1. Number of applications distributed
The total number of microcomputer software applications and utilities that are distributed via our campus applications server and computing cluster server for general campus use.
Procedure for gathering/analyzing information:
Once per semester, update our inventory of Macintosh and Windows applications that are distributed for campus use, dividing the listing up by platform and by general categories such as application, applications suite, and utility. Evaluate this measure over time to see how the breadth and depth of our campuswide software offerings change.
This information will be used as a starting point to evaluate other measures relating to software distribution:
1. How are we responding to the software needs of the campus? Are we covering the categories of software needed by most users on campus, and providing the tools needed for users to get their work done?
2. How well are we allocating our resources for the packaging and support of software applications? Are we able to provide timely updates and technical assistance for the number of applications we are distributing?
2. Annual software updates
The number of software updates required annually to maintain our centrally distributed campuswide applications servers, including new applications, updated versions, maintenance releases or patches applied, and fixes to our customized installers.
Procedure for gathering/analyzing information:
Each time a new or updated application is released, or a bug fix is required, that instance will be logged along with the approximate time required in obtaining the update, creating and testing the installer, and releasing it on our central servers. We will also track the nature of the update (version update, bug fix, etc.), as well as whether the update required creating a custom installer or whether the vendor’s installation routine could be utilized as is. This information will be assembled into a spreadsheet on an annual basis to allow for analysis of the data.
Collecting this data will give us more accurate information on the frequency with which software updates are required (on an average basis), as well as the resources required to maintain and update our current range of software applications. This will help us to justify the resources required to maintain central software distribution, and allow us to more realistically balance the staffing levels versus the number of applications we distribute. This will assist us in making informed choices, such as whether to increase the resources for software distribution or limit the number of applications we can make available with the current resources.
3. Percent of central software usage
This measures the cost of centrally distributed, concurrently licensed software as a percentage of total software expenditures by the University. This would allow us to measure the extent to which the University is taking advantage of the license sharing and volume discounts offered by central software distribution.
Procedure for gathering/ analyzing information:
Ideally, the information would be gathered by obtaining the total annual expenditures by the central computing organization (CIS) on concurrently licensed microcomputer software and the total annual microcomputer software expenditures by the rest of the University. However, at present there is no practical manner of obtaining the microcomputer software expenditures by the various departments at the University, as software budgets are not itemized in a way that allows for an easy distinction between software and other expenditures.
Having this type of measure would allow us to obtain more hard evidence as to whether the assumed benefit of central software distribution (lower overall software costs due to license sharing and volume discounts) has actually materialized, and to see to what extent the University community are taking advantage of the freely available software from the central applications server.
RFG – 10/10/97