Project Briefing Pages
Project Briefings & Plenary Sessions from CNI Meetings
Advancing the Open Ebook Ecosystem (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
The American Institute of Physics Research Strategy: Cultivating Positive Change in the Physical Sciences (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Trevor Owens, American Institute of Physics
Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval: The Year in Review (November '24)
Gary Price, Editor of ARL Day in Review and infoDOCKET
Artificial Intelligence in Libraries: Opportunities and Challenges (November '24)
Rosalyn Metz (Moderator), Emory University
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Annie Johnson, University of Delaware
Debra Hanken Kurtz, Florida State University
Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, University at Buffalo
Tim Shearer, University North Carolina Chapel Hill
Artificial Intelligence Modeling & Inference as a Service (November '24)
Peter Leonard, Stanford University
Artificial Intelligence (AI) at Yale: Updates on Institutional and Library Generative AI Initiatives (November '24)
Lauren Di Monte, Yale University
Dale Hendrickson, Yale University
Michael Appleby, Yale University
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Karla Strieb, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Born-Digital Poetry: Planning for the Future of Literary Archives (November '24)
Nadia Ghasedi, Washington University in St. Louis
Mitch Sumner, Washington University in St. Louis
Connecting the Dots to Overcome Access Using Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) (Lightning Round) (November '24)
James English, Lyrasis
Discover and Analyze: Building Licensed Data Collections at University of California, Berkeley with Dataverse (November '24)
Anna Sackmann, University of California, Berkeley
Lynne Grigsby, University of California, Berkeley
“Each Row is a Person:” Preserving History and Humanity in Archival Data (November '24)
Lydia Neuroth, Library of Virginia
Sonya Coleman, Library of Virginia
The Future of An Update and Community Discussion (November '24)
Emily Gore, University of Georgia
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Maarten Zeinstra, Open Netherlands Association
Generative Artificial Intelligence Innovation for Libraries and Learning (November '24)
Greg Ritter, Amazon Web Services
Sarah Ben Mamaar, Weill Cornell Medicine
Cory Tressler, Ohio State University
Joe Naccarato, University of Delaware
Improving Open Access Discovery for Academic Library Users: A Conversation with Library Leaders (November '24)
Ixchel Faniel, OCLC
Molly Beisler, University of Nevada, Reno
Harriett Green, The University of Arizona
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Information Infrastructure to Address Societal Grand Challenges Project Update (November '24)
Donald Waters, Coalition for Networked Information
Library Collections and Academic Publications as Artificial Intelligence Training Data (November '24)
Dan Cohen, Northeastern University
Mike Furlough, HathiTrust
David Hansen, Authors Alliance
Claire Stewart, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Günter Waibel, University of California Office of the President
Suzanne Wones, University of California, Berkeley
Open Forum for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) (November '24)
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Personal and Collaborative Knowledge Management Systems: Infrastructure for Idea Management and Research Development (November '24)
Brian Mathews, Carnegie Mellon University
Preserving Preprints for the Long Term: Scope and Challenges (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Thib Guicherd-Callin, Stanford University
Reimagining Discovery: Transforming Access to Collections with Artificial Intelligence-Driven Exploration (November '24)
Carolyn Caizzi, Harvard University
Amy Deschenes, Harvard University
Stu Snydman, Harvard University
Research Libraries as Hubs for Citizen Science (November '24)
Darlene Cavalier, Arizona State University and
Anne Kathrine Overgaard, University of Southern Denmark
Thomas Kaarsted, University Library of Southern Denmark and Citizen Science Knowledge Center
Jill Reilly, National Archives and Records Administration
Supporting Computational Research (and More!) Through Licensing: An A-Z Licensing Guidebook for Libraries (November '24)
Katherine Klosek, Association of Research Libraries (moderator)
Rachael Samberg, University of California, Berkeley
Katie Zimmerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Three Levels of Academic Open Source Support Structures (November '24)
Bill Branan, Johns Hopkins University
Amber Budden, University of California, Santa Barbara
Vessela Ensberg, University of California, Davis
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
David Lippert, George Washington University
A Tool for Assessing the Preservability of Complex Digital Publications (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Jonathan Greenberg, New York University
University-Based Publishing Futures (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Peter Berkery, Association of University Presses
Marisa Parham, University of Maryland, College Park
James Shulman, American Council of Learned Societies
Update from Funders: Priorities and Trends (November '24)
Katherine Klosek, Association of Research Libraries (moderator)
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Sharon Burney, Council on Library and Information Resources
Julie Fisher, National Archives and Records Administration
Robert Hanisch, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Ashley Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Plato Smith, National Science Foundation
An Update from Project Lend: Unlocking the Potential for Digital Books in Higher Education (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Rice Majors, University of California, Davis
A Vision for an Artificial Intelligence-Savvy Library Community (Lightning Round) (November '24)
Vessela Ensberg, University of California, Davis
3D Digital Herbarium & 3D Exhibits4Learning (March '24)
Cyril Oberlander, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
AJ Bealum, California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt
Scott Walter, San Diego State University
James Frazee, San Diego State University
EJ Sobo, San Diego State University
Abir Mohamed, San Diego State University
Christy Long, University of Oregon
Elisabeth Long, Johns Hopkins University
Catherine Steeves, Western University
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Moderator: Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Catalyzing African Community Archives for Social Good (Lightning Round) (March '24)
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cloud Labs and Self-Driving Laboratories Update and Futures (March '24)
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Cliff Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Combining Micropublications into a Sustainable Back End and an Integrated Reading Environment (March '24)
Gregory Crane, Tufts University
In Conversation with Daniel Reed (March '24)
Daniel Reed, University of Utah and National Science Board
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Americas: DPC’s New US-based Program (Lightning Round) (March '24)
Jon Dunn, Indiana University
Stephanie Labou, Data Science Librarian, University of California, San Diego
Handling Academic Copyright and Artificial Intelligence Research Questions as the Law Develops (March '24)
Jonathan Band, Counsel to the Library Copyright Alliance
Timothy Vollmer, University of California, Berkeley
Information Infrastructure to Address Societal Grand Challenges (March '24)
Donald Waters, Coalition for Networked Information
Let A Thousand Flowers Bloom: An Organic Funding Model To Incubate Library Transformation (Lightning Round) (March '24)
Zhiwu Xie, University of California Riverside
Linked Data in Production: Moving Beyond Ontologies (March '24)
David Newbury, Getty
Making Research Data Publicly Accessible: Estimates of Institutional & Researcher Expenses (March '24)
Shawna Taylor, Association of Research Libraries
Jennifer Moore, Washington University in St. Louis
Jake Carlson, University of Buffalo
Alicia Hofelich Mohr, University of Minnesota
Models of Support for Data Science: The Perspective of Two Libraries (March '24)
David Minor, Director, University of California, San Diego
Jan Brase, Göttingen State and University Library
Bela Gipp, University of Göttingen
National Research Platform: Open Cyberinfrastructure for Research (March '24)
Mahidhar Tatineni, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Peter Brantley, University of California, Davis
Beth LaPensee, ITHAKA
Kevin Guthrie, ITHAKA
Emily Singley, Elsevier
Leo Lo, University of New Mexico
Elias Tzoc, Clemson University
A New Approach to Data-Intensive Research Support: Computational Methods and Data at Yale University Library (March '24)
Rebecca Dikow, Yale University
Opening Collections of Marginalized Voices through Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing (March '24)
Michael Levine-Clark, University of Denver
Rhonda Manzanares, Colorado State University – Pueblo
Jasmine Wilson, Reveal Digital
Reimagine Descriptive Infrastructure: Dreaming and Enacting Change (March '24)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC
Camille Callison, University of the Fraser Valley & NIKLA
Stacy Allison-Cassin, Dalhousie University & NIKLA
Scaling Instrument Science in the FAIR Age (March '24)
Vas Vasiliadis, University of Chicago
Alison Hitchens, University of Waterloo
Caroline Hyslop, University of Ottawa
The T in GPT: Transformers for Cultural Heritage Work (March '24)
Peter Leonard, Stanford University
Yinlin Chin, Virginia Tech University
Unveiling Whale Wisdom: Digitizing the Patagonian Right Whale Dataset (March '24)
Harish Maringanti, University of Utah
Blue Core: A Community-Operated, Shared BIBFRAME Data Store (November '23)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Bringing Digitized Special Collections into the Research Workflow through JSTOR: Outcomes of a Three-year Pilot (November '23)
Bruce Heterick, ITHAKA
Kevin Guthrie, ITHAKA
Christina Drummond, University of North Texas
The Data Core at Weill Cornell Medicine: A Secure Computational Enclave for Sensitive Data Analysis (November '23)
Sarah Ben Maamar, Weill Cornell Medicine
Duke University’s Research Support Initiative: Assessment, Recommendations, and Implementation (November '23)
Timothy McGeary, Duke University
Rebecca Brouwer, Duke University
John Board, Duke University
Ecosystem for Next Generation Infrastructure (ENGIN) (Lightning Round) (November '23)
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
The Ecosystem for Research Networking (ERN): Exploring Democratized Access to Research Instruments (November '23)
Maureen Dougherty, Ecosystem for Research Networking
Barr von Oehsen, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
Forough Ghahramani, Edge
The Federal Year of Open Science (November '23)
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Maryam Zaringhalam, White House Office of Science & Technology Policy
Ashley Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Research Integrity (November '23)
Chris Bourg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Heather Sardis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Erin Stalberg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
GPT Tools That Provide Source Information (November '23)
Gary Price, infoDOCKET & ARL Day in Review
To Increase or Decrease Capacity: The What, How, and Why of 21st Century Library Skill Development (November '23)
Tony Zanders, Skilltype
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Karim Boughida, Stony Brook University
Erik Mitchell, University of California, San Diego
Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining – Cross-Border (“LLTDM-X”) (November '23)
Thomas Padilla, Internet Archive
Rachael Samberg, University of California, Berkeley
LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche / Association of European Research Libraries) (Lightning Round) (November '23)
Julien Roche, LIBER
Models for Sustainable and Inclusive Data Science Consulting and Collaboration in Higher Education (November '23)
Mara Blake, North Carolina State University
Emily Griffith, North Carolina State University
Multi-Custodial Approaches to Digital Preservation of Scholarship (November '23)
Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN International Centre
Thomas Padilla, Internet Archive
Navigating the Artificial Intelligence-Driven Academic Frontier: Tools and Initiatives (November '23)
Elias Tzoc, Clemson University
Joelen Pastva, Carnegie Mellon University
Benjamin Shaw, University of Maryland
Leo Lo, The University of New Mexico
The National Science Foundation Public Access Initiative, Projects Funded, and Catalytic Aims of the Program (November '23)
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Michigan State University
David Elbert, Johns Hopkins University
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
Bill Branan, Johns Hopkins University
Open Book Collective: Collective Paths Toward an Open and Sustainable Ecosystem for Monographs (November '23)
Lidia Uziel, University of California, Santa Barbara
Livy Snyder, Open Book Collective
Partnerships in Research and Data Services: High Performance Computing, Collocation, and Facilitation (November '23)
Lauren Geiger, Mississippi State University
Micheal Navicky, Mississippi State University
Jason Clark, Montana State University
Doralyn Rossmann, Montana State University
A Radical New Approach to Data Citation: Cook the Carrots, Burn the Sticks (November '23)
Jamie Wittenberg, University of Colorado Boulder
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
Kristi Holmes, Northwestern University
Research Data Alliance US (RDA-US) Pilots the Targeted International working GRoups: US (TIGRUS) Program (November '23)
Beth Plale, Indiana University
The Research Data Support Landscape: Findings from a National Inventory of University Services (Lighting Round) (November '23)
Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R
Researcher and Institutional Impact of Data Management and Sharing Policies (November '23)
Jake Carlson, University at Buffalo
Jonathan Petters, Virginia Tech
Joel Herndon, Duke University
The Stacks Platform: A System for Onsite Access to Rights Restricted Digital Content at the Library of Congress (Lightning Round) (November '23)
Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Update from Funders: Priorities and Trends (November '23)
Katherine Klosek, Association of Research Libraries
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Ashley Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
University of California, San Diego Library and Göttingen State and University Library: Update on a Long Term Collaboration (November '23)
David Minor, University of California, San Diego
Jan Brase, Göttingen State and University Library
Unexpected Opportunities Illuminated by Yale’s LUX Project (Lightning Round) (November '23)
Robert Sanderson, Yale University
James Shulman, The American Council of Learned Societies
Carol Mandel, CLIR
Gabriela Baeza Ventura, University of Houston
Kenton Rambsy, Howard University
Artificial Intelligence-Human Collaboration: How Advanced Technologies are Shaping the Future of Publishing (March '23)
Emily Singley, Elsevier
Corey Harper, Elsevier
Judson Dunham, Elsevier
Emily McElroy, University of Florida
Becoming Part of the National Cyberinfrastructure Community (March '23)
Shelley Knuth, University of Colorado Boulder
ChatGPT: The Future of Higher Ed and Libraries, Brought to You by Artificial Intelligence (March '23)
Karim Boughida, Stony Brook University
Borui Zhang, University of Florida
Peter Organisciak, University of Denver
Susan D’Agostino, Inside Higher Ed
Creating a Researcher Alliance at Montana State University (Lightning Round) (March '23)
Doralyn Rossmann, Dean of the Library, Montana State University
Deploying InvenioRDM as an Institutional Repository Platform for Data, Software, and Publications (March '23)
Tom Morrell, California Institute of Technology
Developing a Data-Driven Approach to Organizational Development (March '23)
Christine Quirion, Skilltype
Jackie Lorrainne, Washington University in St. Louis
Sharla Lair, LYRASIS
Direct to Open: Making Frontlist Monographs Open at the MIT Press (Lightning Round) (March '23)
Nick Lindsay, MIT Press
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Early Lessons Learned from University Open Source Programs Offices (March '23)
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Bill Branan, Johns Hopkins University
Stephanie Lieggi, University of California Santa Cruz
Kendall Fortney, University of Vermont
Matthew Mayernik, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Jennifer Phillips, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Greg Madden, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Embedding Preservability for New Forms of Scholarship (Lightning Round) (March '23)
David Millman, New York University
Empowering 360° Theater Utilization with the Visualization Studio Development Kit for Unity (March '23)
Colin Patrick Keenan, North Carolina State University
Extended Reality(XR)’s Growing Use in Higher Education (March '23)
Sean Burns, EDUCAUSE
Daniel Fergus, University of Nevada, Reno
Emily Sherwood, University of Rochester
Federal Public Access Requirements, Repositories, and the Year of Open Science (March '23)
Martin Halbert, U.S. National Science Foundation
Louis Barbier, NASA Office of the Chief
How to Provide Access . . . When Access is Changing (March '23)
Tracy Tolliver, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Information Infrastructure to Address Societal Grand Challenges (Lightning Round) (March '23)
Donald Waters, Coalition for Networked Information
Leveraging the National Research Platform to Build a Scalable Research and Education Environment (March '23)
Mark Laufersweiler, University of Oklahoma
Tyler Pearson, University of Oklahoma
Kyle Rimkus, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Making AI Generative for Higher Education (Lightning Round) (March '23)
Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R
Navigating the New Normal: Findings from the Latest Ithaka S+R Library Director Survey (March '23)
Ioana Hulbert, Ithaka S+R
Palace Project for Academics Program Update: Partnerships Working to Demystify Complexity (March '23)
James English, LYRASIS
Peter Brantley, University of California, Davis
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Emma Molls, University of Minnesota
James Shulman, American Council of Learned Societies
Rebecca Seger, ITHAKA
Erik Mitchell, University of California San Diego
Scott Walter, San Diego State University
Misty Jones, San Diego Public Library
Social Learning Across Content Case Study: Hypothesis & JSTOR (March '23)
Alex Humphreys, ITHAKA/JSTOR
Jeremy Dean, Hypothesis
Leysia Palen, University of Colorado Boulder
What Will it Take to Coordinate Campus Data Services? (March '23)
Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R
Laura Hibbler, Brandeis University
Renea Barger, University of Pittsburgh
Scott Walter, San Diego State University
Jennifer Green, University of Chicago
Workshop Report Out: National Infrastructure for Public Access Usage and Impact Reporting (March '23)
Christina Drummond, University of North Texas
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Niels Stern, OAPEN & Directory of Open Access Books
The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Big Collection: What We’re Building (November '22)
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Collaborative Software Archiving for Institutions (CoSAI) (November '22)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Coordinating Data Services in a Decentralized Environment: Building a Successful Institutional Research Data Management (RDM) Strategy (November '22)
Alison Hitchens, University of Waterloo
Ian Milligan, University of Waterloo
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) + Coherent Digital: A New Not-for-Profit and Corporate Partnership (November '22)
Charles Henry, CLIR
Stephen Rhind-Tutt, Coherent Digital
Wayne Graham, CLIR
Carol Mandel, New York University; CLIR
Christian Dupont, Boston College
Cultural and Technical Transformations: Benefits from Yale’s Linked Data Cross-Collection Discovery Platform (November '22)
Susan Gibbons, Yale University
Robert Sanderson, Yale University
Data Loss and Recovery: Strategies for Organizational Change (November '22)
Bradley Daigle, University of Virginia
Jill Sexton, North Carolina State University
Democratizing Access to Ephemera at Princeton University Library (November '22)
Fernando Acosta-Rodriguez, Princeton University
Ellen Ambrosone, Princeton University
Kimberly Leaman, Princeton University
Designing Libraries for the 21st Century: Principles, Trends, and Innovations (November '22)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Diversifying Digital Publishing: Lessons from Brown University Library’s National Endowment for the Humanities Institute (November '22)
Allison Levy, Brown University
Facilitating Research Computing and Data Support at North Carolina State University (November '22)
Susan Ivey, North Carolina State University
Jill Sexton, North Carolina State University
Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University
Guide To Set Up University Open Source Programs Office (OSPO) (November '22)
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS) Briefing (November '22)
Alicia Salaz, University of Oregon
How the Public Access Submission System is Ideally Suited to Address the New Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memorandum (November '22)
Bill Branan, Johns Hopkins University
John Kellerman, Eclipse Foundation
Sayeed Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
The LibNFT Project: Leveraging Blockchain-Based Digital Asset Technology to Sustainably Preserve Distinctive Collections and Archives (November '22)
K. Matthew Dames, University of Notre Dame & Association of Research Libraries
Meredith Evans, Society of American Archivists
Michael Meth, San Jose State University
A New Storage Paradigm for Sustainable Digital Stewardship (November '22)
Andrew Woods, Harvard University
Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) v1.1: A Storage Foundation for Digital Preservation Systems (November '22)
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Palace Project Update — Accelerating Adoption of the Open Ebook Ecosystem for Public and Academic Libraries (November '22)
James English, LYRASIS
POD: Building Library Data Lakes to Reduce Friction and Enable Innovation (November '22)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Nora Dimmock, Brown University
Elisabeth Long, University of Chicago
Joe Zucca, University of Pennsylvania
The Preservation to Access Pipeline for the EMI Music Canada Audiovisual Collection (November '22)
Kathryn Ruddock, University of Calgary
Annie Murray, University of Calgary
Reactive and Proactive Archiving of Crisis (November '22)
Sawood Alam, Internet Archive
Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford University
Repository Migration Stories: A Shared Knowledge Approach to Lowering Barriers (November '22)
Kate Dohe, University of Maryland
Seth Shaw, Arizona State University
Julia Corrin, Carnegie Mellon University
Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
The Robotics Project: Insights on Collecting Complex Multimodal Materials in a Research Ecosystem (November '22)
Brian Mathews, Carnegie Mellon University
Katherine Barbera, Carnegie Mellon University
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Supporting Computational Research on Large Digital Collections (November '22)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Nick Ruest, York University
Abigail Potter, Library of Congress
Meghan Ferriter, Library of Congress
Towards an Artificial Intelligence-Aware Academic Library (November '22)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Salwa Ismail, University of California, Berkeley
Peter Brantley, University of California, Davis
U.S. Government Publishing Office’s ISO 16363 Certified Repository Pursues CoreTrustSeal (November '22)
Jessica Tieman, U.S. Government Publishing Office
U.S. Repository Network: Moving from Vision to Action (November '22)
Tina Baich, SPARC
Understanding and Evaluating Business Models for Digital Infrastructure Services (November '22)
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Karen Estlund, Colorado State University
Unpacking the Structures of Radical Interdependence: The Experience of the Data Curation Network (November '22)
Jake Carlson, University of Michigan
Wind Cowles, Princeton University
Lisa Johnston, University of Wisconsin
Mikala Narlock, University of Minnesota
Update from Funders: Priorities and Trends (November '22)
Katherine Klosek, Association of Research Libraries (moderator)
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Patricia Hswe, Mellon Foundation
Terri Taylor, Lumina Foundation
Robert Hanisch, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Darrell Meadows, National Archives and Records Administration, National Historical Publications and Records Commission
Aligning Data Support Services to Researchers’ Needs (March '22)
Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
Marisa Parham, University of Maryland, College Park
AMPlifying AV: Next Steps for the Audiovisual Metadata Platform (March '22)
Jon Dunn, Indiana University Bloomington
Shawn Averkamp, AVP
Breaking Out of the Box by Harnessing RIMS Analytics to Serve Researchers (March '22)
Joan Kolarik, The Weizmann Institute of Science
Cloud Labs: A Conversation about Implications for Libraries and Research Data Management (Invited Session) (March '22)
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Coalescing Usage Data: Research, Data-Driven Decisions and User Privacy (March '22)
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
COGR, FDP, and ARL: Putting Numbers Behind Institutional Expenses for Public Access to Research Data (March '22)
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Association of Research Libraries
Shawna Taylor, Association of Research Libraries
Wendy Kozlowski, Cornell University
Jim Luther, Yale University
Christi Keene, University of Chicago
Melissa Korf, Harvard University
Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (March '22)
Boaz Nadav Manes, Lehigh University
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Sebastian Hammer, Index Data
Collections as Data: Part to Whole — Lessons Learned and Next Steps (March '22)
Thomas Padilla, Center for Research Libraries
Yasmeen Shorish, James Madison University
Digital Archiving for a Volatile Planet: An Update on the Modern Endangered Archives Program (March '22)
Rachel Deblinger, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Gloria Chacon, University of California, San Diego
Shan Sutton, University of Arizona
Megan Senseney, University of Arizona
Veronica Reyes-Escudero, University of Arizona
Alana Varner, University of Arizona
Experimenting with JSTOR as Open Infrastructure for Primary Source Collections (March '22)
Bruce Heterick, ITHAKA
Clifford Anderson, Vanderbilt University
FAIR for US: Briefing on Community Input and Workshop Findings (March '22)
Melissa Cragin, University of California, San Diego
Frame + Canvas: Scaffolding Digital Collections Use in the Curriculum (March '22)
Christopher Gilman, University of California, Los Angeles
Elizabeth McAulay, University of California, Los Angeles
Gnarly Privacy Questions and Who Will Answer Them (March '22)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Harnessing the Knowledge of the COVID-19 Literature: From Scientific Text to Answers (March '22)
Georgios Tsatsaronis, Elsevier
Zubair Afzal, Elsevier
Efthymios Tsakonas, Elsevier
Jisc: Insights from New CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss (Invited Session) (March '22)
Heidi Fraser-Krauss, Jisc
LEADING: Data Science Innovation Across Our National Digital Infrastructure (Invited Session) (March '22)
Amanda Whitmire, Stanford University
Chris Wiley, University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign
Chenyue Jiao, University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign
Ateanna Uriri, University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley
Chris Rauch, Drexel University
Jake Williams, Drexel University
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Rachel Frick, OCLC
Erik Mitchell, University of California, San Diego
Jane Greenberg, Drexel University
Machine Learning, Text Summarization, and Optimizing Scholarship for Citizen Audiences and Discovery (March '22)
Jason A. Clark, Montana State University
Leila Sterman, Montana State University
Daniel Laden, Montana State University
Managing Storage: The New Reality (March '22)
Helen Hockx-Yu, University of Notre Dame
Open Educational Resource Program Development: A View from Two Institutions (March '22)
Dani Cook, University of California, San Diego
Regina Gong, Michigan State University
Allegra Swift, University of California, San Diego
Lisa Martin, University of California, San Diego
Open Organization Identifiers: A Key Piece of Open Access Infrastructure (March '22)
Maria Gould, California Digital Library
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
Preserving New Forms of Scholarship (March '22)
Jonathan Greenberg, New York University
Karen Hanson, Portico
Radical Partnerships: Expanding Academic Collaboration in Data and Computational Sciences (March '22)
Joel Herndon, Duke University
Stephanie Labou, University of California, San Diego
Tim Dennis, University of California, Los Angeles
Harrison Dekker, University of Rhode Island
Save the Time of the User: Current Industry Initiatives and Future Possibilities for Libraries (March '22)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sarah Shreeves, University of Arizona
SNAC Cooperative: Community and Technology Update (March '22)
Daniel Pitti, University of Virginia
Joseph Glass, University of Virginia
Towards an Open Global Cyberinfrastructure Enabling Digital Research (Invited Session) (March '22)
Frank Wuerthwein, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Accessibility Does Not Imply Usability for Students with Visual Disabilities (December '21)
Vikas Ashok, Old Dominion University
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
Watch the Video
Addressing the 7% Problem: The FRAME Project and the ARL-CARL Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Project (December '21)
Victoria Owen, University of Toronto
Bill Kasdorf, Kasdorf & Associations, LLC
Stephen Downie, University of Illinois
Pascal Calarco, University of Windsor
John Unswoth, University of Virginia
Katherine Klosek, Association of Research Libraries
Watch the Video
Along Came Google (December '21)
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Deanna Marcum, Ithaka S+R
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The Art of Attributions (December '21)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
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Assessing the Preservation Systems Landscape (December '21)
Oya Y. Rieger, Itaka S+R
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
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Athena: A Collaborative Research Tool for the Naval Education Enterprise (December '21)
Edward Corrado, Naval Post Graduate School
Todd Lyons, Naval Post Graduate School
Tom Rosko, Naval Post Graduate School
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Automated Rights Determination to Unlock Public Domain Treasures in Library Collections (December '21)
Stephen Abrams, Harvard University
Suzanne Wones, Harvard University
Kyle Courtney, Harvard University
Mingtao Zhao, Harvard University
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Bringing Linked Data into Libraries via Wikidata (December '21)
Mary Aycock, Texas State University
Nicole Critchley, Texas State University
Amanda Scott, Texas State University
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Building a Path Forward to Sustainable Digital Preservation: The Genesis of Digital Preservation Leadership Across the UC System (December '21)
Sibyl Schaefer, University of California, San Diego
Edson Smith, University of California, Los Angeles
Hannah Tashjian, University of California, Berkeley
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Building Expertise and Defining Values: The Data Privacy and Retention Task Force at Duke University Libraries (December '21)
Angela Zoss, Duke University
Timothy McGeary, Duke University
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A Call to Action: The Imperative for Libraries and Publishers to Better Share/Understand the APC Waiver Process (December '21)
Sara Rouhi, Public Library of Science
Romy Beard, Electronic Information for Libraries
Curtis Brundy, Iowa State University
Audrey Smith, University of Florida
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Challenges and Opportunities in Open Source Software: A Review of the LYRASIS 2021 Research Survey Report (December '21)
Hannah Rosen, LYRASIS
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CLIR Fellows Panel (Invited Session) (December '21)
Francena Turner, Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
Petrouchka Moise, Grinnell College
Laura Wilson, Fisk University
Kevin Winstead, Pennsylvania State University
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Collaboratively Building the Future for Controlled Digital Lending (December '21)
Nathan Mealey, Wesleyan University
Michael Rodriguez, University of Connecticut
Charlie Barlow, Boston Library Consortium
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Collaboratively Enhancing Capacity for Research Data: Updates from the Data Curation Network (December '21)
Wendy Kozlowsi, Cornell University
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota
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Connecticut Digital Archive in Context: Addressing Systemic Bias in Cultural Heritage Repository Programs (December '21)
Gregory Colati, University of Connecticut
Michael Kemezis, University of Connecticut
Heather Owen, Syracuse University
Rachael Nutt, Syracuse University
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COVID-19 and The Future of Scholarly Meetings (December '21)
Dylan Ruediger, Ithaka S+R
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
Laura Brown, Ithaka S+R
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Creating a Single Point of Entry Tool for Data Needs Assessment and Support (December '21)
Briana Wham, The Pennsylvania State University
Matthew Harp, Arizona State University
Douglas Dodson, The Pennsylvania State University
Philip Tarrant, Arizona State University
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Developing a Research Data Management Service in a Regional Comprehensive University: Needs Assessment (December '21)
Ping Fu, Central Washington University
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Developing Institutional Strategies and Policies for Research Data (December '21)
Jenny Muilenburg, University of Washington
Donna Bourne-Tyson, Dalhousie University
Abigail Goben, University of Illinois Chicago
Jim Wilgenbusch, University of Minnesota
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Digital Preservation & Access: Exposing Workflows and Governance (December '21)
Daniel Noonan, The Ohio State University
Sue Beck, The Ohio State University
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DRAS-TIC Linked Data Platforms for Digital Asset Management (December '21)
Gregory Jansen, University of Maryland
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Endangered But Not Too Late: The State of Digital News Preservation (December '21)
Edward McCain, University of Missouri
Neil Mara, Reynolds Journalism Institute
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Expanding Our Horizons: A Library’s Take on Researcher Profiles (December '21)
Vessela Ensberg, University of California, Davis
Quinn Hart, University of California, Davis
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Exploring Values-Driven Models for Innovation in Scholarly Communication (December '21)
Sarah Lippincott, Next Generation Library Publishing
Kate Herman, Next Generation Library Publishing
Dave Pcolar, Next Generation Library Publishing
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
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Federal Agency and Non-profit Public Access to Research Update (December '21)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Association of Research Libraries
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Kathryn Funk, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health
Bob Hanisch, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Carly Robinson, Department of Energy – Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Jason Gerson, PCORI Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Josh Greenberg, Program Director, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
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Flipping the Strategy: FOLIO Implementation at Five Research Libraries (December '21)
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Tim McGeary, Duke University
Jamie Wittenberg, University of Colorado Boulder
Shawn Nicholson, Michigan State University
Elisabeth Long, University of Chicago
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From Monolith to a Modern System, and the First-Ever Florida Digital Newspaper Library Portal (December '21)
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Judith Russell, University of Florida
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
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From Start-Up to Scale-Up: Building a Student-Centric Technology Ecosystem (December '21)
Andrew Rechnitz, Texas State University
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“Fund to Mission” Open Access Monograph Model at the University of Michigan: Progress Report (December '21)
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Kristen Twardowski, University of Michigan
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The Future of the Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program (December '21)
Tori Culler, North Carolina State University
Kevin Beswick, North Carolina State University
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Identifying Global Expertise in the Modern Library Economy (December '21)
Tony Zanders, Skilltype, Inc.
Johnny Boursiquot, Skilltype, Inc.
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The Impact of Federated Authentication on User Experience, Privacy, and Learning Analytics (December '21)
Hong Ma, Loyola University Chicago
Margaret Heller, Loyola University Chicago
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Implementation and Assessment of an End-to-end Open Science and Data Collaborations Program (December '21)
Huajin Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
Melanie Gainey, Carnegie Mellon University
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Implementing Artificial Intelligence Technology at a Major Library (December '21)
Rizwan Ali, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Internet Archive Scholar: Supporting Perpetual Access to Open Scholarship through Infrastructure and Collaborations (December '21)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
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Is it Time to Give the Digital Public Library of America our Digital Objects? (December '21)
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Michael Della Bitta, Digital Public Library of America
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LEADING to Data Science in Libraries (December '21)
Jane Greenberg, Drexel University
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Erik Mitchell, University of California, San Diego
Lencia Beltran, Emporia State University
HyunSeung Koh, University of Northern Iowa Library
Emily Ping O’Brien, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Jennifer Proctor, University of Maryland School
Jonathan Young, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Jay Winkler, University of Michigan
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Leveraging Interinstitutional Infrastructure to Establish an OER Publishing Imprint (December '21)
John Morgenstern, Clemson University
Yang Wu, Clemson University
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Leveraging the Power of Wikimedia to Increase Discovery and Use of Archival Collections (December '21)
Michael Della Bitta, Digital Public Library of America
Leigh Jeremias, Colorado State Library
Giovanna Fontenelle, Wikimedia Foundation
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Licensing Privacy: Contractual Language and the Challenge of Monitoring Compliance (December '21)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois, Urbana
Sarah Shreeves, University of Arizona
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
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Link It, Find It, Count It: LYRASIS and Research Infrastructure Communities (December '21)
Sheila Rabun, LYRASIS
Hannah Rosen, LYRASIS
Paolo Gujilde, LYRASIS
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Machine Learning for Geographic Information Systems: Striving for Scalable Processing of Scanned Map Images (December '21)
Michael Shensky, University of Texas at Austin
Aaron Choate, University of Texas at Austin
Danna Gurari, University of Colorado Boulder
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The Mailbag Project and Building Digital Preservation Tools Around Filesystems (December '21)
Gregory Wiedeman, University at Albany, SUNY
Mark Wolfe, University at Albany, SUNY
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Moving Email Archives from Theory to Practice (December '21)
Ruby Martinez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Stephen Abrams, Harvard University
Matt Teichman, University of Chicago
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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New NISO Projects to Support Trust and Transparency in the Research Ecosystem (December '21)
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization
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Obstacles and Opportunities in Research Information Management in the United States (December '21)
Rebecca Bryant, OCLC
Jan Fransen, University of Minnesota
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Octopus: The New Primary Research Record for Science (December '21)
Alexandra Freeman, Octopus Publishing CIC
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Open Access eBook Data Trust (December '21)
Christina Drummond, Educopia Institute
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PACE: Putting the Library in the Loop of Gauging Scholarly Impact (December '21)
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
John Wang, University of Notre Dame
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Preserving Digital Architecture: A Progress Report on the Building for Tomorrow Project (December '21)
Ann Whiteside, Harvard University
Stephen Abrams, Harvard University
Sara Rogers, Harvard University
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Promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at US Universities: Overcoming Challenges of Academic Culture (December '21)
Arthur Ellis, Elsevier
Amanda Ellis, Arizona State University
Robin Kear, University of Pittsburgh
Debra Rowe, U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
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Progress Towards Opening the Monograph: The MIT Press Direct to Open (December '21)
Emily Farrell, The MIT Press
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Realizing the Potential of Collaborations and Partnerships: Lessons from Dryad (December '21)
Jennifer Gibson, Dryad
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
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Re-Investing in the Institutional Repository: Redesigning Infrastructure, Re-Architecting the Platform, and Reviewing Policies (December '21)
Dan Coughlin, Penn State University
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Association of Research Libraries
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Repository Migration Pilot Debrief (December '21)
Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
Amy Blau, Whitman College
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
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Research Data Publishing Ethics: New Cross-Institutional Resources (December '21)
Daniella Lowenberg, University of California
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SCOSS Consultation and Open Science Strategy (December '21)
Susan Haigh, Canadian Association of Research Libraries
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Alwaleed K. Alkhaja, Qatar National Library
Martin Borchert, University of New South Wales
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Supporting University Resilience During the Pandemic through VIVO, the Open Source Research Information Management System (December '21)
Bruce Herbert, Texas A&M University
Damaris Murry, Duke University
Robert Miller, LYRASIS
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Taking a Page from the Scholarly Communication Notebook to Transform Library and Information Services Education (December '21)
Will Cross, North Carolina State University
Maria Bonn, University of Illinois
Josh Bolick, University of Kansas
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Towards Aiding Research by Improving Access to Electronic Theses and Dissertations from Multiple Domains (December '21)
Jian Wu, Old Dominion University
Edward Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Understanding Learning Analytics: A Multi-Institute Undergraduate Focus Group Study of Learning Analytic Scenarios (December '21)
Michael Perry, Northwestern University
Kyle Jones, Indiana University-Indianapolis
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Understanding Research Cores: An Overview of a Critical Component of Research Infrastructure (December '21)
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
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The United Rainbow Colors of Bots (December '21)
Tal Ayalon, World Bank Group
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University-based Open Sources Programs Offices (December '21)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
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The University of California, San Francisco-John Hopkins University Opioid Industry Documents Archive (December '21)
Kate Tasker, University of California, San Franciscoi
Anne Seymour, Johns Hopkins University
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University of Miami’s Esploro Journey: Leveraging Human Eco-systems & Intelligence to Train AI Models (December '21)
Elizabeth Gushee, University of Miami
Kineret Ben-Knaan, University of Miami
Angela Clark-Hughes, University of Miami
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The Use of Machine Learning Techniques for Performing Topic Modeling and Topic Identification on Bibliographic Datasets (December '21)
William Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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Using Data from NIH’s iCite to Dynamically Provide Bibliometric-Based Decision Support (December '21)
Paul Albert, Weill Cornell Medical College
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Using Machine Learning to Extract WWII Japanese American Incarceree Data (December '21)
Marissa Friedman, University of California, Berkeley
Mary Elings, University of California, Berkeley
Vijay Singh, Doxie.AI
Tracey Tan, Doxie.AI
Cameron Ford, Doxie.AI
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The Virtual Copyright Education Center: Update and Discussion (December '21)
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Rina Elster Pantalony, Columbia University
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What Works: High-Tech Work in Physical and Virtual Spaces (December '21)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Dale Askey, University of Alberta
Salwa Ismail, University of California, Berkeley
Parke Rhoads, Vantage Technology Consulting Group
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Who is Using What, Where? An Analysis of Institutional Stakeholder Usage of Library Services & Collections During the COVID-19 Pandemic (December '21)
Russell Michalak, Goldey-Beacom College
Monica Rysavy, Forte Labs
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Adding a Library Profile to Caliper: Bringing the Library into the Campus Learning Analytics Conversation (March '21)
Ken Varnum, University of Michigan
Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University
Shane Nackerud, University of Minnesota
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*Aligning Past and Present: The Migration of the Voices of the Holocaust Project (March '21)
Adam Strohm, Illinois Institute of Technology
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*All Aboard: Bringing the Community Forward to Fedora 6.0 (March '21)
David Wilcox, LYRASIS
Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
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*Bibliometric and Research Impact Services at the University of Waterloo (March '21)
Laura Bredahl, University of Waterloo
Alison Hitchens, University of Waterloo
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*Bibliometric and Research Impact Services at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (March '21)
William Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Elisandro Cabada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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*The BIG Collection: Building a Knowledge Commons for the Big Ten (March '21)
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
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Bringing Social Learning to All Educational Texts: Creating a Coalition (March '21)
Heather Staines, Independent
Dan Whaley, Hypothesis
Remi Kalir, University of Colorado Denver
Hugh McGuire, Rebus Foundation
Mark Graham, Internet Archive
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*Centering The Human Expert: Experiments in Computer Vision Infrastructure for Digital Collection Management (March '21)
Matthew Lincoln, Carnegie Mellon University
Julia Corrin, Carnegie Mellon University
