Andrew White
Director, Library Information Services
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
A number of large research libraries have established institutional repositories in an effort to support research data management (RDM). While this model has had a modicum of success at some universities, we do not believe that such a model is feasible at smaller research institutions. In general, the scholarly communications ecosystem has evolved to be highly decentralized and federated. Various repositories, like PubMed or arXiv, have grown with their own set of data and publication storing options. Concurrently, many scholarly publishers now offer services to deposit and reference research data sets in conjunction with article publication. Thus smaller research institutions could support RDM through a different service model, instead of expecting libraries to host and serve as a data repository. This presentation will consider this new model and review the lessons learned about RDM from a collaborative effort between the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Elsevier’s Research Data Management Solutions Team using Elsevier’s Data Monitor software.