Sheila Rabun
ORCID US Community Specialist
Karen Estlund
Associate Dean for Technology and Digital Strategies
Pennsylvania State University
Jason Ronallo
Department Head, Digital Library Initiatives
North Carolina State University
Carmelita Pickett
Associate University Librarian for Scholarly Resources and Content Strategy
University of Virginia
Stakeholders in the research and scholarly communication landscape are increasingly recognizing the need for name disambiguation and system interoperability in order to meet reporting requirements, measure impact, and reduce administrative burden while tracking researchers and their contributions across institutions and workflows. ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier) provides a solution for persistently linking researchers to their contributions and institutional affiliations over time while also serving as a mechanism for interoperability in sharing data across systems. Faculty activities, research business informatics, and profile systems have launched into new business ventures and/or open source software contributions leveraging ORCID to improve higher-education services in libraries, research offices, and technology units at research institutions across the globe. In January of 2018, four consortia in the US – the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), LYRASIS, and the NorthEast Research Libraries (NERL) – joined forces to form a nation-wide consortial approach to ORCID membership for research institutions in the US, known as the ORCID US Community. With LYRASIS serving as administrative lead, the primary goal of the ORCID US Community is to encourage ORCID adoption and foster a community of practice around ORCID in the US, as research institutions continue to join the growing circle of funders, publishers, and other stakeholders benefiting from identity management and research relationships in the ORCID ecosystem. As of January 1, 2019, there are 111 research institutions in the ORCID US Community. This presentation will provide an overview of ORCID adoption, trends, challenges, and opportunities across the ORCID US Community, featuring member case studies from the Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), North Carolina State University (NCSU), and the University of Virginia (UVA). Penn State will discuss efforts to integrate ORCID into proprietary systems for faculty research intelligence and review reporting, how collaborations have been leveraged throughout the university, and next steps for identity management and research reporting across tools. NCSU will speak to collaborative efforts in adopting ORCID on campus through ORCID outreach and building ORCID functionality into custom local systems. UVA will share their experience with ORCID through Samvera Institutional Repository microservice integrations, as well as future plans.
Presentation Rabun
Presentation Ronallo