Emily Davis, Carnegie Mellon University
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*A Collaborative Approach to Preserving At-Risk Open Access Journals (March '21)
Dominic Mitchell, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
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*Connecting Your Researchers to ORCID: A New Affiliation Manager Tool for Institutions from ORCID (March '21)
Brian Minihan, ORCID
Shawna Sadler, ORCID
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Controlled Digital Lending for Libraries and Consortia (March '21)
Chris Freeland, Internet Archive
Jennie Rose Halperin, Library Futures
Jill Hurst-Wahl, Syracuse University
Charlie Barlow, Boston Library Consortium
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*Crossroads of Tech, Research & Learning: Models for IT & Library Collaborations (March '21)
H. Austin Booth, New York University
Aisha Jackson, University of Colorado at Boulder
Robert H. McDonald, University of Colorado at Boulder
Megan Hurst, Athenaeum21 Consulting
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*Data Analytics and Visualization Services in Libraries (March '21)
Xuying Xin, Pennsylvania State University
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*Email Archives: Building Capacity and Community (March '21)
Ruby Martinez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Matthew Connelly, Columbia University
Gregory Wiedeman, University at Albany, SUNY
Michelle Gallinger, Council of State Archivists
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The Feasibility of Moving to Federated Authentication-Only: An Elsevier-Library Partnership (March '21)
Kelechi Okere, Elsevier
Emily McElroy, University of Nebraska Medical Center
Russell Palmer, University System of Georgia/GALILEO
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*Feeding Hungry Researchers: A Library Ecosystem for Social Media Data (March '21)
Laura Wrubel, George Washington University
Daniel Kerchner, George Washington University
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*Gender Identity Data at Scale: Considerations for Gleaning Actionable Insight (March '21)
Gwen Evans, Elsevier
Holly Falk-Krzesinski, Elsevier
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Grants Are Temporary but Data Stewardship Is Not: Sustainability of the Data Curation Network (March '21)
Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota
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*Half the World: Offline Internet International Consortium (March '21)
James O’Donnell, Arizona State Universtiy
Ann Okerson, Offline Internet Consortium (OLI) Steering Committee
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*How to Choose a Repository: Using Multi-Criteria Analysis to Guide a Difficult Decision (March '21)
Heather Heckman, University of South Carolina
Kate Boyd, University of South Carolina
Amie Freeman, University of South Carolina
Mēgan Oliver, University of South Carolina
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*Implementing Controlled Digital Lending as a Core Library Service (March '21)
Stephen Davison, California Institute of Technology
Michael Hucka, California Institute of Technology
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*Improving Stewardship: Opportunities and Tensions (March '21)
Kari May, University of Pittsburgh
Clinton Graham, University of Pittsburgh
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*Libraries Advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: How Libraries Can Maximize Impact (March '21)
Christopher Cyr, OCLC Research
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*Local Partnership for the Greater Good: Library Publishing at University of Minnesota (March '21)
Emma Molls, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Shane Nackerud, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
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*Looking at the Future of Academic Research Budgets with an Emphasis on Research Support and Enablement (March '21)
Jane Radecki, Ithaka S+R
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
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*Mainstreaming the Publish, Review, Curate Model (March '21)
Catherine Ahearn, Knowledge Futures Group
Zach Verdin, Knowledge Futures Group
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*Navigating Risk in Post-Custodial Digitization (March '21)
Lindsey Memory, Brigham Young University
Ryan Lee, Brigham Young University
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*The New Enlightenment and the Fight to Free Knowledge (March '21)
Peter Kaufman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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*Notify: The Repository and Services Interoperability Project (March '21)
Kathleen Shearer, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Paul Walk, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories)
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Christina Drummond, Educopia Institute/OA eBook Usage Data Trust
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Project Komodo: Catalyzing Browser-Based Virtual Reality Teaching and Learning in the Library (March '21)
Elisandro Cabada, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
William Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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*Project Update for Celebrating Cuba! Collaborative Collections of Cuban Patrimony (March '21)
Judith Russell, University of Florida
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
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*Shared Power and the Making of the Penn and Slavery Project Augmented Reality Tour (March '21)
Katie Rawson, University of Pennsylvania
Meaghan Moody, University of Rochester
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*Sliced Bread: Putting the Federated Identity Pieces Together (March '21)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
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*Snapshots of Efforts Toward Institutionalizing Digital Scholarship within a Library Organization (March '21)
Meris Longmeier, The Ohio State University
Leigh Bonds, The Ohio State University
Daniel Noonan, The Ohio State University
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*Supporting Multidisciplinary International Research through Collaborative Development (March '21)
Rachel Di Cresce, University of Toronto
Jessica Lockhart, University of Toronto
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Sustaining Open Infrastructure: Samvera’s Journey Toward a New Model for Fiscal Sponsorship (March '21)
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Heather Greer Klein, Samvera
*Taking Control Using Academic SimplyE: Our Journey to an Open Reading Landscape (March '21)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
James English, LYRASIS
Nancy Lin, New York University
Christine Peterson, Amigos Library Services
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*Toward Automating Collection of Article Data and Repository Content (March '21)
Steven Pryor, University of Missouri
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The Virtual Copyright Education Center: An Open Discussion (March '21)
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Erin Tripp, LYRASIS
Rina Pantalony, Columbia University
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*Why and How We Went Serverless, and How You Can Too (March '21)
Yinlin Chen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Bill Ingram, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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Why Collaboration in Pursuit of Equity and Mission-Alignment Are the Future of Library/Publisher Work (March '21)
Greg Eow, Center for Research Libraries
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Sara Rouhi, PLOS
Academic Libraries Join the Fight Against Climate Change (December '20)
Lisa Spiro, Rice University
Ashley Fitzpatrick, Rice University
Adapting Library GIS Services in the Age of COVID-19: Challenges, Changes, and Planning for the Future (December '20)
Michael Shensky, University of Texas at Austin
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Advancing Computational Reproducibility in the Social Sciences: Creating and Using Digital Reproduction Records as a Pedagogical Tool (December '20)
Katie Hoeberling, University of California Berkeley
Fernando Hoces de la Guardia, University of California, Berkeley
Building Data Literacy – the Northeast Student Data Corps (December '20)
Florence Hudson, Columbia University
Yousef Danisman, Queensborough College
Jennifer Oxenford, Kinber
Building Hyku for Cross-Consortia Partnerships (December '20)
Kirsten Leonard, PALNI
Jill Morris, PALCI
The Catholic News Archive (December '20)
Paul Bracke, Gonzaga University
Jean McManus, University of Notre Dame
Compassionate Computing: Leveraging Socio-Technical Practices for Technical and Cultural Change (December '20)
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Computer Lab Access Amid COVID-19 Restrictions: The Sprint to Maintain Support for Any Distance Users at UT Austin Libraries (December '20)
Fred Gilmore, University of Texas, Austin
Connecting Communities of Practice to Support Big Social Data Stewardship (December '20)
Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University
Containerizing Digital Exhibits for Scalability and Sustainment (December '20)
Larry Yang, The University of Texas at Austin
Allyssa Guzman, The University of Texas at Austin
The COVID Information Commons (December '20)
Florence Hudson, Columbia University
Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen, Columbia University
Nora Garza, Laredo College
Sarah Bowman, University of Buffalo
CreateUK: Opportunities for Digital Pedagogy, Projects, and Collaborative Infrastructure (December '20)
Jennifer Hootman, University of Kentucky
Demonstrating PresQT Services for FAIR Software and Data Preservation (December '20)
Natalie Meyers, University of Notre Dame
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Digital Lending During a Pandemic: A Dual Approach to Secure Document Delivery on a Deadline (December '20)
Anthony Helm, Brown University
Joseph Rhoads, Brown University
The Digital Library of the Caribbean’s Use of Technical and Management Practices to Enable Equity (December '20)
Laurie Taylor, University of Florida
Brian Keith, University of Florida
Jeffrey Oliver, University of Arizona
Megan Senseney, University of Arizona
Dismantling Racism in Collaborative Collections (December '20)
Shanee Murrain, Digital Public Library of America
Penelope Shumaker, State Library of Ohio
Leanne Finnigan, Temple University
Ann Hanlon, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Emulation In Action: Applying EaaSI for Research and Study (December '20)
Seth Anderson, Yale University
Ethan Gates, Yale University
Jessica Meyerson, Educopia Institute
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Enabling and Reusing Multilingual Citizen Contributions in the Archival Record (December '20)
Allyssa Guzman, University of Texas at Austin
Albert Palacios, University of Texas at Austin
An Evolution of Bibliometrics and Research Impact Services (December '20)
Laura Bredahl, University of Waterloo
Examining Campus Research Services (December '20)
Brian Lavoie, OCLC
Rebecca Bryant, OCLC
Rebecca Springer, Ithaka S+R
Jane Radecki, Ithaka S+R
Expanding the Experiential Library: Using Livestreaming to Adapt Hands-on Learning Spaces During a Global Pandemic (December '20)
Claire Cahoon, North Carolina State University
Colin Nickels, North Carolina State University
Kelly Miller, University of Miami
Kineret Ben-Knaan, University of Miami
James Sobczak, University of Miami
Angela Clark Hughes, University of Miami
Exposing Digital Preservation and Access Workflows Through SIPOC, RACI and Brainwriting (December '20)
Daniel Noonan, The Ohio State University
Sue Beck, The Ohio State University
The FAIR Signposting Profile (December '20)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Data Archive and Networked Services
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fedora Migration Paths and Tools: Pilot Project Update (December '20)
David Wilcox, LYRASIS
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Amy Blau, Whitman College
From Toll Roads to Highways: How the OA Switchboard is Building the Infrastructure for an OA-driven Scholarly Communications Landscape (December '20)
Yvonne Campfens, OASPA/OA Switchboard
Sara Rouhi, PLOS
Liz Ball, Jisc
Maurice York, Big Ten Academic Alliance
Geodisy: A New, Visual Way to Discover Canadian Research Data (December '20)
Eugene Barsky, University of British Columbia
High Fidelity: Connecting information for Better Research Reproducibility (December '20)
Peter Oxley, Cornell University
Terrie Wheeler, Cornell University
How Do We Measure Up? A Capabilities Model and Benchmarking Baseline for Research Computing and Data (December '20)
Patrick Schmitz, Semper Cogito Consulting
Claire Mizumoto, UC San Diego
IIIF Standards Beyond Images: Working with A/V, Discovery, and More (December '20)
Josh Hadro, IIIF Consortium
Implementing a Consortium Model for Sustainability and Development of Large-Scale Digital Humanities Research Projects (December '20)
Wayne Morse, Emory University
David Eltis, Emory University
Implementing a Resilient Culture of Collaboration When Facing Global Challenges (December '20)
Brad Warren, University of Cincinnati
Lori Harris, University of Cincinnati
INCIPIT: an Archival Resource Key (ARK) Allocation Service in Switzerland (December '20)
Julien Raemy, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
René Schneider, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Haute école de gestion de Genève
Incorporating Library Values in Campus Digital Experiences: Enabling Secure Access to Library Resources via OpenAthens (December '20)
Hong Ma, Loyola University Chicago
Margaret Heller, Loyola University Chicago
Infusing Technology with Pedagogy: An Academic Library’s Partnership with IT and Academic Affairs (December '20)
Katy O’Neill, Loyola University Maryland
Matthew Treskon, Loyola University Maryland
Instructional Resilience: Leveraging an OER Initiative to Support Instruction in the Era of Covid-19 (December '20)
Mike Chee, University of Waterloo
Kari Weaver, University of Waterloo
Investigating the Spatial Arrangements of Makerspaces and its Impact on Diverse Student Populations (December '20)
Maggie Melo, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2020: Library Leadership During the COVID-19 Crisis (December '20)
Jennifer Frederick, Ithaka S+R
Christine Wolff-Eisenberg, Ithaka S+R
Kamran Naim, CERN
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Sara Rouhi, PLOS
Sharla Lair, LYRASIS
Emily Farrell, The MIT Press
A Library’s Role in Times of COVID: Lessons Learned from the JHU Global COVID-19 Map (December '20)
Reina Murray, Johns Hopkins University
Mara Blake, Johns Hopkins University
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Nina Exner, Virginia Commonwealth University
Stephen Bollinger, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
The Library Technology Career Jumpstart Program: A Transformational Approach to Technical Skill-Building for LIS Students (December '20)
Tori Culler, North Carolina State University
Kevin Beswick, North Carolina State University
Managing Occupancy through Tech Solutions during COVID-19 at Clemson University (December '20)
Christopher Vinson, Clemson University
Kelsey Sheaffer, Clemson University
Mapping Digital Scholarly Communication Infrastructure – Final Report (December '20)
David Lewis, IUPUI University
Mike Roy, Middlebury College
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Mining ETDs for Trends in Graduate Research (December '20)
William Ingram, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
A Model for Centralizing Data and Bioinformation Services at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (December '20)
Jean-Paul Courneya, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Amy Yarnell, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Modernizing Scholarly Professional Development with A11Y and AI (December '20)
Tony Zanders, Skilltype
Erin Tripp, LYRASIS
Moving Forward in the Time of COVID: Managing a Large Library Website Migration while Moving Remote (December '20)
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Next Generation Machine Learning: The Evolution of the Library as Research Partner, Project Catalyst and Digital Integrator (December '20)
James Lee, University of Cincinnati
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
NISO Metadata Recommendations for the E-Book Supply Chain and Audio & Video Information Space (December '20)
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
No-nonsense, Practical Guide to Implementing Effective Data Practices (December '20)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
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NSF-DOE Interagency Collaboration to Enable Public Access to Federally-Funded Scholarly Publications (December '20)
Martin Halbert, National Science Foundation
Lance Vowell, Department of Energy
Outcomes OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series (December '20)
Astrid Verheusen, LIBER
Titia van der Werf, OCLC
Perspectives on Metadb: Analytics in the Library (December '20)
Nassib Nassar, Index Data
Preserving the Library’s Legacy When a College Closes: Marygrove College Library & Controlled Digital Lending (December '20)
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
Chris Freeland, Internet Archive
Michelle Wu, Georgetown University
Elizabeth Burns, Marygrove College
Privacy Stew and Stewardship (December '20)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Professional Development and the Development of a Profession: a Research Computing and Data Community (December '20)
Lauren Michael, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Scott Yockel, Harvard University
ReCiter: an Open Source Author Disambiguation System for Academic Medical Institutions (December '20)
Paul Albert, Cornell University
Sarbajit Dutta, Cornell University
Reconstructing the Temple of Bel, New Roles and Functions for Digital Archives (December '20)
Roger Smith, University of California San Diego
Scott McAvoy, University of California San Diego
SciENcv Biosketch & ORCID (December '20)
Shawna Sadler, ORCID
Sourcery: Remote Access to Archives During the Pandemic (December '20)
Wes Hamrick, University of Connecticut
Garrett McComas, University of Connecticut
Summarizing Web Archives through Storytelling with the Dark and Stormy Archives Project (December '20)
Shawn Jones, Los Alamos National Research Library
Sustaining International Partnerships and Building Open Access Collections during COVID-19: Two case studies from the UCLA Library (December '20)
Rachel Deblinger, University of California Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California Los Angeles
Thinking Outside the [monolith] Box: A Microservices Approach to Online GLAM Collections (December '20)
Abigail Shelton, University of Notre Dame
Robert Fox, University of Notre Dame
Towards a US Research Data Framework (December '20)
Robert Hanisch, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Transforming Scholarly Publishing at The Ohio State University (December '20)
Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University
A Tree’s Strength Is Its Trunk: IIIF as Central Operational Infrastructure (December '20)
Mark Matienzo, Stanford University
Esmé Cowles, Princeton University
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Using AWS Speech-to-text to Provide Better Access to Online Educational Materials (December '20)
Daniel Jacobs, University of Texas Austin
Using Newspapers as Data for Collaborative Pedagogy: A Multidisciplinary Interrogation of the Borderlands in University Classrooms (December '20)
Megan Senseney, University of Arizona
Mary Feeney, University of Arizona
Jeffrey Oliver, University of Arizona
Anita Huizar-Hernández, University of Arizona
Week 1: Developing and Managing Networked Information Content Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Week 2: Transforming Organizations, Professions, and Individuals Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Week 3: Building Technology, Standards, and Infrastructure Summary Session (December '20)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Academic Library Response to Covid-19: Designing and Managing Real-Time Data Collection and Dissemination (March '20)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, UIUC
Christine Wolff-Eisenberg, Ithaka S+R
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Advancements in Digital Preservation: Spectral 3-D Reconstruction of Impressionist Oil Paintings (March '20)
Yi Yang, Pennsylvania State University
Advancing the Learning Organization: Reframing IT Projects as a Catalyst for Change (March '20)
Jennifer Vinopal, The Ohio State University
Salwa Ismail, University of California, Berkeley
Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern University
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Hannah Sommers, The George Washington University
AMP Project Update: Leveraging Machine Learning and Human Expertise for AV Collections Access (March '20)
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University
Shawn Averkamp, AVP
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ARKs in the Open: 3.2 Billion Persistent Identifiers (March '20)
John Kunze, University of California
Bess Missell, Smithsonian Institution
Karen Hanson, Ithaka
Tom Creighton, FamilySearch International
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Beyond the Repository: Integrations to Support OA Policies (March '20)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Daniel Coughlin, Pennsylvania State University
Brandy Karl, Pennsylvania State University
Ana Enriquez, Pennsylvania State University
Building and Using Collections as Data: Using Machine Learning to Identify Jim Crow Laws (March '20)
Amanda Henley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Lorin Bruckner, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kimber Thomas, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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Building Data Science Support Capacity through Graduate Fellowship Programs (March '20)
Jeffrey C. Oliver, University of Arizona
But Where Can I Find It?: A Look at the Collaborative Evolution of Access to IIT’s TechNews (March '20)
Kristen Weischedel, Illinois Institute of Technology
Can You Imagine a Better Academic E-book Experience? Piloting SimplyE in Academic Libraries (March '20)
Rob Cartolano, Columbia University
Michele Kimpton, Digital Public Library of America
James English, Lyrasis
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Jennifer Nichols, University of Arizona
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Central Washington University’s OER and No-cost Textbook Initiative (March '20)
Rebecca L. Lubas, Central Washington University
Maura Valentino, Central Washington University
Christine Fruin, Atla
Kevin Kochanski, Notch8
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Connecting the Dots: Using ORCID to Consolidate Research Information for Reporting and Assessment (March '20)
Jan Fransen, University of Minnesota
Jane Scott, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Hilary Davis, North Carolina State University
Jason Ronallo, North Carolina State University
Sheila Rabun, Lyrasis
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Mark G. Bilby, California State University, Fullerton
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Jonathan Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Minh Pham, University of Missouri, Columbia
Designing an Inclusive Digital Exhibition Experience (March '20)
Rebecca Yvonne Bayeck, New York Public LIbrary
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Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico
Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Knowledge Motifs LLC
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Brandy Karl, Pennsylvania State University
Laura Quilter, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
DevOps is Bigger than IT: Driving Digital Transformation in Libraries (March '20)
Mary Beth Snapp, Ohio State University
Jennifer Vinopal, Ohio State University
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Discovery Systems in 2020: Issues and Trends (March '20)
William Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Norman, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC
Email Archives: Challenges and Opportunities (March '20)
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sally DeBauche, Stanford University
Emergency Planning in a Time of Crisis (March '20)
Christopher Vinson, Clemson University
Chris Cox, Clemson University
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Empowering Data-Driven Research through an Open, Accessible Data Infrastructure (March '20)
Jamie V. Wittenberg, Indiana University
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Event 201. Why Weren’t We Paying Attention? (March '20)
Toby Green, Coherent Digital
Jessica Davila Greene, The Claremont Colleges
Jeanine Finn, The Claremont Colleges
Yeisi Ileczko, The Claremont Colleges
