New videos from CNI’s April membership meeting are now available:
The Ohio State University Libraries was determined from early on to create a suite of co-located services that, taken together, would promote interdisciplinary team work, showcase output, and highlighting impact. In Connect. Collaborate. Contribute: A Model for Designing and Building a Research Commons, Alison Armstrong highlights how creating a network of partners, integrating feedback, and exploring use cases drove the iterative development and deployment of services, spaces, and technology that facilitate purposeful discovery and innovation.
In Scaling Maker Spaces Across the Web: Weaving Maker Space Communities Together to Support Distributed, Networked Collaboration in Knowledge Creation, Rick Luce and Carl Grant of the University of Oklahoma describe Innovation @ the Edge, an initiative that develops tools, technology and methodologies to bring collaborators together across geographically distributed innovation spaces in order to support collaboration, leverage expertise and support agile methods of new knowledge creation through the use of virtual reality, instructional technology, websites, and shared community building.
To see all videos produced by CNI, visit our video channels on YouTube ( and Vimeo (