Philip Cohen
Professor of Sociology; Director, SocArXiv
University of Maryland College Park
Cynthia Hudson Vitale
Data Services Coordinator; Visiting Program Officer
Washington University in St. Louis; Association of Research Libraries
Jeffrey Spies
Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, Center for Open Science; Co-lead SHARE; Assistant Professor, Engineering and Society
Center for Open Science
Claire Stewart
Associate University Librarian for Research & Learning
University of Minnesota
This panel will highlight the role of public goods in the efficient and scalable development of two community outreach programs with a focus on scholar-librarian collaboration. The first, SocArXiv, is an open repository for preprints in the social sciences that was launched by a group of sociologists and members of the research library community. This group of scholars came together with an interest in engaging the public, sharing research results faster, and challenging the lack of transparency, high cost, and difficulty of accessing journal literature. SocArXiv, along with other communities, is leveraging the open source platforms the Open Science Framework (OSF) and OSF Preprints (a brandable repository and aggregator) to rapidly and efficiently develop and deploy its preprint services while enabling project leaders to focus on issues such as governance, community outreach, and peer review rather than technology. SHARE, another open source service, provides the underlying data and discovery layer of OSF Preprints (and therefore SocArXiv). Similarly, by leveraging public goods infrastructure like SHARE, the Data Curation Network and the SHARE Curation Associates program can focus on engaging the library’s expertise to scale curation efforts. Curation is an important role that academic libraries play as we transform our workforce to assume greater digital stewardship responsibilities. Panelists will present sustainable curation models and collaborations that are being developed through institutional partnerships and national initiatives. These networks are creating opportunities to provide training, promote collaboration, and build sustainable curation and research data management services.
Presentation (Spies)