Mark Buchholz, The Claremont Colleges
Fostering a UX Culture across Campus (March '20)
Rebecca Blakiston, University of Arizona
Freedom of the Shelves: Untangling the Confusion on Federated Identity, Access Controls, and Privacy (March '20)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
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Gateway Focus Week: Kickstarting Digital Projects with an Intensive Sustainability Workshop (March '20)
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint, LLC
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Guided by Values: Creating an Open Values Statement (March '20)
Tina Baich, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
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IIIF at the Getty: Vision & Tactics (March '20)
Stefano Cossu, J. P. Getty Trust
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Micah Vandegrift, North Carolina State University
Shelby Hallman, North Carolina State University
Implementing Effective Data Practices (March '20)
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Maria Gould, University of California
Maria Praetzellis, University of California
Natalie Meyers, University of Notre Dame
Jennifer Muilenburg, University of Washington
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Implications of Student Services on Library Digital and Physical Spaces (March '20)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Edwina Picon, Johns Hopkins University
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Salwa Ismail, University of California, Berkeley
Shawna Dark, University of California, Berkeley
Kenneth Lutz, University of California, Berkeley
Anthony Suen, University of California, Berkeley
Initial Steps towards Building a Global Registry of Digitized Works (March '20)
Mike Furlough, HathiTrust
Stuart Lewis, National Library of Scotland
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Innovative Models in Data Publishing: An Update from CDL, Dryad, & Zenodo (March '20)
Daniella Lowenberg, University of California
Alex Ioannidis, CERN
Introducing Privacy Literacy in Digital Learning (March '20)
Raymond Pun, Alder Graduate School of Education
IT Guidance at the Yale University Library (March '20)
Dale Hendrickson, Yale University
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2019: First Release of Key Findings (March '20)
Christine Wolff-Eisenberg, Ithaka
Jennifer Frederick, Ithaka
It’s Not What Libraries Hold; It’s Who Libraries Serve (March '20)
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka
Navigating Communal Rights for Digital Preservation and Open Access (March '20)
Rachel Deblinger, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
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The On-again, Off-again Career of Learning Analytics (March '20)
Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE
On the Persistence of Persistent Identifiers of the Scholarly Web (March '20)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ontology for Scholarship: Revising the VIVO Ontology (March '20)
Michael Conlon, University of Florida
Violeta Ilik, Columbia University
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Open Infrastructure and the COVID-19 Crisis: Principles and Evaluation Criteria (March '20)
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Lisa Macklin, Emory University
Organizing for OER Action: Recommendations for Statewide OER Initiative Governance Structures (March '20)
Steven J. Bell, Temple University
ORCID US Community Update (Short Update) (March '20)
Sheila Rabun, LYRASIS
Packaging Specification for Simultaneous Deposit of Articles and Data into Multiple Repositories (March '20)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Hanh Vu, Johns Hopkins University
Perspectives on Digital Scholarship Programs (March '20)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
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Preservation of New Forms of Scholarship (March '20)
Jonathan Greenberg, New York University
Jeremy Morse, University of Michigan
Karen Hanson, Portico, ITHAKA
Thib Guicherd-Callin, Stanford University
David Millman, New York University
Print to Petabyte: Creating Knowledge from Collection Information (March '20)
Fenella G France, Library of Congress
Project ReShare: Reimagining Content Delivery Networks with the User at the Center (Short Update) (March '20)
Scott Garrison, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services
Project Surfliner: Building the Tracks before the Train (March '20)
Tim Marconi, University of California, San Diego
Chrissy Rissmeyer, University of California, Santa Barbara
Rapidly Expanding Access: HathiTrust’s COVID-19 Response (March '20)
Mike Furlough, HathiTrust
Sandra McIntyre, HathiTrust
Reflections on a Merger: Assessing the Program-Level Impact of LYRASIS + DuraSpace (March '20)
David Wilcox, LYRASIS
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Tim Shearer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Julia Trimmer, Duke University
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
Research Organization Registry Update: Sustainability, Adoption, and Curation Planning (Short Update) (March '20)
Maria Gould, University of California
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Review, Appraisal and Triage of Email (RATOM) (March '20)
Christopher (Cal) Lee, University of North Carolina
Kam Woods, University of North Carolina
Sensitive and Protected Data in Distributed Digital Preservation Networks – IMLS Planning Grant Briefing (March '20)
Courtney Mumma, Texas Digital Library
Sibyl Schaefer, University of California, San Diego
Kristi Park, Texas Digital Library
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Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Nancy Weiss, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Sizing Up Archives and Special Collections: Evaluating and Sustaining Our Operations at Scale (March '20)
Chela Scott Weber, OCLC
Gordon Daines, Brigham Young University
Adrian Turner, University of California
Starting (Almost) from Scratch: Supporting the “Pivot to Online” in a Small Liberal Arts College Environment (March '20)
Scott Walter, Illinois Wesleyan University
Statistical Consulting in the Library (March '20)
Jonathan Cain, University of Oregon
Technology Planning for Operational Continuity (March '20)
Dhanushka Samarakoon, University of Miami
Three Years in the Cloud. Our Experience with Moving Our Mission Critical Digital Services to AWS (March '20)
Jean Philipps, Florida State University
Louis Brooks, Florida State University
Favenzio Calvo, Florida State University
Transforming Scholarly Publishing at The Ohio State University (Short Update) (March '20)
Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University
A Unified, Intentional, and Evolving Approach to Research Support (March '20)
M.J. Tooey, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Virtual Reality in Libraries: Research Partnership Opportunities (March '20)
Doralyn Rossmann, Montana State University
Web-Based Digital Maps and the Challenge of Sustainability (March '20)
Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen, Columbia University
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint, LLC
The Academic Library as IT Partner: Supporting Sponsored Research at Auburn University (January '20)
Aaron Trehub, Auburn University
Mallory Lucier-Greer, Auburn University
Denise Baker, Auburn University
Accessibility Task Force: Determining Compliance and Organizing Action (January '20)
Suzanne Wones, Harvard University
Claire DeMarco, Harvard University
Acknowledging Core Facilities and Collections Use with ORCID (January '20)
Eric Olson, ORCID
Almost Open: Benefits, Challenges, and Design of an Authorized-access Research Data Enclave (January '20)
Jeffrey R. Spies, 221B Consulting
Rick O. Gilmore, Pennsylvania State University
Artificial Intelligence: Impacts and Roles for Libraries (January '20)
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Jason Griffey, National Information Standards Organization
Bringing Computational Access to Book-length Documents Via an ETD Pilot (January '20)
William Ingram, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Building a Digital Preservation Strategy Across a Broad University System (January '20)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Edson Smith, University of California, Los Angeles
Mary Elings, University of California, Berkeley
Building and Sustaining Community Infrastructure: An Update from the Research Organization Registry (ROR) (January '20)
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
Can We Talk? Adding a Smart Assistant Interface to Library Services (January '20)
Greg Davis, Iowa State University
Lisa Smith, Iowa State University
Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship at the University of Colorado Boulder (January '20)
Thomas Hauser, University of Colorado Boulder
Thea Lindquist, University of Colorado Boulder
Charlotte Nunes, Lafayette College
Nora Egloff, Lafayette College
Janna Avon, Lafayette College
Collaborative Empowerment, Empowering Collaboration: The Carpentries at the University of Toronto (January '20)
May Chan, University of Toronto
Community Development Model for Digital Community Archives (January '20)
Nathan Hall, Virginia Tech
Connect, Collaborate, and Contribute in the Research Commons: Reflections from Three Years of Service Delivery (January '20)
Meris Longmeier, The Ohio State University
Connecting Digital Scholarship: Building Communities of Support at University of Michigan (January '20)
Anne Cong-Huyen, University of Michigan
Joe Bauer, University of Michigan
Creating a Virtual Reading Room at UC San Diego Library (January '20)
Roger Smith, University of California, San Diego
Crowdsourcing Inputs and Outputs of a Digital Photo Archive (January '20)
Theresa Westbrock, University of Northern Iowa
Data Curation Network Update (January '20)
Lisa Johnston, University of Minnesota
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Tim McGeary, Duke University
Data Doubles: Student Perceptions of Privacy and Learning Analytics in Higher Education (January '20)
Michael Perry, Northwestern University
Andrew Asher, Indiana University-Bloomington
Data Sharing from the Ground Up: Building Data Communities (January '20)
Rebecca Springer, Ithaka S+R
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
A Demonstration of Annotation Interoperability (January '20)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Patton, Johns Hopkins University
Designing a Migration Path: Final Report and Recommendations (January '20)
David Wilcox, LYRASIS
Jennifer Gilbert, National Library of Medicine
Tim Shearer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Aaron Birkland, Johns Hopkins University
Developing a Community-Based Strategic Agenda for the Transformation of Archival Discovery and Delivery (January '20)
Mark A. Matienzo, Stanford University
Hillel Arnold, Rockefeller Archive Center
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Audra Eagle Yun, University of California, Irvine
Developing an Open Source Digital Scholarly Research System: Local and Global Possibilities (January '20)
Raymond Uzwyshyn, Texas State University
Electronic Lab Notebooks: Implementation, Evaluation, and Lessons Learned (January '20)
Daureen Nesdill, University of Utah
Harish Maringanti, University of Utah
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
Encouraging the Ecosystem: Growing Unique Partnerships Through Data Science (January '20)
Karim Boughida, University of Rhode Island
Joan Peckham, University of Rhode Island
The End of a Statewide Digital Preservation System: Coping with the Fallout (January '20)
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Fletcher Durant, University of Florida
The Evolution of a Research Data Management and Curation Program: Candid Reflections and Considerations (January '20)
Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Duke University
Moira Downey, Duke University
Evolving with Agile into a New Technical Landscape: Cultivating a Sustainable DAMS Ecosystem (January '20)
Megan Will, University of Texas at Austin
Dave Ronn, University of Texas at Austin
Experimenting on a Digital Strategy (January '20)
Kate Zwaard, Library of Congress
Jaime Mears, Library of Congress
Meghan Ferriter, Library of Congress
Abigail Potter, Library of Congress
Experimenting with a Machine Generated Annotations Pipeline (January '20)
Joshua Gomez, University of California, Los Angeles
Fedora 6 and the Oxford Common File Layout (January '20)
Andrew Woods, DuraSpace, Inc.
Flipping Open Access Away from APCs (January '20)
Nicky Agate, Columbia University
Amy Buckland, University of Guelph
Ellen Dubinsky, University of Arizona
Nick Shockey, SPARC
Joy M. Banks, CLIR
The Future of OA: The Impact of Open Access on Readership and Subscription Decisions (January '20)
Heather Piwowar, Our Research (Unpaywall)
Jason Priem, Our Research (Unpaywall)
Guerrilla Governance and Program Review: Organizational Transformation in Collaborative Models (January '20)
Bradley Daigle, University of Virginia/APTrust
Joanne Kossuth, Digital Library Federation
Health Sciences Data Archive (January '20)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Mara Blake, Johns Hopkins University
Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence: The Landscape of Autonomy (January '20)
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
IIIF: What’s New and What’s Next with A/V and Discovery (January '20)
Josh Hadro, IIIF Consortium
InstantILL: Simplifying Content Delivery With or Without Subscriptions (January '20)
Tina Baich, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
An Institutional Research Data Discovery Tool: Open Source Technology and Cross-University Collaboration (January '20)
Patricia G. Hinegardner, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Na Lin, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Into the Dataspace: Data Science Services on the Ground (January '20)
Mike Nutt, North Carolina State University
InvenioRDM: A Collaborative Next-Generation Research Data Management and Repository Solution (January '20)
Kristi Holmes, Northwestern University
Thomas Morrell, California Institute of Technology
It Took a Village: The Evolution of Samvera (January '20)
Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern University
Lever Press Update (January '20)
Beth Bouloukos, Amherst College
Machine Learning in Research Libraries: A Snapshot of Projects, Opportunities and Challenges (January '20)
Harish Maringanti, University of Utah
Elizabeth Lorang, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Maps, Gaps, Landscapes, and Ecosystems: Sorting Out the State of Online Scholarly Publishing (January '20)
Terry Ehling, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
David Lewis, Indiana University, Indianapolis
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Memory Institutions and Deep Digital Disruption: Beyond the Technical Challenges of Born-digital Preservation (January '20)
Carol Mandel, Council on Library and Information Resources
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge, and Making it FAIR (January '20)
Marisa L Conte, University of Michigan
Peter Boisvert, University of Michigan
Modern Endangered Archives Program at the UCLA Library (January '20)
Rachel Deblinger, University of California, Los Angeles
The New Normal: Why Libraries are Teaching AI, ML, DH, NLP, VR… (January '20)
Tim Dennis, University of California, Los Angeles
Indrani Mandal, University of Rhode Island
Vicky Steeves, New York University
Matthew Burton, University of Pittsburgh
Harrison Dekker, University of Rhode Island
No One is Using That Anymore: Assessing the Impact of Digital Availability on Print Usage (January '20)
Thomas Teper, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
North Broad Press: A Collaborative Library/Press Publishing Program (January '20)
Annie Johnson, Temple University
Opportunities for Academic Libraries to Shape National Approaches to Research Data Management: A Canadian Perspective (January '20)
Jason Brodeur, McMaster University
Lee Wilson, CARL Portage
Susan Haigh, Canadian Association of Research Libraries
Mira Waller, North Carolina State University
David Woodbury, North Carolina State University
Pay to Play: Licensing Local Television News Content (January '20)
Morgan Gieringer, University of North Texas
Perspectives on Digital Scholarship Programs (January '20)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Piloting Digital Scholarship Support at the Library of Congress (January '20)
Eileen Jakeway, Library of Congress
Preservation of Electronic Government Information (PEGI) Project Next Steps (January '20)
Roberta Sittel, University of North Texas
A Progress Report on Open Repositories in Canada (January '20)
Geoffrey Harder, Canadian Association of Research Libraries
Project Canopus: Rethinking Preservation Infrastructure in Toronto, Ontario, and Beyond (January '20)
Steve Marks, University of Toronto
Python Camp: Meeting the Demand for Computational Skills Through Open Technology and Reusable Curriculum (January '20)
Laura Wrubel, George Washington University
Lorena Barba, George Washington University
Megan Potterbusch, George Washington University
Hannah Sommers, George Washington University
Reaching the Researchers: Using Geographic and Chronological Metadata to Facilitate Access to New Acquisitions (January '20)
Christian Casey, New York University
Ready or Not: Here Comes Voice Search (January '20)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Redesigning the Researcher Library Experience: Case Studies, Key Questions (January '20)
Thomas Hickerson, University of Calgary
John Brosz, University of Calgary
Refreshing the Agenda for Collaboration: Library, IT, and New Partners (January '20)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Release of Digital Preservation Risk Analysis Documents by the National Archives (NARA) (January '20)
Leslie Johnston, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Responsible Operations: Shaping a Community Research Agenda (January '20)
Thomas Padilla, OCLC Research
Sarah Shreeves, University of Arizona
Scanning for Science: Astronomy Data Rescue as a Learning Opportunity (January '20)
Elisabeth Long, University of Chicago
Shared Repository Infrastructure: Two Years Later (January '20)
Jimmy Ghaphery, Virginia Commonwealth University Simplifying Self-Archiving and Cutting the Cost of Mediated Repository Deposit (January '20)
Leila Bella Sterman, Montana State University
Skills, Knowledge, and Values for Prioritizing Privacy in Library Learning Analytics (January '20)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kyle M. L. Jones, Indiana University-Indianapolis
Caleb Derven, University of Limerick
Teaching Data Curation for Reproducibility (Data CuRe) (January '20)
Limor Peer, Yale University
The Texas GeoData Portal: A New System for Enhancing Access to Geospatial (January '20)
Michael Shensky, University of Texas at Austin
Toward Collaborative Models for Sustaining Digital Scholarship (January '20)
Katrina Fenlon, University of Maryland
Bruce Heterick, ITHAKA
Update on Funding Possibilities, Priorities, and Trends (January '20)
Joshua Sternfeld, National Endowment for the Humanities
Ashley Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Becca Quon, Council on Library and Information Resources
Lucy Barber, National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Update on Public Access Submission System (PASS) (January '20)
Hanh Vu, Johns Hopkins University
Visualizing Use and Performance Data from a Global Cross-platform Set of Institutional Repositories (January '20)
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Jonathan Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Nikolaus Nova Parulian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign/Drexel University
Minh Pham, University of Missouri Columbia/Drexel University
Watchful Eyes on Digital Preservation Action (January '20)
Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Daniel Noonan, Ohio State University
Jane Mandelbaum, Independent
Jessica Meyerson, Educopia Institute
Peter Burnhill, ISSN International Centre
Gaelle Bequet, ISSN International Centre
Laura Alagna, Northwestern University
Webrecorder, Web Archiving for All: Past, Present and Future (January '20)
Ilya Kreymer, Rhizome/Webrecorder
When Research Data Requires Controls: Institutional Support for Regulated Research Environments (January '20)
Jeremy Frumkin, University of Arizona
Chad Hutchens, University of Wyoming
Tyler Kerr, University of Wyoming
Advancements in the ORCID US Community: Supporting Researchers & Adding Value for Research Institutions (April '19)
Sheila Rabun, LYRASIS
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Jason Ronallo, North Carolina State University
Carmelita Pickett, University of Virginia
Alternative RDM Service Models for Smaller Research Libraries (April '19)
Andrew White, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Amplifying our Impact: Merging LYRASIS and DuraSpace (April '19)
Erin Tripp, DuraSpace
Robert Miller, LYRASIS
Beyond Tools and Space: Building a Community of Practice for Making (April '19)
Beth Marhanka, Georgetown University
Don Undeen, Georgetown University
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Bridge2Hyku: Building the Bridge towards an Open Source Digital Solution (April '19)
Annie Wu, University of Houston
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Building a Trusted Framework for Coordinating OA Monograph Usage Data (April '19)
Kevin S. Hawkins, University of North Texas
Building Systems Interoperability for User Discovery of High-Density Storage Collections (April '19)
Bob Fox, University of Louisville
Bruce Keisling, University of Louisville
Jeff Carrico, Georgia Institute of Technology
Building up an Open Data Publishing Community: An Update from Dryad & CDL (April '19)
Daniella Lowenberg, California Digital Library – University of California
Günter Waibel, California Digital Library – University of California
Collaborating with Data: Building a Partnership with an Electrophysiology Researcher (April '19)
Jason Bengtson, Kansas State University Libraries
David Lacy, Temple University
Cody Hanson, University of Minnesota
Community Standards for 3D Data Preservation (CS3DP) (April '19)
Jennifer Moore, Washington University in St. Louis
Adam Rountrey, University of Michigan
Hannah Scates Kettler, University of Iowa
Coordinating Preservation, Description, Discovery, and Access: The University of Illinois Experience (April '19)
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Cuban Digitization Database: Tools for Managing a Collaborative Cross-Institutional Digitization Effort (April '19)
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Data Protection Strategies at Yale University Library (April '19)
Bob Rice, Yale University
Data Science Support for Social Science Research (April '19)
Christina Maimone, Northwestern University
Alex Storer, Stanford University
Design Thinking for Library Services: Library as Research Lab (April '19)
Justin Schell, University of Michigan
Meghan Sitar, University of Michigan
Laurie Alexander, University of Michigan
Developing 3D Scanning as a Library Service: Experiences from a Pilot Program at OU Libraries (April '19)
Kristi Wyatt, University of Oklahoma
Zenobie S. Garrett, University of Oklahoma
Developing an Open Source Digital Collections Management System Using Scrum (April '19)
Kathryn Michaelis, Georgia State University
Jonathan Bodnar, Georgia State University
Digital Preservation Projects (April '19)
Tracy Seneca, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jordan Bass, University of Manitoba
Natalie Vielfaure, University of Manitoba
Seon Young (Sara) Min, University of Manitoba
Digitization Selection Criteria as Anti-Racist Action (April '19)
Scott Ziegler, Louisiana State University
The DiSH (Digital Skills Hub): A Place to Learn What You Need to Know Before Using the Latest Technologies (April '19)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Tara Carlisle, University of Oklahoma
The Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC) (April '19)
Jennifer Schopf, Indiana University
Evolving Statewide Digital Libraries (April '19)
Gina Costello, Louisiana State University
Jason Battles, University of Georgia
Explaining the Origins, Vision and Activities of the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) (April '19)
Thomas Cheatham, University of Utah
Dana Brunson, Internet2
Gail Krovitz, Internet2
Patrick Schmitz, University of California, Berkeley
FedPreserve: Preserving the Historical Record of the Federal Reserve System (April '19)
Aaron Collie, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Flexibility and Pragmatism: Thinking Differently about “Better” for Digital Preservation Services (April '19)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Chip German, University of Virginia
Nicholas Taylor, Stanford University
Holistic Approaches to Research Data Management: Scholars as Collectors (April '19)
Oya Y. Rieger, Ithaka S+R
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
An Innovative Program for Large-Scale Visualization Displays (April '19)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Edwina Picon, Johns Hopkins University
