Michael Page
Coordinator, Geospatial Services
Emory University
Located on the island of Samothrace in the Northern Aegean, the Sanctuary of the Great Gods was an important Hellenic and pre-Hellenic religious sanctuary. The site has been subject to several archaeological expeditions that have left both positive and negative impacts on the site. As part of a recent expedition surveying the site the presenter discusses new methods being employed in both data collection and post processing and explains how data and information about the site will be distributed over the Internet to inform future research and learning. It is through an amalgamation of hypermedia, computer-aided design (CAD), geographic information systems (GIS), 3D modeling, and cartographic representation techniques that the project seeks to analyze, document, and communicate the convergent research of both recent and past expeditions while exemplifying future directions in interdisciplinary inquiry. Issues in data collection, interoperability, and archiving will also be discussed.