- What are the limitations and potentials of various computer conferencing software? What collaborative capabilities have been built in? Should be built in? Cannot be built in and must be compensated for by extra-technological, human collaborative approaches?
- How can we use the principles of collaborative learning to compensate for products of the new technology that are, by design or by oversight, fragmented, potentially isolating, instantly gratifying and/or superficial?
- How do we acknowledge and reward the time necessary for faculty, using the new technology, to create new, truly interactive collaborative models?
- With regard to the social construction of knowledge using technologies: how? by whom? who has voice? how may we assure equitable communication and reflective practice? How will multiple conversations be facilitated? How will they be brought to closure/consensus? How will we re/define the epistemological issues at the center of our work?
- How do we organize ourselves as practitioners to share our experiences, learn how to combine collaborative approaches with the new technology, disseminate such models, adapt them to new situations, disciplines, combinations of technologies and ultimately accumulate a critical mass of good practice that will validate new approaches?