Bring these institutions into communication with one another so they can share their experiences while their work is still in progress, learn from one another, and improve or expand upon efforts at their own institutions.
Develop a common understanding among participating institutions for analysis and description of institutional information strategies.
Create a vehicle for sharing the experiences and insights of the participants, presenting this knowledge in a comprehensive case-study format, so that others might benefit from these experiences.
Forge productive working relationships among a variety of information professionals at participating institutions and promote such collaboration in research and educational institutions and organizations.
Participants present their work (completed or planned) and receive comment and feedback. This presentation will be the beginning of each institution’s case study.
Participants identify others working in similar areas who may become ongoing partners as project collaborators, “friendly critics” and sounding boards, or other.
Participants and project staff discuss methods of reporting on key areas of case studies: resource allocations, outcomes, lessons learned, etc.
Participants and project staff commit to timetable for completing case studies and identify other project milestones.
- …incorporate ideas heard from others at the conference into their own work.
…revise their own project plans based on comment/feedback.
…continue dialogue with other participants and project staff as project partners, critics, colleagues, etc.
…continue development and implementation of their own information strategies.
…most importantly, develop case study reports to share their experiences more broadly.