Toward the 21st Century
Preparing Proactive Visionary Transformational Leaders
for Building Learning Communities Through Multi-Technology
Project Number 31 – 1993
National Lecturer
Nova University
1531 Peabody Avenue
Memphis, TN 38l04
(901) 725-5287groffw@alpha
Other Individuals And Organizations Associated With The Project
Dr. Abbey Manburg
Child and Youth Studies EdD Program
The Child and Youth Studies (CYS) program was created to prepare visionary transformational leaders in selected areas of specialization. CYS begins with Leadership I and concludes three years later with Leadership II. Leadership I assists each student to analyze workplace and problems, analyze self and create a Leadership Development Plan (LDP), and specify and research issues for two societal problems. Each student completes core and specialization study areas, attends two one week summer institutes, and produces two practicums. Leadership II provides each student with the opportunity to synthesize significant concepts and create a vision and action plan for a problem in her/his work context.
CYS was implemented with four clusters in spring and fall of l989 and in spring and fall of l990. Students in these four clusters have graduated. CYS also implemented four National (Multi-Tech) Clusters in winter l99l, winter l992, fall l992, and winter l993.
Students in regular and multi-tech clusters have access to Information Retrieval Service (IRS), Electronic Library, Bibliographic Retrieval Services, Dialog, NEXIS, ADVOCNET, ERIC, and a broad range of data and information bases. An “Introduction” to Technology” orientation session insures that each student can access UNIX so that e-mail and electronic classrooms can begin soon after returning home.
Electronic classrooms (ecrs) can range from structured to semi-structured. Structured ecrs have a predetermined number of frames which become the story borad of the lesson. Semi-structured ecrs can be creted around a series of concepts or be totally open-ended. Small group discussions are possible through 32 classrooms in the UNIX system.
The project addresses how library and othe information resources and services can be made available in the networkinf and learning process.
The ultimate goal of graduate education is to produce the critical mass of intellectual capital to provide solutions to problems in the society of which they are a part. Bold and creative approaches must be undertaken to develop high performance learners and leaders. Human resources development systems are being created based on knowledge about the cognitive sciences, mind synapses, and electronic communication and information technologies. CYS in the regular format hasproduced a higher performing learner and leader and the multi-tech format can yield even better outcomes while providing easier access.
CYS is offered to professionals who seek a doctoral degree. CYS in multi-tech and regular formats could be offered to a school or school district with a focus on America 2000 goals. A “community of learners” in one cluster could concentrate on “Ready to Learn” (Goal 1). Or, a cluster of secondary and postsecondary professionals could focus on integration of math, science, and technology in a tech prep and/or apprentice type collaborative program.
Audio-visual requirements
Overhead projector and screen.