Karl Benedict
Director of Research Data Services & IT
University of New Mexico
Nancy Hoebelheinrich
Knowledge Motifs LLC
In 2016, the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP), in collaboration with DataONE and the US Geological Survey’s Community for Data Integration, launched the Data Management Training Clearinghouse (DMTC). The DMTC was developed in response to the growing number of data skill building and management training materials being developed by numerous organizations; the increasing challenge in being able to identify and discover existing training materials as an alternative to creating new materials; and ultimately a need for a curated collection of materials which have robust metadata associated with them to enable discovery, selection, and use. In 2018, the Institute of Museum and Library Services awarded a three-year National Leadership Grant to the University of New Mexico and Knowledge Motifs LLC to enhance the Clearinghouse by 1) expanding and diversifying the content of the Clearinghouse, 2) providing improved search capabilities through an enhanced metadata model, 3) developing assessment capabilities for capturing feedback from instructors and learners about materials discoverable through the Clearinghouse, and 4) increasing the visibility and use of the Clearinghouse and its registered training resources by the library community. This briefing will provide an overview of the work done to date on the enhancement of the Clearinghouse which includes a new tiered architecture that provides greater flexibility for expanding the capabilities of the system, more robust search capabilities using an extended metadata model the initial approaches to adding assessment capabilities that have been developed, and a precis of the growing portfolio of training materials, now over 400, that are discoverable in the Clearinghouse.