Natalie Meyers
E-Research Librarian
University of Notre Dame
Rick Johnson
Head, Strategic Innovation
University of Notre Dame
The IMLS-funded project PresQT ( focuses on tools and RESTful services ( to improve preservation and re-use of research data and software. PresQT’s goal is to understand and address pain points to making data and software FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) in a repository agnostic way. In this briefing we will demonstrate the PresQT service features. We’ll show the benefit in the way the service provides 1) fixity informed file transfer between sharing and preservation platforms, 2) automated keyword enhancement, and 3) FAIR testing for digital objects at PresQT endpoints. This wealth of services from fixity, to metadata enhancement, to FAIR assessment rides atop a useful file transfer utility that operates between commonly used platforms making the PresQT suite a useful addition to both the digital preservationists’ and researchers’ toolkits. With PresQT, users and repository managers can move files among any of FigShare, Github, GitLab, Open Science Framework (, Zenodo and Fedora based institutional repository endpoints (e.g. PresQT provides fixity information and checking before and after transfer. PresQT also offers users the option to run a suite of FAIR tests. Using this feature, users can assess how FAIR a digital object is, as well as compare FAIRness of equivalent digital objects on the various PresQT platforms to determine which platforms are best matched to various FAIR preservation and sharing use case needs. PresQT also includes an integrated keyword enhancement service driven by Scigraph ontology elements. With this service users can auto-enhance and extend the keywords assigned to digital objects in an ontologically informed way. It is also possible to use the PresQT service to generate an EaaSI emulation proposal. The PresQT project convenes regular community meetings to get stakeholder and expert input to which all are invited. The project also has a Quality Assurance effort underway that is open to participation to anyone from the community and has easy onboarding for QA participants at