Anne Cong-Huyen
Digital Scholarship Strategist
University of Michigan
Joe Bauer
Digital Scholarship Research Consultant
University of Michigan
This presentation will provide an update on the Digital Scholarship Services at the University of Michigan. Joe Bauer (College of Literature, Science, and Arts Technology Services) and Anne Cong-Huyen (U-M Library) will discuss their ongoing work in developing a cross-unit collaboration that brings academic IT into collaboration with a library digital scholarship service. What started as a grassroots effort among support staff (librarians and IT consultants) with minimal resources, resulted in a comprehensive pilot program offering consultations, workshops, public events, networking events, focused research support sprints, open office hours, a certificate program, and a pilot anti-racist grant initiatives. This collaborative model has helped to cohere a community for digital scholarship practitioners at the large distributed campus. We’ll reflect on challenges encountered and lessons learned as we’ve attempted to connect an academic IT service with the university library in a model that centers transparent communication, equitable labor, and mutual respect.
This presentation is an update to the fall 2019 project briefing: Connecting Digital Scholarship: Building Communities of Support at University of Michigan