Chris Prom
Associate Dean for Digital Strategies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sally DeBauche
ePADD Project Manager | Digital Archivist
Stanford University
In August 2018, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) published a report from the Task Force on Technical Approaches to Email Archives, assessing efforts to date and suggesting a research and development agenda to guide email preservation work. In response, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation sponsored four follow-on grants. This session will describe work taking place under three of those grants and will assess ways to extend the current research agenda. The ePADD project will be discussed, including a re-designed user interface and the development of a multi-institutional email discovery platform. It will also cover a review of work centered at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, including discussion of a draft framework of technical requirements for archiving emails in PDF format, which is being developed by a community of experts including representatives from the PDF Association and industry partners. The presentation will include a survey of the current state of email archives practice and describe opportunities for community-driven research and implementation proposals, to be funded under a $700,000 regrant program, “Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community.”