An Institutional Perspective to Rescue Scholarly Orphans (April '19)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Herbert Van de Sompel, Data Archiving and Networked Services
Introducing ROR: The Research Organization Registry (April '19)
Maria Gould, California Digital Library – University of California Office of the President
Watch the Video
Islandora 8: New Release and the Future of the Platform (April '19)
Melissa Anez, Islandora Foundation
Is Openness Really Worth It? Rethinking the ROI of Open (April '19)
Jeffrey Spies, 221B Consulting
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Shan Sutton, University of Arizona
Libraries and VR: Ongoing Initiatives at University of New Mexico (April '19)
Kevin Comerford, University of New Mexico
Library Education and Data Science for the National Digital Platform (LEADS-4-NDP) (April '19)
Jane Greenberg, Drexel University
Xia Lin, Drexel University
Locking the Higher Ed Infrastructure Market Open for Competition (April '19)
Heather Joseph, SPARC
Managing Digital Institutional Content: Repository Projects (April '19)
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Kim Pham, University of Denver
Jack Maness, University of Denver
OCFL: A Community Developed Approach to Digital Preservation (April '19)
Andrew Woods, DuraSpace
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Of Data, Ethics, and Leadership: Building a National Roadmap for Web Privacy and Web Analytics (April '19)
Scott W. H. Young, Montana State University
Jason Clark, Montana State University
Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University
Part to Whole Kickoff: Redefining Roles and Services to Support Collections as Data (April '19)
Thomas Padilla, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Hannah Scates Kettler, University of Iowa
Amanda Henley, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Kim Pham, University of Denver
Pivotal Role of the Institutional Repository Service in University Reporting Workflows (April '19)
Mohamed Baessa, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
J. K. Vijayakumar, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
The Power of Community: Working Together to Build the Future of Fedora (April '19)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Este Pope, Amherst College
Rosalyn Metz, Emory University
Maurice York, University of Michigan
Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey (April '19)
Jan Fransen, University of Minnesota
Rebecca Bryant, OCLC Research
Professionalizing Research IT Roles to Improve Recruitment and Retention (April '19)
Patrick Schmitz, University of California, Berkeley
Project ReShare: A Community-Owned Resource Sharing Infrastructure (April '19)
Sebastian Hammer, Index Data
Sydney Thompson, North Carolina State University / Triangle Research Libraries Network
Purposeful Space Design for Libraries (April '19)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Kelly Miller, University of Miami
Thomas Hickerson, University of Calgary
A Research Agenda for Historical and Multilingual OCR (April '19)
Ryan Cordell, Northeastern University
Research Innovation Trends and Priorities in Canadian Research Libraries (April '19)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research
Vivian Lewis, McMaster University
Bruce E. Herbert, Texas A&M University
Julia K. Trimmer, Duke University
Research Lifecycles are Snazzy, but What in the Abyss Do I Do with My Data? (April '19)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Greg Madden, Pennsylvania State University
Scaling Software Emulation Services: An Introduction to the EaaSI Program of Work (April '19)
Seth Anderson, Yale University Library
Scholarly Output Projects (April '19)
Martin R. Kalfatovic, Smithsonian Institution
Paul Albert, Weill Cornell Medicine
Terrie Wheeler, Weill Cornell Medicine
Services & Resources to Support Students (April '19)
J. K. Vijayakumar, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Saudi Arabia
Garry Hall, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Saudi Arabia
Todd Ogle, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Students’ Growing Concern with Surveillance Capitalism (April '19)
Jim Hahn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Sustainability for Project-Based Collaborative Work: Leveraging Service Level Agreements and Virtual Teams (April '19)
Franny Gaede, University of Oregon
Ray Henry, University of Oregon
Kate Thornhill, University of Oregon
The Technology Roadmap: A Practical Method for Adaptive and Systemic Strategic Planning (April '19)
Maurice York, University of Michigan
Towards Coherence through Collective Action: Laying the Foundation for Sustainable, Open Infrastructure (April '19)
Maurice York, University of Michigan
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Heather Joseph, SPARC
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
UC and Elsevier: A Blueprint for Publisher Negotiations (April '19)
Jeff MacKie-Mason, University of California, Berkeley
Günter Waibel, California Digital Library
Mathew Willmott, California Digital Library
Wayne Morse Jr., Emory University
Web Archives Analysis at Scale with the Archives Unleashed Cloud (April '19)
Nick Ruest, York University
Ian Milligan, University of Waterloo
We Need More Science in Our Open Science: A Grand Challenges Based Research Agenda (April '19)
Chris Bourg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sue Kriegsman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Working Toward Section 508 Zen (April '19)
Sheila Yeh, Kansas State University
Jason Bengtson, Kansas State University
Addressing the 20th Century Gap: Controlled Digital Lending by Libraries (December '18)
Chris Freeland, Internet Archive
Kyle K. Courtney, Harvard University
Terry Ehling, MIT Press
David Hansen, Duke University
Analyzing Faculty Activity Reporting at the University of Arizona: What Does the Data Tell Us? (December '18)
Maliaca Oxnam, University of Arizona
Are Digital Humanities Projects Sustainable? A Proposed Service Model for a DH Infrastructure (December '18)
Christine Madsen, Athenaeum21
Megan Hurst, Athenaeum21
Assessing for Digital Library Reuse: Findings from the Measuring Reuse Project (December '18)
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Genya O’Gara, Virtual Library of Virginia
Caroline Muglia, University of Southern California
Blockchain Can Not Be Used To Verify Replayed Archived Web Pages (December '18)
Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University
Blockchain: What’s Not To Like? (December '18)
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University (retired)
Bolstering Openness and Impact: University Publishing as a Strategic Priority at SUNY (December '18)
Mark McBride, The State University of New York
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Building Community and Support for Open Science at Carnegie Mellon University: A Conference Report (December '18)
Huajin Wang, Carnegie Mellon University
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Building Infrastructure and Services for Open Access to Research (December '18)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Jason Priem, Impactstory
Joseph McArthur, SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition)
California Digital Library & Dryad: Community Owned Data Publishing (December '18)
Daniella Lowenberg, California Digital Library, University of California Office of the President
John Chodacki, California Digital Library, University of California Office of the President
Can I Trust this Data? Selecting Data for Reuse and Other Dilemmas of the Research Scientist (December '18)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
Este Pope, Amherst College
Joanna DiPasquale, Vassar College
The Challenge of Hidden Big Data Collections: Making Digital Congressional Papers Available for Scholarly Research (December '18)
Nathan Gerth, University of Nevada, Reno
Emily Boss, University of Nevada, Reno
Jessica Tapia, West Virginia University
Changing the Geospatial Data Landscape in Libraries (December '18)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Karen Majewicz, University of Minnesota
Jack Reed, Stanford University
Collaboration by Design: Library as Hub for Creative Problem-Solving Space (December '18)
Elliot Felix, brightspot strategy
Julia Maddox, University of Rochester
Mary Ann Mavrinac, University of Rochester
Curating Reuse: An Institutional Approach to Statistical and Computational Reproducibility (December '18)
Katie Mika, University of Colorado Boulder
DataONE: From DataNet Project to Engaged Global Community in the Contemporary Data Landscape (December '18)
Robert J. Sandusky, University of Illinois at Chicago
William Michener, University of New Mexico
Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint
Decentralizing SHARE: Bringing SHARE Closer to the Community and the Community Closer to SHARE (December '18)
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Ryan Mason, 221b, LLC
Cameron Blandford, 221b, LLC
Demonstrating Faculty Impact: New Data and Visualization Services* (December '18)
Barrie Hayes, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amanda Henley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Developing Library Strategy for 3D and Virtual Reality Collection Development and Reuse (December '18)
Nathan Hall, Virginia Tech
Jamie Wittenberg, Indiana University – Bloomington
Digital Strategy, Collecting, Content, & Platforms at the Library of Congress: An Update (December '18)
Trevor Owens, The Library of Congress
David Brunton, The Library of Congress
Kristi Conkle, The Library of Congress
DRAS-TIC: Fedora at Scale (December '18)
Gregory Jansen, University of Maryland at College Park
Richard Marciano, University of Maryland at College Park
Adam Soroka, The Smithsonian Institution
Enhancing Exhibit Engagement Metrics with Open Source (December '18)
Twila Camp, University of Oklahoma
Enriching Memory and Memoir by Digital Means (December '18)
Brett Bodemer, California Polytechnic State University
Evaluating and Closing Privacy Gaps for Online Library Services (December '18)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Katie Zimmerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Evolving a Library’s Transcription Project into Digital Humanities Opportunities for Students and Staff (December '18)
Deborah Cornell, The College of William & Mary
First Steps in Research Data Management Under Constraints of a National Security Laboratory (December '18)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brian Cain, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Foundations for Research Computing: Collaborating to Provide Student Support at Scale (December '18)
Barbara Rockenbach, Columbia University
Mark Newton, Columbia University
Halayn Hescock, Columbia University
From Bibliography to Data Analytics and Image Recognition: The Journey of the Iberian Books Project (December '18)
John B. Howard, University College Dublin
Alexander (Sandy) Wilkinson, University College Dublin
From Prototype to Production: Turning Good Ideas into Useful Library Services (December '18)
Andrew K. Pace, OCLC
Holly Tomren, Temple University
From Talking to Action: Fostering Deep Collaboration Between University Libraries, Museums, and IT (December '18)
Susan Gibbons, Yale University
Louis King, Yale University
Michael Appleby, Yale University
Dale Hendrickson, Yale University
Hiding In Plain Sight: The Value of Machine-Processable Copyright Data (December '18)
John Mark Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania
Greg Cram, New York Public Library
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Internet Identity and the Research Community: A Renewed Focus on a Deeper Stack (December '18)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Lever Press Project Update (December '18)
Marta Brunner, Skidmore College
Mark Edington, Amherst College
Peggy Seiden, Swarthmore College
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Leveraging Library Expertise for University Rankings (December '18)
Lauren Di Monte, University of Rochester
Liz Bernal, Case Western Reserve University
Libraries Leading the Way: Academy-Led Publishing, Academy Owned Infrastructure (December '18)
Melanie Schlosser, Library Publishing Coalition
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
Catherine Mitchell, California Digital Library, University of California
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Library as Platform: The Transformed Library’s Impact on Teaching and Learning (December '18)
Jason Evans Groth, North Carolina State University
Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Project Update (December '18)
Micaela Parker, Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments
National Agenda for Collaborative Preservation of Electronic Government Information (December '18)
Martin Halbert, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Sarah Lippincott, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Roberta Sittel, University of North Texas
James R. Jacobs, Stanford University
Planning a Community-Created Data Rescue Toolkit (December '18)
Mara Blake, Johns Hopkins University
Katie Mika, University of Colorado Boulder
Promoting a Public Face for Scholarly Journals (December '18)
Seth Denbo, American Historical Association
Stephen Robertson, George Mason University
Protecting Privacy on the Web: A Study of HTTPS and Google Analytics Implementation in Academic Library Websites (December '18)
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Scott W.H. Young, Montana State University
Prototypes for Enhancing the Discoverability of Digital Humanities Scholarship (December '18)
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Pennsylvania State University
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Jeffrey Spies, 221b, LLC
Public Access Submission System (December '18)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Aaron Birkland, Johns Hopkins University
Public Access to Research Data: Report from the AAU APLU Public Access Working Group Workshop (December '18)
Mary Lee Kennedy, Association of Research Libraries
Kacy Redd, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Katie Steen, Association of American Universities
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
RA21: Resource Access for the 21st Century – Pilot Results and New Recommended Practices (December '18)
Ralph Youngen, American Chemical Society
Jean Shipman, Elsevier
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization
A Research Object Authoring Tool for the NIH Data Commons (December '18)
Anita de Waard, Elsevier
Scaling Artificial Intelligence in Libraries Via a National Project Registry (December '18)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Twila Camp, University of Oklahoma
The Shadow Acquisitions Budget: APCs and Open Access Publications at a Research University (December '18)
William H. Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Thomas H. Teper, Ithaka S+R, Libraries and Scholarly Communication Program
Simplified Research Data Management with the Globus Platform (December '18)
Vas Vasiliadis, University of Chicago
Watch the Video
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) Cooperative Update: Program Accomplishments and Future Directions (December '18)
Ivey Glendon, University of Virginia
Software Preservation Network: Advancing Best Practices (December '18)
Jessica Meyerson, Educopia Institute
Brandon Butler, University of Virginia
The State of Digital Preservation: A Snapshot of Triumphs, Gaps, and Open Research Questions (December '18)
Oya Y. Rieger, Ithaka S+R, Libraries and Scholarly Communication Program
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R, Libraries and Scholarly Communication Program
Support for Campus-based Digital Resource Creation through the Science Gateways Community Institute (December '18)
Katherine Lawrence, University of Michigan & Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI)
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Technology Is Not the Answer: Why Digital Is Not the Most Important Aspect of Your Digital Strategy (December '18)
Megan Hurst, Athenaeum21
Christine Madsen, Athenaeum21
Towards Interoperable and Equitable Scholarly Communications Ecosystems: Values-based Questions to Ask Infrastructure Providers (December '18)
Allegra Swift, University of California San Diego
David Minor, University of California San Diego
Transforming the UC Informationist Program: Growing and Aligning Toward Data Science (December '18)
Ted Baldwin, University of Cincinnati
Tiffany Grant, University of Cincinnati
Update on Funding Possibilities, Priorities, and Trends (December '18)
Joy M. Banks, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Lucy Barber, National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC)
Patricia Hswe, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Kelcy Shepherd, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Leah Weinryb-Grohsgal, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
User Research: Can LOD Help Users Engage with and Make Better Use of Digitized Special Collections? (December '18)
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Katrina Fenlon, University of Maryland, College Park
Harriett Green, Washington University in St. Louis
What Is the Future of Libraries in Academic Research? (December '18)
Tom Hickerson, University of Calgary
John Brosz, University of Calgary
Suzanne Goopy, University of Calgary
Where Next for the Open Library of Humanities and Consortial Funding Models for Open Access? (December '18)
Martin Paul Eve, University of
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AMP: An Audiovisual Metadata Platform to Support Mass Description (March '18)
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University
Chris Lacinak, AVP
Assessing the Impact of the Library in the Research Ecosystem (March '18)
Christine Madsen, Athenaeum21
Sue Baughman, Association of Research Libraries
Megan Hurst, Athenaeum21
Avalon Media System Update: Piloting Avalon in the Cloud (March '18)
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
John Herbert, Lyrasis
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Battening Down the Hatches: Securing the Institutional Repository (March '18)
Nicole Johnson, bepress
IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Elsevier
Maurice York, University of Michigan
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
Mary Molinaro, Digital Preservation Network
Chip German, APTrust
Cobweb: Collaborative Digital Collection Development for Web Archives (March '18)
Kathryn Stine, California Digital Library
Collaboration to Advance Open Scholarly Communication Infrastructure (March '18)
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University & Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University & Islandora Foundation
Kathleen Shearer, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories)
Crafting an Active Collection for the Research Library (March '18)
Rebecca L. Lubas, Claremont Colleges
Sarah Pickle, Claremont Colleges
Creating a FOLIO-based Integrated Library System (March '18)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Sebastian Hammer, Index Data
A Data Architecture Framework for Library Collections (March '18)
Greg Colati, University of Connecticut
Patrick L. Carr, University of Connecticut
A Data Sharing Model for Decentralized Research Data Management (March '18)
Nassib Nassar, Index Data
DePaul Makes: Building the Maker Community at DePaul University and Beyond (March '18)
Scott Walter, DePaul University
Megan Bernal, DePaul University
Janice Scurio, DePaul University
Developing and Scaling Research Data Management and Curation (March '18)
Timothy M. McGeary, Duke University
Claire Stewart, University of Minnesota
Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Duke University
Jennifer Darragh, Duke University
Developing Library Support for Publishing Expansive Digital Humanities Projects (March '18)
David Hansen, Duke University
Liz Milewicz, Duke University
Paolo Mangiafico, Duke University
DH at SDSU: Modeling Library-Faculty Partnerships (March '18)
Jessica Pressman, San Diego State University
Pamela Jackson, San Diego State University
Pamella Lach, San Diego State University
The Digital Library of Medieval Manuscripts: New Directions in Scholarship (March '18)
Tamsyn Mahoney-Steel, Johns Hopkins University
Jan Brase, Göttingen State and University Library
Wolfram Horstmann, Göttingen State and University Library
Distributed Digital Assets: Digital Humanities & the Future Direction of SHARE (March '18)
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Washington University St. Louis
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Jeffrey Spies, University of Virginia
Dragging Researchers and their Data Into the Library (March '18)
Tim Marconi, University of California, San Diego
Email Archives: Issues, Tools, and Gaps (March '18)
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kate Murray, Library of Congress
Erin O’Meara, Artefactual Systems
Jennifer Nichols, University of Arizona
Jeff Oliver, University of Arizona
English Hegemony and the Internet: Google, Wikipedia, and Libraries (March '18)
Laurie M. Bridges, Oregon State University
Todd Digby, University of Florida
The Espy Project: Enabling New Access to Archival Materials (March '18)
Gregory Wiedeman, University at Albany, SUNY
Fedora Forward: Vision, Strategy, and Product Roadmap (March '18)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Fostering Communities of Practice in Data Management (March '18)
Jonathan Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico
Josette Riep, University of Cincinnati
Keloni Parks, The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County
May Chang, University of Cincinnati
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Twila Camp, University of Oklahoma
Laurie Gemmill Arp, LYRASIS
Michele Kimpton, Digital Public Library of America
John Herbert, LYRASIS
Launching the Digital Research Commons at the University of Houston Libraries (March '18)
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Claude Willan, University of Houston
Leaving the Teenage Years Behind: Internet Identity Comes of Age (March '18)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Libraries, Information Equity, and Economic Justice (March '18)
Char Booth, California State University San Marcos
Limitations on Access: The Independent Scholar and Lifelong Learner (March '18)
Cecilia Preston
Sarah Hare, Indiana University Bloomington
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Makerspaces in the Academic Library (March '18)
Jenny Wong-Welch, San Diego State University
Keven Jeffery, San Diego State University
Jean Ferguson, University of California, Berkeley
Owen McGrath, University of California, Berkeley
Making Library Contributions Visible: The “Grants Menu” at UVic Libraries (March '18)
Lisa Goddard, University of Victoria
NCSU Libraries Digital and Data Science Skills Workshops: Building Capacity and Meeting Campus Needs (March '18)
Jennifer Garrett, North Carolina State University
Neural Networks: Machine Vision for the Visual Archive (March '18)
Peter Leonard, Yale University
Next Generation Repositories: New Functionalities and Technologies for Repositories (March '18)
Kathleen Shearer, Confederation of Open Access Repositories
Andrea Bollini, 4Science
Sarah Shreeves, University of Arizona
Kristi Holmes, Northwestern University
Open Data as a Service in Special Collections Libraries; or, Let’s Be Sure We’re Better Than Data Brokers (March '18)
Scott Ziegler, Louisiana State University
Parker on the Web 2.0: Digital Library Infrastructure for Medieval Manuscripts (March '18)
Benjamin Albritton, Stanford University
PLACE: Exposing Cultural Heritage Collections through Geospatial Search (March '18)
Eleta Exline, University of New Hampshire
A Practical, Incremental Approach to a Decentralized Future (March '18)
Jeffrey Spies, University of Virginia
Preservation: An Opinionated Approach (March '18)
Tom Hutchinson, Tri-College Libraries: Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore Colleges
Preserving and Using Email of Historical or Cultural Value with ePADD (March '18)
Glynn Edwards, Stanford University
Preserving Digital Content at Scale: Meeting the Challenges of AV and Big Data (March '18)
Mary Molinaro, Digital Preservation Network
Sam Gustman, University of Southern California
PRESQT: Assessing Researcher and Library Needs for Research Data & Software Preservation Quality Tools (March '18)
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Natalie Meyers, University of Notre Dame
John Wang, University of Notre Dame
Privacy in Cross-Border Preservation-based Partnerships (March '18)
Erin Tripp, DuraSpace
The Privileged Link: Open Access, Version of Record, or Let the User Decide? (March '18)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Aaron Tay, Singapore Management University
Maria Aghazarian, Swarthmore College
Johan Tilstra, LeanLibrary
Watch the Video
Prototyping a Linked Data Platform for Production Cataloging Workflows (March '18)
Jason Kovari, Cornell University
Andrew K. Pace, OCLC
The Realities of Research Data Management (March '18)
Heidi Imker, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Constance Malpas, OCLC Research
Ray Uzwyshyn, Texas State University
RIALTO: Research Intelligence at Stanford (March '18)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Sunsetting: Strategies for Portfolio Management and Decommissioning Projects (March '18)
