Julien Raemy
Research and Teaching Assistant in Information Science
HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
René Schneider
Professor in Information Science
HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
This presentation will provide an overview of the INCIPIT (Infrastructure Nationale d’un Complément d’Identifiants Pérennes, Interopérables et Traçables) project, financed by the P5 fund of Swiss universities and managed at the Haute école de gestion de Genève (HEG-GE) with the help of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB). Since January 2020, the HEG-GE has been developing a complementary infrastructure for the low-cost attribution of persistent identifiers (PIDs) with high granularity based on the Archival Resource Key (ARK) identifier. Thanks to the collaboration with the California Digital Library acquired notably through the ARKs-in-the Open initiative (soon to be renamed ARKs Alliance), the prototype has been developed on the basis of the EZID service. The aim of an ARK allocation service in Switzerland is to cover the needs of the scientific community that requests tailored and flexible services in the broadest sense of the term, first and foremost research data belonging to the long tail and especially by responding to the interests of the cultural heritage field (libraries, archives, museums).
https://www.swissuniversities.ch/en/topics/digitalisation/p-5-scientific-information/projects/incipit https://campus.hesge.ch/id_bilingue/projekte/incipit/index_fr.html (French)