ACATS: (FCC) Advisory Committee on Advanced TV Systems
ACLU: American Civil Liberties Union
ADAPSO: earlier name for Information Technology Association of America
ASCAP: American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers
ASN: Abstract syntax notation
ATM: Asynchronous transfer mode
BDE: Base Development Environment (from Transarc Corp.)
BMI: Broadcast Music Inc.
CAD: Computer-aided design
CARL: Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries
CASE: Computer-aided software engineering
CAUSE: member newsletter of the Assn. for Managing & Using Info. Tech. in Higher Educ.
cid: client unique identifier
CLP: Cell loss priority
CNI: Coalition for Networked Information
CNRI: Corporation for National Research Initiatives
CPJIN: CUPID printjob ID number
CPJON: CUPID printjob order number
CPU: Central processing unit
CUPID: Consortium for University Printing and Information Distribution
DART: Digital audio recording technology
DCE: Distributed computing environment
DES: Data encryption standard
DLS: Digital library system
DMA: Direct Marketing Association
DNS: Domain name system
DVI: Digital video interactive
EBR: Electronic bibliographic record
EDI: Electronic data interchange
EDUCOM: A non-profit consortium of higher-ed institutions which facilitates information research
EFT: Electronic funds transfer
FTP: File transfer protocol
GFC: Generic flow control
G4Fax: Group 4 facsimile
HEC: Header error control
HPC: Act High-Performance Computing Act
HPCC Act: High-Performance Computing and Communications Act
IBP: Internet billing protocol
IBS: Internet billing server
IC: Integrated circuit
IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
INI: Information Networking Institute
IP: Intellectual property
I/O: Input/output
ISBN: International standard book number
ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO: Organization for International Standardization
LCS: Library collections services
LIDB: Line interface data base
LMT: Lossless multiresolution transform
MH: Modified Hoffman
MR: Modified read
MMR: Modified modified read
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
NREN: National Research and Education Network
NSA: National Security Agency
NSFnet: National Science Foundation Network
NVM: Non-volatile memory
OS: Operating system
PC: Personal computer
PEM: Privacy enhanced mail
PIN: Personal identification number
PSP: Professional scholarly publishing
PS/WP4 (FCC): Planning Subcommittee/Working Party 4
PT: Payload type
PTL: Prerequisite task list
RAM: Random-access memory
RFT: Request for technology
RIAA: Recording Industry Association of America
rid: resource identifier
RL: Run length(s)
RMS: Rights management system
ROM: Read-only memory
RPC: Remote procedure call
RRS: Registration and recording system
RSA: Rivest, Shamir & Adleman (developers of encryption standard)
SESAC: Society of European Stage Authors and Composers
SGML: Standard graphics markup language
SIDBA: Standard image database
SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and TV Engineers
SMTP: Simple mail transfer protocol
SPA: Software Publishers Association
SS-VII: Signaling system VII
STM: Scientific, technical & medical
TCB: Trusted computing base
TCP: Transmission control protocol
TCP/IP: Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol
TP4: Transport class 4
TRC: Tone reproduction curve
UDP: User datagram protocol
VCI: Virtual channel identification
VLSI: Very large-scale integrated
VM: Virtual memory
VPI: Virtual path identifier
WAIS: Wide-area information service