Luc Declerck
Associate University Librarian
Technology and Technical Services
University of California, San Diego
Chris Frymann
Digital Library Architect
University of California, San Diego
DSpace is a digital repository software system designed to capture, store, index, preserve and redistribute the intellectual output of a university’s research faculty in digital formats.
The Storage Resource Broker (SRB) is a distributed data management system with features to support the organization, sharing, publication, and preservation of distributed data collections. The SRB is a data grid that manages data stored in heterogeneous storage layer environments.
This briefing will outline a NARA-funded project aimed at integrating the two systems to allow DSpace to use the data grid as a storage layer. It will also permit the exchange of authentic documents between the two systems in a federated environment with a view to improving support for the full range of curation and management processes institutions need to preserve digital content, including the migration of collections across various underlying storage service providers.