Joan K. Lippincott
Associate Executive Director
Coalition for Networked Information
Malcolm Brown
Director, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI)
Jeanne L. Narum
Learning Spaces Collaboratory
This session will include a description of the context of the assessment of learning spaces, seeking to understand the motivation for assessment, exploring the kinds of questions which might be asked about the link between physical spaces and learning, and suggesting potential links between this activity and broader measures of student learning and success. The presentation will focus on both formal spaces (e.g. classrooms) and informal spaces (e.g. learning commons, computer labs, and media centers).
The presentation will also include reports from two programs: the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative’s (ELI) Seeking Evidence of Impact is bringing institutions together into a discussion about ways of gathering evidence of the impact of our technology innovations and current practices on teaching and learning. The Learning Spaces Collaboratory is bringing together faculty, students, architects, facilities officers, technologists, and librarians and is focusing its work on answering the question, “What difference do spaces make to learning and how do we know?”
Participants are invited to contribute to the ongoing conversation taking place in both of these initiatives and to suggest their own needs, provide examples, and offer suggestions for future work in this area.