Barbara Bushman
Assistant Head, Cataloging & Metadata Management Section
National Library of Medicine
Diane Boehr
Head, Cataloging & Metadata Management Section
National Library of Medicine
Although it is not yet known for certain what will replace MARC, eventually bibliographic data will need to be transformed to move into a linked data environment. Following on the work of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging Task Group on URIs in MARC, this project briefing will discuss why the National Library of Medicine chose to add Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) as our starting point and details the process by which the URIs were added to the MeSH MARC authority records, the legacy bibliographic records, and are continually added to the records for newly cataloged items. The briefing will cover the various enhancement methods available, the decisions made, the lessons learned, and the results of our efforts.