Jason Ronallo, North Carolina State University
Bret Davidson, North Carolina State University
Supporting 3D/VR Technologies in Academic Libraries: Curation and Preservation Challenges (March '18)
Zack Lischer-Katz, University of Oklahoma
Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, University of Waterloo
The Turn to Research Workflow and the Strategic Implications for the Academy (March '18)
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Donald Waters, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Dale Askey, McMaster University
Jason Brodeur, McMaster University
The UC Merced LibraryCAVE: Programming to Support Teaching and Research (March '18)
Haipeng Li, University of California, Merced
Jeffrey Weekley, University of California, Merced
Constance Malpas, OCLC Research
Jeff Steely, Georgia State University
Rona Stein, OCLC Research
Using Linked Data for Research Findings in the Archaeology of Reading (March '18)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Jaap Geraerts, University College London
What the Data Tell Us: Analyzing the Use and Visibility of Open Access IR with the RAMP Dataset (March '18)
Patrick OBrien, Montana State University
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
The 2.5% Commitment Initiative (December '17)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Lori Goetsch, Kansas State University
Mike Roy, Middlebury College
Academic Preservation Trust: The Three-Year Report (December '17)
F. (Chip) German, Jr., APTrust/University of Virginia
Bradley Daigle, APTrust/University of Virginia
Salwa Ismail, Georgetown University
Paul Clough, University of Miami
Advances in the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) Community (December '17)
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Always Already Computational: Collections as Data (December '17)
Thomas Padilla, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Laurie Allen, University of Pennsylvania
Hannah Frost, Stanford University
Annotation and Publishing Standards Work at the W3C (December '17)
Timothy Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Archival Collections, Open-Linked Data, and Multi-modal Storytelling (December '17)
Andrew White, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Mei Si, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Library (December '17)
Karim Boughida, University of Rhode Island
Christopher Erdmann, North Carolina State University
Ruth Pickering, Yewno
bepress and Elsevier: Let’s Go There (December '17)
Jean-Gabriel Bankier, bepress
Beprexit: Rethinking Repository Services in a Changing Scholarly Communication Landscape (December '17)
Sarah Wipperman, University of Pennsylvania
Laurie Allen, University of Pennsylvania
Kenny Whitebloom, University of Pennsylvania
Between Strategic Plan and Infrastructural Reality: Founding a Digital Research and Publishing Center at CMU (December '17)
Rikk Mulligan, Carnegie Mellon University
Jessica Otis, Carnegie Mellon University
David Scherer, Carnegie Mellon University
Lisa Zilinski, Carnegie Mellon University
Beyond the Repository: Exploring Integration Between Local and Distributed Digital Preservation Systems (December '17)
Sibyl Schaefer, University of California, San Diego
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
The Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG): Opportunities for Collaboration and Participation (December '17)
Martin Kalfatovic, Smithsonian Institution
Bridge2Hyku: Developing Migration Strategies (December '17)
Annie Wu, University of Houston
Santi Thompson, University of Houston
Collaboration and Platform Integration in Support of a Federated Research Data Management Service in Canada (December '17)
Lee Wilson, CARL Portage
Corey Davis, COPPUL/University of Victoria
Donna Bourne-Tyson, Dalhousie University
Collaboration between Libraries and Academic Units in Advancing Multidisciplinary Scholarship by Enhancing Library Knowledge Systems (December '17)
Christina Leblang, University of Notre Dame
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Creating a New Way to Search (December '17)
Alex Humphreys, JSTOR
Barbara Rockenbach, Columbia University
Creating Topical Collections: Web Archives vs. the Live Web (December '17)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Data Capsule Appliance for Research Analysis of Restricted and Sensitive Data in Academic Libraries (December '17)
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University
Erik Mitchell, University of California, Berkeley
John Unsworth, University of Virginia
Inna Kouper, Indiana University
Data Science in Libraries: Findings and a Roadmap Forward (December '17)
Bonnie Tijerina, Data & Society Research Institute
Chris Erdmann, North Carolina State University
Design for Diversity: Towards Inclusive Information Systems for Cultural Heritage (December '17)
Amanda Rust, Northeastern University
Developing a Digital Scholarship Center on the Foundation of Creativity (December '17)
Michael Benson, Rowan University
Developing the Scholarly Communication Ecosystem: A CMU Perspective (December '17)
David Scherer, Carnegie Mellon University
Ole Villadsen, Carnegie Mellon University
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
A Digital Infrastructure for Unifying Medieval Manuscript Collections (December '17)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Patton, Johns Hopkins University
Digital Preservation: The Fedora Community Approach via Standards and Specifications (December '17)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Aaron Birkland, Johns Hopkins University
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Este Pope, Amherst College
Discovery in 2017: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Want to Be? (December '17)
William H. Mischo, University of Illinois
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Michael A. Norman, University of Illinois
Eric Frierson, EBSCO Information Services
Michele Kimpton, Digital Public Library of America
James English, Project Director SimplyE
David Millman, New York University
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Nick Shockey, SPARC
Ensuring Access to Culturally Significant, At-Risk, Audiovisual Recordings: The EMI Music Canada Archive (December '17)
Tom Hickerson, University of Calgary
Annie Murray, University of Calgary
Facing Slavery, Memory, and Reconciliation: The Research Library’s Role and Georgetown University’s Experience (December '17)
K. Matthew Dames, Georgetown University
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Fostering Organizational Change through Service and Space Design Strategy (December '17)
Emily Puckett Rodgers, University of Michigan
Meghan Sitar, University of Michigan
Rachel Vacek, University of Michigan
From First Seeds to Now: Researching, Building, and Piloting a Harvesting Tool (December '17)
Ann Connolly, bepress
From Stock to Flows (December '17)
davidkremers, California Institute of Technology
Kristin Antelman, California Institute of Technology
Stephen Davison, California Institute of Technology
Hydra-in-a-Box Project Final Report and Call to Community Action (December '17)
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
Michele Kimpton, Digital Public Library of America
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Hannah Frost, Stanford University
Michael Della Bitta, Digital Public Library of America
The IMLS National Digital Platform: Principles, Librarianship, and Digital Infrastructures (December '17)
Ashley E. Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Improving Access and Delivery for Special Collections and Archives (December '17)
Judith C. Russell, University of Florida
Marjorie M. K. Hlava, Access Innovations, Inc.
Mark A. Matienzo, Stanford University
Innovations with Solr at Penn: Novel Methods of Incorporating Multiple Record Sets and Cross-Referencing Headings (December '17)
Michael Gibney, University of Pennsylvania
Emily Morton-Owens, University of Pennsylvania
Jon Shaw, University of Pennsylvania
Integration of Information Technology in a Building that Marries Library and Classroom: Purdue’s Wilmeth Active Learning Center (December '17)
James L. Mullins, Purdue University
Leveraging Data to Monitor Makerspace Demographics: Addressing the Complexity of System Interoperability (December '17)
Amber N. Welch, University of Texas
Library Analytics Case Study: Informing and Transforming Library Instruction Programs (December '17)
Laurie Alexander, University of Michigan
Doreen Bradley, University of Michigan
Linked Data for Libraries and (Metadata) Production (LD4L/LD4P) (December '17)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Open Access Button: Putting OA into Interlibrary Loan (December '17)
Joseph McArthur, SPARC
Open Educational Resources and the Black Press in America Project (December '17)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Greg Britton, Johns Hopkins University Press
Wendy Queen, Johns Hopkins University/Project MUSE
Open Encyclopedia System – Open Source Platform for Open Access Encyclopedias (December '17)
Barbara Bushman, National Library of Medicine
Diane Boehr, National Library of Medicine
Preparing for the Future: National Library of Medicine’s Project to Add MeSH® RDF URIs to its Bibliographic and Authority Records (December '17)
Barbara Bushman, National Library of Medicine
Diane Boehr, National Library of Medicine
Prioritizing Researcher Perspectives in Driving Adoption for Research Data Management (December '17)
John Borghi, University of California
Daniella Lowenberg, University of California
Public Knowledge Project (PKP): Sustaining a Community-led Publishing Platform (December '17)
Juan Pablo Alperin, Simon Fraser University
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
Allan Bell, University of British Columbia
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint
Research Outputs: You Want Me to Do What?!? Finding a Way Forward for Librarians, Researchers and Other Stakeholders (December '17)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Paul Soderdahl, University of Iowa
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris
Research Sprints as Engagement Tool for Librarians & Faculty (December '17)
Michael Peper, University of Kansas
Karna Younger, University of Kansas
Shanda Hunt, University of Minnesota
Ben Wiggins, University of Minnesota
Serving Individual Researchers: Lessons Learned from JSTOR’s Access Model (December '17)
Rahul Belani, JSTOR
Seven Years of Libra at UVA: From Single IR to Modular Scholarly Repository Services (December '17)
Ellen Catz Ramsey, University of Virginia
Shared Repository Infrastructure (November '17)
Jimmy Ghaphery, Virginia Commonwealth University
The Social Welfare History Image Portal: Reinventing the Vertical File (November '17)
Alice W. Campbell, Virginia Commonwealth University
Catherine A. Paul, Virginia Commonwealth University
A Strategic Framework for Institutional Research Data Curation (November '17)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Anne Linton, George Washington University
John Chodacki, California Digital Library
Tim Dennis, University of California, Los Angeles
A Tale of Two Collaborations: Shared Discovery Through the Eyes of TRLN and BorrowDirect (November '17)
Timothy M. McGeary, Duke University
Joe M. Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Elisabeth M. Long, University of Chicago
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Heidi Nance, Ivy Plus Libraries Partnership
Lisa Croucher, Triangle Research Libraries Network
Ben Heet, Triangle Research Libraries Network
Jason Bengtson, Kansas State University
Tying the University Library to High Impact Research (November '17)
Nancy Davenport, American University
Katherine Simpson, American University
Update on Funding Possibilities, Priorities, and Trends (November '17)
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Ashley E. Sands, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Lucy Barber, National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC)
Patricia Hswe, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Christa Williford, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Value of Preserving and Disseminating Student Research Through Institutional Repositories (November '17)
Adriana Popescu, California Polytechnic State University
Radu Popescu, California Polytechnic State University
Web Archiving Systems APIs (WASAPI) for Systems Interoperability and Collaborative Technical Development (November '17)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Nicholas Taylor, Stanford University
10(+) years of Deep Blue at the University of Michigan (March '17)
Jim Ottaviani, University of Michigan
Advancing Accessibility through Libraries (March '17)
Laura C. Wood, Tufts University
Joseph (Jody) D. Combs, ARL/Vanderbilt University
Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Bibliometrics and Research Impact at University of Waterloo: An Exciting Campus Partnership (March '17)
Alison Hitchens, University of Waterloo
Annie Bélanger, University of Waterloo
Building a Deeper Bench: Training Students to Provide Digital Scholarship Support (March '17)
Joe M. Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Building Data Refuge: From Bucket Brigade to Sustainable Action (March '17)
Laurie Allen, University of Pennsylvania
Kimberly Eke, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Foster, Georgetown University
Delphine Khanna, Temple University
Catherine Morse, University of Michigan
T-Kay Sangwand, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
“But We Don’t Do Research Like That Anymore” (March '17)
Thomas Hickerson, University of Calgary
Capacity Building for Digital Scholarship Services (March '17)
Ashley Sanders, Claremont University Consortium
Louisa Lam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library
A CAVEkiosk in the Library: The At-Risk Cultural Heritage and the Digital Humanities UC Catalyst Grant (March '17)
Declan Fleming, University of California San Diego
Collaborating to Digitize Paleontological Collections at the University of Wyoming (March '17)
Chad Hutchens, University of Wyoming
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Liz Milewicz, Duke University
Jeffrey Spies, Center for Open Science
Developing Library Technology Infrastructure: Two Perspectives (March '17)
Kevin Comerford, University of New Mexico
Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico
Antonio Guillermo Martínez, Libnova
Anthony Helm, Dartmouth College
Digital Preservation in Production: DPN and DuraCloud Vault – Year 1 (March '17)
Bill Branan, DuraSpace
David Pcolar, Digital Preservation Network (DPN)
Direct from the Swamp: Developments of the 45th President and 115th Congress (March '17)
Krista L. Cox, Association of Research Libraries
Alan S. Inouye, American Library Association
DSpace 7: Selecting and Building a New DSpace User Interface (March '17)
Michele Mennielli, 4Science
Maureen Walsh, The Ohio State University
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
The Emergence of Research Information Management (RIM) within US Libraries (March '17)
Rebecca Bryant, OCLC Research
Paolo Mangiafico, Duke University
Maliaca Oxnam, University of Arizona
Exploring Data Management Support Needs of Bioengineering and Biomedical Research Faculty (March '17)
Christie Wiley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
From Theory to Practice: Leading the Way with Learning Data Principles (March '17)
Jenn Stringer, University of California at Berkeley
From Transactions to Collaborations: The Greenhouse Studios, Scholarly Design at UConn Library (March '17)
Martha Bedard, University of Connecticut
Holly Phillips, University of Connecticut
Greg Colati, University of Connecticut
How Libraries Learn: Catalyzing Student Research with the Fondren Fellows Program (March '17)
Lisa Spiro, Rice University
Marcel LaFlamme, Rice University
Christina Regelski, Rice University
Institutional Analytics Dashboards with SHARE: The UC San Diego Experience (March '17)
Declan Fleming, University of California San Diego
Jeffrey Spies, Center for Open Science
Institutional Repository Strategies: What We Learned at the Executive Roundtables (March '17)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Listen to the Recording
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jason Griffey, Harvard University
Emily King, College of Southern Nevada
Michael Schofield, LibUX
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2016 (March '17)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Libraries as Open Global Platform: An MIT Vision and Invitation (March '17)
Chris Bourg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Armand Doucette, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Heather Yager, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Linked Data Approach for Humanities Data (March '17)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Jaap Geraerts, University College London
New Incentive Infrastructure for Sharing Data and Other Research Outputs (March '17)
Bommae Kim, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Fenella France, Library of Congress
Open Collections: A Holistic Approach to Digital Collections Discovery and Delivery (March '17)
Paul Joseph, University of British Columbia
Bronwen Sprout, University of British Columbia
Open Persistent Identifier Infrastructures: The Key to Scaling Mandate Auditing and Assessment Exercises (March '17)
Geoffrey Bilder, Crossref Ensuring the Integrity of the Digital Scholarly Record (March '17)
Adam Ziegler, Harvard University
Power of Partnership and the Affordable Learning Exchange (March '17)
Alison Armstrong, The Ohio State University
Preserving Digital Content at Scale: Active Digital Preservation and Data/Metadata Migration (March '17)
Carolyn Caizzi, Northwestern University
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Lee Konrad, University of Wisconsin
Nick Ruest, York University
Mary Molinaro, Digital Preservation Network
Protect Researcher Privacy in the Surveillance Era (March '17)
Sam Kome, Claremont Colleges
Chris Shillum, Elsevier
Ann Gabriel, Elsevier
Rethinking Repositories (March '17)
Paolo Mangiafico, Duke University
Julie Rudder, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Will Sexton, Duke University
Jason Casden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Role of Academic Libraries in an Era of Fake News, Alternative Facts, and Information Overload (March '17)
Donald A. Barclay, University of California, Merced
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Justin Shanks, Montana State University
The So-What Test: How and Why Schools Are Embedding the IR into Campus Culture (March '17)
Promita Chatterji, bepress
Social Networks and Archival Context: In Transition from Project to Program (March '17)
Daniel V. Pitti, University of Virginia
Jerry Simmons, U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Kelly Spring, University of California, Irvine
Software Carpentry in the Library: Partnering to Give Researchers Needed Technical Skills (March '17)
Sarah Clayton, University of Oklahoma
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Chad Hutchens, University of Wyoming
Karl Benedict, University of New Mexico
Jon Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Successful Open Educational Resources Initiatives: The Winning Formula (March '17)
Nicole Finkbeiner, Rice University
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Sustainability of Community-owned Repository Software: A Call to Action (March '17)
Melissa Anez, Islandora Foundation
Mike Giarlo, Stanford University
Nick Ruest, York University
Andrew Woods, Duraspace
Task Force on Technical Approaches to Email Archives: Update and Discussion (March '17)
Chris Prom, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kate Murray, Library of Congress
To the Rescue of the Orphans of Scholarly Communication (March '17)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Understanding Usage, Impact, and Pitfalls in Research Data Analytics (March '17)
Jon Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Stephen Abrams, University of New Mexico
Update on FOLIO, OLE, and the Open Library Foundation (March '17)
Dean Krafft, Cornell University
David Carlson, Texas A&M University
Sebastian Hammer, Index Data
Updates from the Field: Image Viewing and Manipulation with Mirador (March '17)
Elizabeth McAulay, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Virtual Reality in the Trenches: Addressing the Preservation Challenges of Virtual Reality for Scholarship (March '17)
Zack Lischer-Katz, University of Oklahoma
Matt Cook, University of Oklahoma
When Data Analytics and Big Data/Data Science Move to the Library (March '17)
Karim Boughida, University of Rhode Island
Joan Peckham, University of Rhode Island
Kimberly Pierson, University of Rhode Island
Harrison Dekker, University of Rhode Island
Academic Museums and Libraries: Strong Partners for Stewardship and Engagement (November '16)
Jill Deupi, University of Miami
Chuck Eckman, University of Miami
After the Harvest: Preservation, Access, and Research Services for the 2016 End of Term Web Archive (November '16)
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Altmetrics Going Mainstream: Moving Recommendations into Practice and Beyond (November '16)
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization
arXiv@25: Exploring Future Directions and Strategies (November '16)
Oya Y. Rieger, Cornell University
Martin Lessmeister, Cornell University
Sandy Payette, Cornell University
Assessing Institutional Repositories (November '16)
Elisabeth Kaplan, George Washington University
Philip Herold, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Assessing Training for Digital Stewardship: Findings from the National Digital Stewardship Residency Program (November '16)
Howard Besser, New York University
Meridith Mink, Council on Library & Information Resources
Michelle Gallinger, Gallinger Consulting
Building Repositories for Social Science and Archaeological Data (November '16)
John B. Howard, University College Dublin
Francis P. McManamon, Arizona State University
Building the Better Ebook and Beyond (November '16)
Alex Humphreys, JSTOR
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Lisa Macklin, Emory University
Barbara Rockenbach, Columbia University
Building Tools and Services to Support Research Software Preservation and Sharing (November '16)
Fernando Rios, Johns Hopkins University
Jeffrey Spies, Center for Open Science
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame/Association of Research Libraries
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Capstones: Internet Identity Begins to Fill the Gaps (November '16)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Collaborations to Improve Collections Management and Access with CollectionSpace, an Open Sourced Software Solution (November '16)
Robert Miller, LYRASIS
David Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Ann Baird Whiteside, Harvard University
The Cost of Open Access to Journals: Pay It Forward Project Findings (November '16)
MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis
Sheila Rabun, International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Deutsche Biographie: From a National Biography to a Historical Information System (November '16)
Dirk Scholz, Bavarian State Library
Maximilian Schrott, Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Developing Technology Fluencies (November '16)
Rebecca L. Lubas, Claremont Colleges
Sam Kome, Claremont Colleges
Kim Eke, The University of Pennsylvania
Digital Humanities Collections and Technologies (November '16)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Patton, Johns Hopkins University
John B. Howard, University College Dublin
Sharon S. Prado, University College Dublin
The Digital Preservation Ecosystem: A Community Conversation with Providers of Services (November '16)
Mary Molinaro, Digital Preservation Network
Aaron Choate, University of Texas
Chip German, University of Virginia
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
Mike Furlough, HathiTrust
Sibyl Schaefer, University of California San Diego
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Digitized Manuscripts (November '16)
Benjamin Albritton, Stanford University
Sheila Rabun, International Image Interoperability Framework
Alexandra Bolintineanu, University of Toronto
Sian Meikle, University of Toronto
Documenting the Now: Supporting Scholarly Use and Preservation of Social Media Content (November '16)
Ed Summers, University of Maryland
Watch the Video
DRASTIC Measures: Digital Repository at Scale that Invites Computation (To Improve Collections) (November '16)
Gregory Jansen, University of Maryland
Richard Marciano, University of Maryland
Enhanced Institutional Repository Indexing, Linking and Display: Facilitating User Access and Publicly Funded Research Compliance (November '16)
Judith Russell, University of Florida
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Expanding Research Data Services (November '16)
Bryan Sinclair, Georgia State University
Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh, Georgia State University
Michele Claibourn, University of Virginia
Exploring Ways to Improve Access to Scholarly Resources: From Anywhere on Any Device (November '16)
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Chris Shillum, Elsevier, Inc.
