive, context-sensitive chat system that was created for online businesses. Based on two years of data, this presentation will discuss transformational outcomes following the implementation of the Zopim system, which, in addition to including configurable chat widgets throughout the library website and within resources such as Summon, also features context-sensitive triggers that proactively invite users to chat. For example, if a user stays on the “Find Databases” page for 60 seconds, a chat box automatically pops up with the prompt, “Let us know if we can help you find a database!” In fact, Zopim triggers currently account for over 60% of our chat questions. The complexity of these online transactions is also notably higher than the complexity of questions received at the physical Information Desk. Sixty-four per cent of chat questions are READ level 3 and above, compared with 21% of questions asked at the Information Desk. This presentation will provide information about the configuration and management of the system and the changes in chat staffing to support the high-demand service.
http://lib.utsa.edu (displays chat widget)
Presentation (PDF)