Ithaka S+R has offered several half-day workshops co-located with CNI meetings in recent years. This year, Roger Schonfeld will lead “The Information Businesses: A Workshop for Library Directors” on Monday, December 12 from 9am to noon. Note that this is a separate event from CNI and not part of the CNI meeting. Separate (paid) registration for the workshop is open at, and a fuller description is available below.
Clifford Lynch
Director, CNI
The relationship between libraries and content providers is in transition. While the day-to-day negotiations to license digital resources continue, library budgets are tapped out and so is provider revenue growth. Against this backdrop, savvy content providers are striving to reposition themselves in new and adjacent businesses. For academic values to thrive, libraries must engage these emerging information businesses and play an active role in their shaping.
In support, Ithaka S+R is offering an executive seminar focusing on two of these changing marketplaces that will have especial impact on the academic library:
• Library systems & aggregators
• Scientific publishing
In this workshop, Ithaka S+R will provide insight and analysis on each marketplace, including
• The strategic directions that leading vendors are pursuing
• Strategic adaptations that libraries may wish to consider
Participants can expect advanced readings, a strong peer group, valuable discussion, and will take away a sophisticated understanding of the strategic change taking place in these two vital sectors.