David Greenbaum
Director, Bamboo Technology Project; Director, IST-Data Services, UC Berkeley
Univeristy of California, Berkeley
James D. Muehlenberg
Assistant Director, DoIT Academic Technology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tim Cole
Assistant Engineering Librarian for Information Services
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
In September 2010, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded a $1.3 million grant to an international partnership of 10 universities to carry out the first 18-month build phase of a proposed multi-phase Bamboo Technology Project (BTP). The partners in the project have pledged an equivalent amount of cost-share to the project, creating one of the larger collective investments in shared humanities e-research development in the last several years. BTP ‘12 builds from the Bamboo Planning Project – a process that engaged approximately 600 faculty, librarians, and technologists from 115 institutions to address the question: “How can we advance the arts and humanities through the development of shared technology services?”
In Bamboo Technology Project 2012, we will build and design e-research environments for humanities scholars. In our first 18-month phase of work, Bamboo will deliver three things. First, we will create easy-to-use, scalable environments for digital scholarship that can be run by institutions to support many arts and humanities scholars. These virtual research environments will include core tools for content management, collaboration, and the connection to distributed collections and web services. Second, we will define design options for how e-research environments can evolve to support increasingly complex and large-scale forms of corpora scholarship across disciplines. This design process will inform our proposed, second 18-month phase of build work. Third, we will develop frameworks and shared services – underlying infrastructure – that higher education institutions can use collectively to sustain and connect e-research environments and collections.
In this presentation we will provide an overview of the four major areas of work that teams of scholars, technologists, and librarians from the ten partner institutions are carrying out in BTP ’12. These areas of work are: (1) the development of Scholarly Work Spaces, (2) the design of future Corpora Space environments, (3) the modeling of scholarly analytic functions as web services, and (4) the adoption and definition of Collections Interoperability standards and services.