Lisa Mattson
Chief Operating Officer
IMS Global Learning Consortium
As online, digital learning continues to grow, the ease of use of digital content, courseware, tools, and apps within the institutional setting and the interoperability of data available from these same resources is key to enabling personalized learning. Today most digital educational resources take months to integrate with institutional systems or are not integrated at all. As a result, the student learning data remains locked inside, where it is not readily usable by instructors or combinable with data from other systems. Caliper Analytics is a standards based learning measurement framework initiative under development by IMS Global Learning Consortium that combined with Learning Tools Interoperability™ (LTI) resolves the substantial lack of interoperability and consistency across the education ecosystem today as it relates to enabling learning data collection and leveraging of this data to enable analytics and other advanced data-informed capabilities. Along with the desire to capture analytics data, the need to provide a means for protecting student privacy is paramount. IMS has been working to identify a privacy profile that could help identify the data which is being captured and provide the ability for the student to have control over the dissemination of that data. This session will introduce Caliper Analytics and the initial privacy work IMS is undertaking.