Michelle Armstrong
Head of Scholarly Communications and Data Management, Albertsons Library
Boise State University
Eli Windchy
Vice President, Consulting Services
Maliaca Oxnam
Associate Librarian, Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship, University Libraries
University of Arizona
It Takes a Village: From Colleagues to Community with New Library-stewarded Faculty Profiles (Armstrong, Windchy)
Overhauling a publicly visible, widely used resource for academic and professional advancement is no small matter. The blueprint’s specifications must be clear and well defined by users, in this case the community of libraries and faculty using the faculty profile platform SelectedWorks.
In this project briefing we’ll provide an overview of the platform’s recent overhaul, designed to support a new model of faculty support evolving in libraries today. Attendees will hear from the perspective of a research university how the library has adopted this model of greater library-faculty collaboration using tools that are more responsive to faculty’s changing digital needs. We will share how these scalable tools, including detailed readership metrics and the ability to showcase all types of scholarship, benefit authors as well as the library and the institution as a whole. Attendees will also learn about the decision to rebuild the SelectedWorks platform, and how feedback from the bepress community informed the development roadmap and next steps. Finally, we will share some of the lessons learned through the process and provide a glimpse into future development.
Presentation (Windchy)
Graph Database + Faculty Activity Reporting = User-Driven Business Intelligence (Oxnam)
After implementing a mandatory, campus-wide activity reporting and annual performance review system, the University of Arizona (UA) began experimenting with graph database technologies to maximize the utility of data held in the campus data systems combined with the self-reported activities and tagging in UA Vitae, the faculty activity reporting and evaluation system. While the first phase output is a much-improved campus directory and faculty profile system, the powerful data relationships forged through graph database structures provide a glimpse at the powerful potential for real-time, user-driven business intelligence. This project is a collaboration between the University Libraries, University Information Technology and the Provost’s Office.