Patricia G. Hinegardner
Associate Director for Resources
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Na Lin
Head, Resource Development and Sharing
University of Maryland, Baltimore
Research data sharing, required by many funding entities including US government agencies and foundations, is shaping the way data is stored and discovered. Datasets are now maintained in repositories scattered around the web or residing on local area networks, hard drives, and even flash drives. To facilitate sharing of University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) research data, the UMB Health Sciences and Human Services Library created an institutional data catalog using open source technology developed at New York University. The UMB Data Catalog’s mission is to identify UMB datasets, wherever they reside and provide in-depth curation for optimal findability and access. This presentation will provide an overview of the project including required resources, strategies for outreach, challenges of dataset description, development of metadata standards, and lessons learned throughout the project. It will also discuss the benefits of being a member of the Data Catalog Collaboration Project (DCCP). The DCCP was created to facilitate the discovery of biomedical research data. It consists of academic health science libraries that have or are considering implementing a local instance of NYU’s open-source data catalog. This collaboration brings a cross-institutional perspective to addressing usability, data sharing workflows, metadata, and outreach for improving data discovery efforts in biomedical research. In 2018, the DCCP won the Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) Great Team Science Award Contest for the Top Importance Category in a field of 170 entries.
UMB Data Catalog –