Ralph Youngen, American Chemical Society
From Archives to Data: Crowdsourcing Special Collections (November '16)
Amy Azzarito, University of California, Davis
Peter Leonard, Yale University
Lindsay King, Yale University
From Primary Resources to a Foundation for Programming: Disability History at the University of Texas Arlington Libraries (November '16)
Ramona Holmes, University of Texas at Arlington
Kelly Visnak, University of Texas at Arlington
The Future of Finding at the University of Oxford (November '16)
Catriona Cannon, University of Oxford
Christine Madsen, Athenaeum21
The HathiTrust Research Center: It Takes a Village (November '16)
Robert McDonald, Indiana University
Mike Furlough, University of Michigan
Beth Namachchivaya, University of Illinois
Beth Plale, Indiana University
J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois
John Unsworth, University of Virginia
Institutional Learning Analytics: How Can Academic Libraries Connect? (November '16)
Megan Oakleaf, Syracuse University
Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE
Islandora (November '16)
Nick Ruest, York University
Melissa Anez, Islandora Foundation
Adam Traub, University of Rochester
The Library in 2020: Creating Collaborative Digital Library Collections (November '16)
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
Tom Blake, Boston Public Library
Geoffrey Harder, University of Alberta
Lots of LOCKSS Keeping Stuff Safe: The Future of the LOCKSS Program (November '16)
Nicholas Taylor, Stanford University
Makerspaces, Virtual Reality, The Internet of Things et alia Stories (November '16)
Karim Boughida, University of Rhode Island
Brian Jepson, O’Reilly Media
Brian Mathews, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Angelica Ferria, University of Rhode Island
Deborah Mongeau, University of Rhode Island
Migrating Library Collections and Operations to Linked Data: Assessment, Planning and Experimentation (November '16)
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Myung-Ja K. Han, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Carl G. Stahmer, University of California, Davis
MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis
Modern Digital Preservation Approaches from the Fedora Community (November '16)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Declan Fleming, University of California, San Diego
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Networked Inquiry as General Education: ThoughtVectors in Concept Space (November '16)
Gardner Campbell, Virginia Commonwealth University
Christina Engelbart, Doug Engelbart Institute
Open Platform: Two Integrations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (November '16)
Lee Konrad, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bruce Barton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Steve Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris, a ProQuest Company
Leslie Johnston, National Archives and Records Administration
View video
The Provenance of Madame Bonnier: Linked Open Data and Intra-Institutional Collaboration (November '16)
Robert Sanderson, J. Paul Getty Trust
Joshua Gomez, Getty Research Institute
Reference Rot in Scholarly Communication: A Reliable Quantification and a Proposed Solution (November '16)
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
View video
Rendering and Reading: Three University Presses Consider the Future of Scholarly Monographs (November '16)
Terry Ehling, Johns Hopkins University Press
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
David Millman, New York University
Monica McCormick, New York University
Research IT @ Illinois: Establishing Service Responsive to Investigator Needs (November '16)
John Towns, University of Illinois
Scholars@Cornell: Visualizing the Scholarly Record (November '16)
Sandy Payette, Cornell University
Muhammad Javed, Cornell University
A Serverless and Stateless Gaming Platform: NuPredicts (November '16)
Harlan Wallach, Northwestern University
Rodolfo Vieira, Northwestern University
Spaces for Learning and Scholarship (November '16)
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Tracy Bergstrom, University of Notre Dame
Laurie Alexander, University of Michigan
Meghan Sitar, University of Michigan
A Story of Preprints and Curation Networks: Efficiently Scaling Community Outreach Using Public Goods Infrastructure (November '16)
Philip Cohen, University of Maryland College Park
Cynthia Hudson Vitale, Washington University in St. Louis; Association of Research Libraries
Jeffrey Spies, Center for Open Science
Claire Stewart, University of Minnesota
Supporting Digital Humanities: Report of an ECAR/CNI Working Group (November '16)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Quinn Dombrowski, University of California, Berkeley
Tools for Modern Research Practice (November '16)
Bret Davidson, North Carolina State University
Eka Grguric, North Carolina State University
Andrée Rathemacher, University of Rhode Island
Peter Burnhill, University of Edinburgh
Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN International Centre
Theron ‘Ted’ Westervelt, Library of Congress
Alan Darnell, University of Toronto
Understanding and Improving Media Collection Usage and Discoverability (November '16)
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University
Dimitrios Latsis, Internet Archive; University of California, Santa Cruz
Mark Williams, Dartmouth College
Update on Funding Opportunities: Programs, Priorities & Trends (November '16)
Trevor Owens, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities
Lucy Barber, National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Nicole Ferraiolo, Council on Library and Information Resources
Elizabeth Tran, National Endowment for the Humanities
Using Big Data, Asking Big Questions: The Chronicling America Historic American Newspapers Data Challenge (November '16)
Leah Weinryb Grohsgal, National Endowment for the Humanities
Deborah Thomas, Library of Congress
Weaving Together Preservation and Active Research (November '16)
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame/Association of Research Libraries
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
David Wilcox, Duraspace
Jeffrey Spies, The Center for Open Science
What’s the Reality of Virtual Reality in a Modern Research University Library? (November '16)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Matt Cook, University of Oklahoma
Yours, Mine, or Ours? The Freedom of Information Act Archive: Making the Transition from Faculty Project to Community Resource (November '16)
Barbara Rockenbach, Columbia University
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint
Matthew Connelly, Columbia University
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Access to DBpedia Versions using Memento and Triple Pattern Fragments (March '16)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Miel Vander Sande, Ghent University
Avalon Media System Update: From Collaboration to Community (March '16)
Jon Dunn, Indiana University
Evviva Weinraub, Northwestern University
Be a Maker @UNC: Partnering to Support Teaching, Learning, and Maker Technology (March '16)
Danianne Mizzy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Aiya Williams, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Scott Walter, DePaul University
Sarah M. Pritchard, Northwestern University
Charles Blair, University of Chicago
Tracy J. Seneca, University of Illinois at Chicago
A Campus Master Plan for Research Storage: A Case in Progress (March '16)
David Millman, New York University
Scott Collard, New York University
Lynn Rohrs, New York University
Connect. Collaborate. Contribute: A Model for Designing and Building a Research Commons (March '16)
Alison Armstrong, The Ohio State University
da|ra: Solutions to the Challenges of Data Registration, Access and Exchange (March '16)
Karoline Harzenetter, GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Kerrin Borschewski , GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
Digital Curation in Art Museums: Promising Practices and Opportunities for Education and Research (March '16)
Joyce Ray, Johns Hopkins University
Experimental Learning Environments at Clemson University Libraries (March '16)
Christopher Vinson, Clemson University
Patricia Carbajales-Dale, Clemson University
Bobby Hollandsworth, Clemson University
Wesley Smith, Clemson University
Expert Curation of SHARE Data Set: Pedagogy and Community Engagement (March '16)
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale, Washington University in St. Louis
Jeff Spies, Center for Open Science
Exploring the Potential of New Faculty Profile Systems (March '16)
Michelle Armstrong, Boise State University
Eli Windchy, bepress
Maliaca Oxnam, University of Arizona
From Invasive to Integrated: Information Technology and Library Leadership, Structure, and Culture (March '16)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois-Urbana
Dale Askey, McMaster University
The Future of Organization Identifiers (March '16)
Laure Haak, ORCID
Geoffrey Bilder, Crossref
Patricia Cruse, DataCite
Improving Research Data Sharing and Reuse: Scientists and Repositories (March '16)
Michael Conlon, University of Florida
Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey 2015: First Release of Key Findings (March '16)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Christine Wolff, Ithaka S+R
Linked Data Implementations-Who, What and Why? (March '16)
Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC
Microservices Architecture: Building Scalable (Library) Software Solutions (March '16)
Jason Varghese, New York Public Library
A Multiple Institutional Collaboration Project toward Geospatial Data Discovery (March '16)
Nicole Kong, Purdue University
National Web Archiving Programs in the U.S. (March '16)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Jefferson Bailey, Internet Archive
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
New and Evolving Services for Scholarship (March '16)
Rebecca Bryant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Beth Namachchivaya, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wayne Morse, Emory University
An Ocean of Data: A Metadata and DOI Strategy for Large, Dynamic Data about the World’s Oceans (March '16)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
On the CUSP: Canadian Universities and Sustainable Publishing (March '16)
Martha Whitehead, Queen’s University
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
Martin Paul Eve, Open Library of Humanities
Open Parks Network: The Next Century of Digital Information Stewardship for the National Park Service (March '16)
Christopher G. Vinson, Clemson University
Matthew Spitzer, Center for Open Science
Open SESMO: Innovations in Surfacing Paid Content to Today’s Learners (March '16)
Jason A. Clark, Montana State University
Doralyn Rossmann, Montana State University
Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Research and Policy Agenda (March '16)
Jerome McDonough, University of Illinois
Publishing Programs in Academic Libraries (March '16)
Bryn Geffert, Amherst College
Michael Roy, Middlebury College
Sue Ann Gardner, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rebuilding the Getty Provenance Index as Linked Data (March '16)
Joshua Gomez, Getty Research Institute
Emily Pugh, Getty Research Institute
Rethinking Library Services: Software Infrastructure to Stimulate Innovation and Collaboration (March '16)
Nassib Nassar, Index Data
The Role of Next Generation Libraries in Enhancing Multidisciplinary Research (March '16)
Tom Hickerson, University of Calgary
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Kathryn (Ranjit) Ruddock, University of Calgary
Shawna Sadler, Deakin University
Runaway Slave Advertisements: One Vision, Two Approaches (March '16)
Tim Bucknall, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Jason Kovari, Cornell University
Rick Luce, University of Oklahoma
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
The Software Preservation Network Project (March '16)
Zach Vowell, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Jessica Meyerson, University of Texas at Austin
Starting a Textbook Revolution: Project Partners On and Beyond Your Campus (March '16)
Steven J. Bell, Temple University
Alison Armstrong, The Ohio State University
Kevin Stranack, Simon Fraser University
The Stewardship Gap Project: Initial Research Results and Insights (March '16)
Myron Gutmann, University of Colorado Boulder
Jeremy York, University of Colorado Boulder
Text and Data-Mining on Licensed Collections (March '16)
Peter Leonard, Yale University
Jan Kemp, University of Texas at San Antonio
William Glenn, University of Texas at San Antonio
Mark Stover, California State University, Northridge
Lauren Magnuson, California State University, Northridge
Working with a Community-based Organization to Support Ontology Infrastructure (March '16)
Line C. Pouchard, Purdue University Libraries
3D Scanning for Small Budgets: How Local Libraries and Museums Will Play a Role in Creating a 3D Digital Library (November '15)
Jennifer Johnson, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
JD Schaumberg, Online Resources, Inc.
Achieving Meaningful Interoperability for Web-based Scholarship (November '15)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael L. Nelson, Old Dominion University
All for One and One for All: A Global Approach to Image Interoperability via IIIF (November '15)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
The Archaeology of Infrastructure (November '15)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Jaap Geraerts, University College London
Archivportal-D: The National Platform for Archival Information in Germany (November '15)
Christina Wolf, Landesarchiv Baden-Wuerttemberg
Nadine Seidu, Landesarchiv Baden-Wuerttemberg
Between a Microscope and a Museum: The Tension Between Content and Context in Digital Collections (November '15)
Ken Mitchell, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Mohamed Baessa, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Molly Tamarkin, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Big Data Ethics Support Systems and Networks (November '15)
Bonnie Tijerina, Data & Society Research Institute
Emily F. Keller, Data & Society Research Institute
Bringing Bits to the User: BitCurator and BitCurator Access (November '15)
Christopher (Cal) Lee, University of North Carolina
Can Cooperatives Provide a More Sustainable and Effective Path for Open Access? (November '15)
Kamran Naim, Stanford University
Raym Crow, SPARC
Consensus Approach to Patron Privacy in Publisher, Library and Software Systems (November '15)
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Design Labs at the Intersection of Engaged Learning and Digital Scholarship (November '15)
Laurie Alexander, University of Michigan
Justin Schell, University of Michigan
Digital Dissertations in an Increasingly Welcoming Landscape (November '15)
Amanda Visconti, Purdue University
Watch the Video
Digital Scholarship Centers: Two Models (November '15)
Tom Keegan, The University of Iowa
John Culshaw, The University of Iowa
Paul Soderdahl, The University of Iowa
Roger Zender, Case Western Reserve University
Digital Scholarship Spaces: Building Communities & Enabling Collaboration (November '15)
Elizabeth Cowell, University of California Santa Cruz
Rachel Deblinger, University of California Santa Cruz
Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University
Mike Nutt, North Carolina State University
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Documenting Ferguson: Lessons Learned from Managing an Online Community Archive (November '15)
Shannon Davis, Washington University in St. Louis
Emulation and Virtualization as Preservation Strategies (November '15)
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
ePADD: Use Natural Language Processing to Appraise, Process, Discover and Deliver Email (November '15)
Peter Chan, Stanford University
Establishing a Shared Research Data Service in the UK: How We’re Doing It. What About You? (November '15)
Rachel Bruce, Jisc
Evolving a Community Digital Repository: Lessons from Dryad (November '15)
William Michener, University of New Mexico and Dryad Board of Directors
Experiences with High Resolution Display Walls in Academic Libraries (November '15)
John Brosz, University of Calgary
E. Patrick Rashleigh, Brown University
Josh Boyer, North Carolina State University
Fedora 4: Community-Driven Development to Production (November '15)
Aaron Birkland, Johns Hopkins University
Dan Coughlin, Pennsylvania State University
Ben Wallberg, University of Maryland at College Park
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Findings from a Suite of Studies on Open Access Monograph Publishing: What Will it Cost and How Will it Work? (November '15)
Charles Watkinson, University of Michigan
Carolyn Walters, Indiana University – Bloomington
Lisa Macklin, Emory University
Nancy Maron, BlueSky to BluePrint, LLC
The Future of Linked Data in Libraries: Assessing BIBFRAME Against Best Practices (November '15)
Robert Sanderson, Stanford University
Galileo’s World: Driving Library Exhibitions to New Heights with State-of-the-art Technology (November '15)
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
The Great VCU Bike Race Book: Studentsourcing an Interdisciplinary, Multimodal Webtext (November '15)
Gardner Campbell, Virginia Commonwealth University
How Much Does $1.7 Billion Buy You? A Comparison of Published Scientific Journal Articles to Their Pre-print Version (November '15)
Sharon Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter Broadwell, University of California, Los Angeles
Martin Klein, University of California, Los Angeles
Hybrid Online/Offline Scholarly Information Resources (November '15)
Ryan Shaw, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Patrick Golden, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Hydra-in-a-Box: Building and Bundling a National Digital Platform (November '15)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Mark Matienzo, Digital Public Library of America
Debra Hanken Kurtz, DuraSpace
Is Gold Open Access Sustainable? Update from the UC Pay-It-Forward Project (November '15)
MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis
Ivy Anderson, University of California, California Digital Library
Libraries Will Be an Asset for Us: Emerging Roles for Academic Libraries in Civic Data Partnerships (November '15)
Aaron Brenner, University of Pittsburgh
Bob Gradeck, University of Pittsburgh
Michael Bolam, University of Pittsburgh
Eleanor Mattern, University of Pittsburgh
Linked Data for Libraries and Archives: LD4L and Europeana (November '15)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Charles Blair, The University of Chicago
MakerWeb Consortium: A Unique Approach to MakerSpaces (November '15)
Ellen Borkowski, Union College
Amanda Ervin, Union College
Frances Maloy, Union College
John Rieffel, Union College
National Digital Stewardship Alliance on the Move (November '15)
Bethany Nowviskie, Council on Library and Information Resources
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abigail Potter, Library of Congress
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Oliver Bendorf, Digital Library Federation
New Partnerships in the Scholarly Communication System and the Open Source Toolkit (November '15)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Jennifer Crewe, Columbia University Press
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Modern Language Association
Mark Newton, Columbia University
Barbara Rockenbach, Columbia University
New Tools for Providing Access to Digital Image Collections: Mirador and Spotlight (November '15)
Stuart Snydman, Stanford University
The Open Science Framework (OSF) at Notre Dame: Connecting the Workflow and Supporting the Research Mission (November '15)
Andrew Sallans, Center for Open Science
Natalie Meyers, University of Notre Dame
Organizational Implications of Data Science Environments in Education, Research, and Research Management in Libraries (November '15)
Erik Mitchell, University of California, Berkeley
Vicky Steeves, New York University
Jenny Muilenburg, University of Washington
Portland Common Data Model: Creating and Sharing Complex Digital Objects (November '15)
Karen Estlund, Pennsylvania State University
Declan Fleming, University of California, San Diego
Mark Matienzo, Digital Public Library of America
Jon Stroop, Princeton University
Postmortem on Merging/Unmerging IT and Libraries (November '15)
Karim Boughida, University of Rhode Island
Garry Bozylinsky, University of Rhode Island
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
John Unsworth, Brandeis University
Preparing for New Roles and Transformed Libraries: Models and Implementation (November '15)
Kristen Burgess, University of Cincinnati
Ted Baldwin, University of Cincinnati
Leslie Schick, University of Cincinnati
Greg Raschke, North Carolina State University
Deanna Marcum, Ithaka S+R
The Process of Discovery: CLIR Postdoctoral Fellows on the Future of the Academy (November '15)
John Maclachlan, McMaster University
Elizabeth A. Waraksa, Association of Research Libraries
Meridith Beck Sayre, Knox College and Council on Library and Information Resources
Jodi Reeves Flores, University of Arizona An International, Interoperable Approach to Standardized Rights Statements for Cultural Heritage (November '15)
Emily Gore, Digital Public Library of America
Greg Cram, New York Public Library
Dave Hansen, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Mark Matienzo, Digital Public Library of America
Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC): Launching the Pilot Phase (November '15)
John C. Martinez, National Archives and Records Administration
Taking the Long View: International Update from the Keepers Registry (November '15)
Peter Burnhill, EDINA, University of Edinburgh
Update on Funding Opportunities: Programs, Priorities & Trends (November '15)
Trevor Owens, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities
Lucy Barber, National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Amy Lucko, Council on Library and Information Resources
Nicole Ferraiolo, Council on Library and Information Resources
Perry Collins, National Endowment for the Humanities
Video Captioning at the University of Texas (November '15)
Daniel Jacobs, University of Texas at Austin
Aaron Choate, University of Texas at Austin
3D Printing Trends (April '15)
Patrick Yott, Northeastern University
Terry Ann Jankowski, University of Washington
Tania P. Bardyn, University of Washington
Paul Ludecke, University of Washington
The Academic Preservation Trust: Report on First Months of Production (April '15)
Andrew Diamond, Academic Preservation Trust
Chip German, Academic Preservation Trust
Nathan Tallman, University of Cincinnati
Jamie Little, University of Miami
Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati
Addressing Institutional Challenges to Providing Accessible Digital Content (April '15)
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Jonathan Lazar, Towson University
Sheryl Burgstahler, University of Washington
Annotated Manuscripts in the IIIF Environment: Enhancing Scholarship and Creating Communities (April '15)
Stephen Nichols, Johns Hopkins University
Tamsyn Rose-Steel, Johns Hopkins University
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
BIBFLOW: A Roadmap for Library Linked Data Implementation (April '15)
MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis
Carl G Stahmer, University of California, Davis
Eric Miller, Zepheira
Building a Vast Library of Life: The Biodiversity Heritage Library Looks to the Future (April '15)
Martin R. Kalfatovic, Smithsonian Institution
Nancy E. Gwinn, Smithsonian Institution
Building Expertise to Support Digital Scholarship: A Global Perspective (April '15)
Vivian Lewis, McMaster University
Lisa Spiro, Rice University
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
Jon E. Cawthorne, West Virginia University
Challenges Presented by Institutional Identifiers (April '15)
Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC Research
Collaborating to Develop and Test Research Data Preservation Workflows (April '15)
Geoff Harder, University of Alberta
Leanne Trimble, Scholars Portal
Dugan O’Neil, Compute Canada
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
Martha Whitehead, Queen’s University
Digital Preservation Network Progress Report (April '15)
Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, Digital Preservation Network
David Pcolar, Digital Preservation Network
Electronic Laboratory Notebooks: More than Notes (April '15)
Alan Wolf, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Jan Cheetham, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Enduring Access to Rich Media Content: Understanding Use and Usability Requirements (April '15)
Oya Y. Rieger, Cornell University
Mickey Casad, Cornell University
Dianne Dietrich, Cornell University
Martin R. Kalfatovic, Smithsonian Institution
How Am I Doing? A Framework for IR Benchmarking (April '15)
Ann Connolly, bepress
Indiana University’s Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative (April '15)
Julie Hardesty, Indiana University Bloomington
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University Bloomington
Innovative Uses of Islandora: Three Use Cases (April '15)
Kristian Allen, University of California, Los Angeles
Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University
Evelyn McLellan, Artefactual Systems Inc.
