Bethany Nowviskie
Director, Digital Library Federation
Council on Library and Information Resources
Micah Altman
Director of Research, MIT Libraries
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abigail Potter
Program Officer, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
Library of Congress
Robin Ruggaber
Library Chief Technology Officer
University of Virginia
Oliver Bendorf
Program Associate
Digital Library Federation
This briefing will provide an overview of recent activities of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) and on the timeline, process, and goals of its transition from the Library of Congress to a new institutional home in the Digital Library Federation (DLF) at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), a move that will be complete by January 1st. Together with session attendees, panelists will explore opportunities for increased collaboration between the overlapping NDSA and DLF communities and discuss concrete ways to heighten public and academic engagement in digital stewardship and the work of the NDSA.
Presentation (Nowviskie)
Presentation (Altman)