Karen Estlund
Head, Digital Scholarship Center
University of Oregon
Sarah Hamid
Fembot Webmistress / Graduate Research Fellow
University of Oregon
Bryce Peake
Julie & Rocky Dixon Doctoral Research Fellow in Graduate Innovation
Intel Labs / University of Oregon
At the CNI spring 2012 meeting, we presented on a new collaborative journal publishing project from The Fembot Collective and the University of Oregon (UO) Libraries, Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology. The Fembot Collective is a collaborative of feminist media scholars, producers, and artists engaged with the intersection of new media and technology and scholarly communication. One aspiration of this project was to reclaim the means of scholarly production through a community-centered model of open peer review and multi-modal publication processes. As a work in progress, Ada has continuously evolved to meet the needs of diverse authors, readers, and commentators. In the face of changing scholarly communication practices, the Fembot and library collaboration offers an alternative system of open-access publication and review that recaptures academic production structures in favor of cross-disciplinary, multi-modal, collaborative knowledge. Our community standards state that “responding is political work” emphasizing a space that demands constant redirection and active participation by its collaborators in order to generate new expressions of feminist open access scholarship over time. Now in our third year of publication and working on our ninth issue, we will review lessons learned about audience, production, infrastructure, design and assessment. We will discuss the ways in which our intervention has been transformed by, while also transforming, discussions about participatory media, open and collaborative peer review, production costs, and the intersections of technical and intellectual labor.