Paul Conway
Director, Information Technology Services
Duke University
In the planning stages for the past two years, the Digital Library @ Duke has moved into an initial implementation phase, including the establishment of a core organizational structure and initial programmatic focus. The DL @ Duke is a good example of focused digital library development. The program at Duke is characterized by top-to-bottom vertical integration with the university planning infrastructure. The university’s budgetary commitment distinguishes clearly between ongoing support for baseline capabilities versus dependence on outside funding for research and development. Digital library programs focus on web- mediated library services, on the characteristics of the physical infrastructure supporting those services, and on a user-centered support model that breaks down the distinctions between academic computing support provided by central IT resources and capabilities provided by the digital library program. The library also handles the university’s course management system and is exploring ways to integrate the online catalog and course reserve systems. The session will provide participants an opportunity to discuss and debate some of the operating assumptions of digital libraries by engaging the Digital Library @ Duke as a point of departure.