Integrating Digital Epigraphies (April '15)
Joshua D. Sosin, Duke University
View video
Integration of Research Literature and Data (InFoLiS) (April '15)
Katarina Boland, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne (Germany)
Philipp Zumstein, Mannheim University Library (Germany)
Less Code, More Product: Leveraging Open Source Technologies to Develop Digital Library Collections (April '15)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Stephen Davis, Columbia University
Carole Ann Fabian, Columbia University
Managing Public Video Walls in an Academic Library (April '15)
Shawna Sadler, Deakin University
Mike Nutt, North Carolina State University
Renee Reaume, University of Calgary
Microsoft Academic: Semantic Search and Proactive Discovery (April '15)
Alex D. Wade, Microsoft Research
Mobile Technology Support for Field Research (April '15)
Wayne Johnston, University of Guelph
Moving Ahead with Fedora 4 (April '15)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Jon Dunn, Indiana University
Navigating Change in Software Sustainability and Business Models (April '15)
Timothy M. McGeary, Duke University
Michael Winkler, University of Pennsylvania
Carlen Ruschoff , University of Maryland, College Park
Networks of Expertise: A Model for Implementing and Sustaining New Information Services (April '15)
Jon E. Cawthorne, West Virginia University
John Culshaw, University of Iowa
Geneva Henry, George Washington University
Joy Kirchner, University of Minnesota
New Library/IT Service Models (April '15)
Allan Bell, The University of British Columbia
Mark Dehmlow, University of Notre Dame
On Building an Ontario Library Research Cloud for Shared and Distributed Digital Curation (April '15)
Dale Askey, McMaster University
Sian Meikle , University of Toronto
Michael Vandenburg, Queen’s University
Picture This! Supporting Data Visualization Research at Scale (April '15)
Joe M. Williams, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Carol Hunter, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Jill Kuhn Sexton, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
A Platform for Partnership: Collaborating Across UCLA Library and Campus (April '15)
Jillian Cuellar, University of California, Los Angeles
Jasmine Jones, Smith College
Jennifer Weintraub, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
Andrew Gomez, University of California, Los Angeles
Publishing Ada: A Retrospective Look at the First Three Years of an Open Peer Review Multi-modal Journal (April '15)
Karen Estlund, University of Oregon
Sarah Hamid, University of Oregon
Bryce Peake, Intel Labs / University of Oregon
Setting a Security and Privacy Agenda: Report from a CNI Workshop (April '15)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
SHARE Project Update (April '15)
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Jeff Spies, Center for Open Science
Simplifying Learning Analytics via the Caliper Analytics™ Framework (CANCELED) (April '15)
Lisa Mattson, IMS Global Learning Consortium
Social Networks and Archival Context: From R&D to Cooperative Program (April '15)
Daniel Pitti, University of Virginia
Brian Tingle, University of California
Software Curation as a Digital Preservation Service (April '15)
Keith Webster, Carnegie Mellon University
Euan Cochrane, Yale University
Space: Describing and Assessing Library and Other Learning Spaces (April '15)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Bob Fox, University of Louisville
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries
Stewarding the Scholarly Record at the University of Arizona (April '15)
Maliaca Oxnam, University of Arizona
Kimberly Chapman, University of Arizona
Jeremy Frumkin, University of Arizona
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris Group
Transforming Organizations Through New Partnerships, Collaboration, and Agile Development (April '15)
Xuemao Wang, University of Cincinnati
Nelson Vincent, University of Cincinnati
Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati
Ted Baldwin, University of Cincinnati
Josette Riep, University of Cincinnati
Bryan Sinclair, Georgia State University
Jill Sexton, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Joseph Hurley, Georgia State University
What Price Open Access? (April '15)
Stuart Shieber, Harvard University
Ralf Schimmer, Max Planck Digital Library
Ivy Anderson, California Digital Library
The 2014 National Agenda for Digital Stewardship: What Works in Digital Preservation, and What is Needed (December '14)
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Michelle Gallinger, Gallinger Consulting
Analytics and Privacy: A Proposed Framework for Negotiating Service and Value Boundaries (December '14)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andrew Asher, Indiana University
Archives and Digital Humanities (December '14)
Charlotte Nunes, Southwestern University
Mary W. Elings, University of California at Berkeley
Jen Wolfe, University of Iowa
Tom Keegan, University of Iowa
The Benefits of Collaboration: Optimizing Content Coverage in Library Discovery Systems (December '14)
Amira Aaron, Northeastern University
Bruce Heterick, ITHAKA
Christine Stohn, Ex Libris Group
A Decade In: Assessing the Impacts and Futures of Internet Identity (December '14)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
The DeLiVerMATH Project: Towards Virtual Research Environments in Mathematics (December '14)
Peter Loewe, German National Library of Science and Technology
Silke Rehme, FIZ Karlsruhe Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure
Developing a 21st Century Global Digital Mathematics Library for Research (December '14)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Patrick Ion, American Mathematical Society
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Developing an Analytics Dashboard for Coursera MOOC Discussion Forums (December '14)
Bill Parod, Northwestern University
Development of a Small Data Collections Archiving Service Option at Johns Hopkins University (December '14)
Betsy Gunia, Johns Hopkins University
Barbara Pralle, Johns Hopkins University
Developments in Digital Repositories (December '14)
Tracy Seneca, University of Illinois at Chicago
Charles Blair, University of Chicago
Glen Robson, National Library of Wales
Digital Repository Development at Yale Library (December '14)
Michael Dula, Yale University
Digital Scholarship Centers (December '14)
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Steven Escar Smith, University of Tennessee
Kevin Kidd, Boston College
Carl Grant, University of Oklahoma
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris Group
e-Journal Archiving: Changing Landscape (December '14)
Oya Y. Rieger, Cornell University Library
Lars Bjørnshauge, SPARC Europe & DOAJ
Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University Library & Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Bernie Reilly, Center for Research Libraries
Ensuring Access to Digital Back Copy: Who Has the Digital Shelving? (December '14)
Peter Burnhill, University of Edinburgh
The Evolution of VIVO Software, Standards, and Open-Source Community: Project Update (December '14)
Layne M. Johnson, DuraSpace
Exposing Library Collections on the Web: Challenges and Lessons Learned (December '14)
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Ted Fons, OCLC
Janina Sarol, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Extending the Lifecycle of Scientific Field Notes: Making Hidden Collections Reusable (December '14)
Riccardo Ferrante, Smithsonian Institution
Rusty Russell, Smithsonian Institution
Falling Though the Cracks: Digital Preservation and Institutional Failures (December '14)
Jerome McDonough, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
View video
Fedora 4 Early Adopters (December '14)
David Wilcox, DuraSpace
Stefano Cossu, Art Institute of Chicago
Declan Fleming, University of California, San Diego
Michael Giarlo, Pennsylvania State University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Fostering Human-to-Human Collaboration (December '14)
Adam Hyde, PLOS
Kristin Antelman, California Institute of Technology
Liam Earney, Jisc
Kristen Wilson, North Carolina State University
How Relevant are Your Results? Supporting Topical Research in Discovery Services (December '14)
Athena Hoeppner, University of Central Florida
Ashley Brewer, Old Dominion University
James G. Rhoades, Jr., Old Dominion University
Dave Edwards, EBSCO Information Services
Hybrid and Fluid by Design: Collective Capacity Building for the Digital Humanities at Penn State (December '14)
Patricia Hswe, The Pennsylvania State University
Improving Integrity, Transparency, and Reproducibility Through Connection of the Scholarly Workflow (December '14)
Andrew Sallans, Center for Open Science
Improving the Odds of Preservation (December '14)
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
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Inaugural Digital Preservation Network Pilot Project Findings and Next Steps (December '14)
Debra Hanken Kurtz, Texas Digital Library
Tony Navarrete, Stanford University
David Minor, University of California at San Diego
The Library Publishing Coalition: From Collective Action to Collective Impact (December '14)
Sarah Kalikman Lippincott, Library Publishing Coalition
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Linked Data Initiatives at the National Library of Medicine (December '14)
Barbara Bushman, National Library of Medicine
Nancy Fallgren, National Library of Medicine
The Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L) Project: A Progress Report (December '14)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Managing Research Data: Some Ins and Outs (December '14)
Joyce Ray, Johns Hopkins University
Geneva Henry, George Washington University
Michele Kimpton, DuraSpace
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
The NIH Contribution to the Commons (December '14)
Philip E. Bourne, National Institutes of Health
Online-Only Media: 21st Century Collection Crisis? (December '14)
John Vallier, University of Washington
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Planning for What’s Next: Growing Skills and Infrastructure for Changing Environments (December '14)
Marianne Ryan, Northwestern University
Geoffrey Swindells, Northwestern University
Chelcie Juliet Rowell, Wake Forest University
Beth Forrest Warner, The Ohio State University
Terry Reese, The Ohio State University
Publishing and Preserving Data as Primary Research Objects: The RMap Project (December '14)
Timothy DiLauro, Data Conservancy, Johns Hopkins University
Ken Rawson, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Kate Wittenberg, Portico
Research Impact, Scholarly Output, and Models of Sustainability in the Libraries (December '14)
Steven Braun, University of Minnesota
Rights & Access Challenges for Large Scale Collections, Aggregators, and Repositories (December '14)
Elaine Westbrooks, University of Michigan
Kevin Smith, Duke University
Emily Gore, Digital Public Library of America
Debra Kurtz, University of Texas at Austin
The Shelley-Godwin Archive (December '14)
Neil Fraistat, University of Maryland
Raffaele Viglianti, University of Maryland
Trevor Muñoz, University of Maryland
Kirsten Keister, University of Maryland
Smithsonian X Digitization: Rapid Capture for Vast Collections, 3D Digitization for Iconic Objects (December '14)
Günter Waibel, Smithsonian Institution
Vincent Rossi, Smithsonian Institution
Snatch: An Archiving and Analysis Service for Global News (December '14)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter Broadwell, University of California, Los Angeles
Martin Klein, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon E. Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Stewarding New York Public Library’s Audio and Moving Image Research Collections into the Future (December '14)
Ann Thornton, New York Public Library
Evelyn Frangakis, New York Public Library
Stewarding New York Public Library's Audio and Moving Image Research Collections into the Future (December '14)
Ann Thornton, New York Public Library
Evelyn Frangakis, New York Public Library
Swords, Dragons, and Spells: Libraries and User Privacy (December '14)
Peter Brantley, New York Public Library
Marshall Breeding, Library Technology Guides
Eric Hellman, Gluejar
Gary Price,
Towards an Open Annotation Standard (December '14)
Rob Sanderson, Stanford University
Karen Myers, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
Trend Analysis Using Text Mining (December '14)
Sara Mannheimer, Montana State University
Scott W.H. Young, Montana State University
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Trends in 3D Printing (December '14)
James King, National Institutes of Health
Kathlin Ray, University of Nevada, Reno
Under The Mattress? The Current Landscape of Confidential Data Storage (December '14)
Jamene Brooks-Kieffer, University of Kansas
Update on BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative) (December '14)
Karim B. Boughida, George Washington University
Jackie Shieh, George Washington University
Jeff Penka, Zepheira
Nate Trail, Library of Congress
Update on Funding Opportunities: New Programs, New Directions (December '14)
Robert Horton, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Amy Lucko, Council on Library Resources
Kathleen Williams, National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Christa Williford, Council on Library Resources
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities
Update on SHARE Developments (December '14)
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jeffrey Spies, Center for Open Science
Eric Celeste, SHARE
What Role(s) Should the Library Play in Support of Discovery? (December '14)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
What We Heard at the Roundtable: Supporting Digital Humanities at Scale (December '14)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Wikipedia and Libraries: Increasing Library Visibility (December '14)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research
Jake Orlowitz, The Wikimedia Foundation
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War (March '14)
Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Freie Universtät Berlin
Oliver Janz, Freie Universtät Berlin
Assessment of E-book Strategies (March '14)
Maria Savova, Claremont Colleges
Terese Heidenwolf, Lafayette College
Kevin Butterfield, University of Richmond
Beyond Serials: Lessons Learned and Future Directions for e-Book Preservation (March '14)
Stephanie Orphan, Portico
Robert Wolven, Columbia University
Charles Hammer, John Wiley & Sons
CASRAI: Working Toward Research Information Interoperability in the UK (March '14)
Ben Showers, JISC
Can a Consortium Build a Viable Preservation Repository? (March '14)
Suzanne E. Thorin, University of Virginia
Bradley Daigle, University of Virginia
Stephen Davis, Columbia University
Linda Newman, University of Cincinnati
Scott Turnbull, University of Virginia
Community-based Stewardship at Pennsylvania State University (March '14)
Mike Furlough, Pennsylvania State University
Patricia Hswe, Pennsylvania State University
Ben Goldman, Pennsylvania State University
Continuing the Conversation (March '14)
Bryan Alexander, NITLE & Bryan Alexander Consulting
Clifford Lynch, CNI
Course Readings in Learning Management Systems (March '14)
Eric Frierson, EBSCO Information Services
Michael Waugh, Louisiana State University
Demonstration of FLEXspace Beta Release (March '14)
Lisa Stephens, State University of New York (SUNY)
Megan Marler, ARTstor
Joyce Ogburn, Appalachian State University
Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Illinois Wesleyan University
Merinda Kaye Hensley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mary Ellen Davis, Association of College and Research Libraries
E-Textbook Initiatives in Libraries and IT Organizations (March '14)
Glenda Morgan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pat Reid, Purdue University
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Milind Basole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Evolving Scholarly Record (March '14)
Brian Lavoie, OCLC Research
Jennifer Schaffner, OCLC Research
An Exploration of the “Center of Excellence” Model for Information Services (March '14)
Geneva Henry, George Washington University
Susan Fliss, Harvard University
Joy Kirchner, University of Minnesota
Heather Gendron, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
José Diaz, The Ohio State University
Fostering A Graduate Research Community with Digital Scholarship Programs and Services (March '14)
Andrew Bonamici, University of Oregon
Karen Estlund, University of Oregon
Glenda Morgan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chris Bourg, Stanford University
Joshu Morrill, University of Wisconsin-Madison
From Fragmentation to Reaggregation: Revealing a “Virtual” Medieval Library with Manuscriptlink (March '14)
Eric J. Johnson, The Ohio State University
From Fragmentation to Reaggregation: Revealing a "Virtual" Medieval Library with Manuscriptlink (March '14)
Eric J. Johnson, The Ohio State University
If You Want to Go Far, Go Together: Developing the Hydra-Blacklight Way (March '14)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
IIIF: The International Image Interoperability Framework (March '14)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Integrating ORCID Researcher Identifiers Into Repository Workflows (March '14)
Laure Haak, ORCID
Ann Campion Riley, University of Missouri
Michael Witt, Purdue University
Integrating Researcher Identifiers into University and Library Systems (March '14)
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC Research
Ithaka S+R US Library Survey 2013 (March '14)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
The Journalism Digital News Archive (JDNA): Responding to Disruption (March '14)
Edward McCain, University of Missouri
Loanable Equipment: Supporting Creation and Dissemination for the Campus Community (March '14)
Shawna Sadler, University of Calgary
Kristin Antelman, North Carolina State University
Local Participation in the Digital Public Library of America (March '14)
Chelcie Juliet Rowell, Wake Forest University
Chris Freeland, Washington University in St. Louis
Elisabeth A. Jones, University of Michigan
The National Digital Stewardship Residency (March '14)
Lauren Work, PBS
Julia Blase, The National Security Archive
Optimization of Known-Item Discovery (March '14)
Jack Ammerman, Boston University
Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris Group
Perceptions of Library Support for Formal Undergraduate Research Programs (March '14)
Sarah L. Shreeves, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Practical Work in Linked Data using Digital Collections: Unleashing the Expressivity of Data (March '14)
Silvia Southwick, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cory Lampert, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Privacy in the Digital Age: Publishers, Libraries and Higher Education (March '14)
Helen Cullyer, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Joe Esposito, Processed Media
Gary Price, infoDOCKET
ResourceSync: A Modular Framework for Web-Based Resource Synchronization (March '14)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
SHARE: Project Update (March '14)
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Eric Celeste, Independent Consultant
Supporting and Encouraging Digital Scholarship (March '14)
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Tracy Bergstrom, University of Notre Dame
Mitsunori Ogihara, University of Miami
Transforming Community with a Strategic Social Media Program (March '14)
Scott W. Young, Montana State University
Doralyn Rossmann, Montana State University
Pascal V. Calarco, University of Waterloo
Judy Ruttenberg, Association of Research Libraries
Use Altmetrics to Uncover the Hidden Scholarly Dialogue (March '14)
Andrea Michalek, Plum Analytics
Visualization Studio: Two Years of Experience at the University of Calgary (March '14)
Shawna Sadler, University of Calgary
John Brosz, University of Calgary
Visualizing Temporal Narrative (March '14)
Nora Dimmock, University of Rochester
Accuracy in Web Analytics Reporting on Digital Libraries (November '13)
Kenning Arlitsch, Montana State University
Patrick OBrien, Montana State University
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries
Ricky Erway, OCLC Research
Aligning National Approaches II Action Assembly Update (November '13)
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Gail McMillan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Matt Schultz, Educopia Institute
Aaron Trehub, Auburn University
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The App as a Metaphor for Learning Objects and Tools (November '13)
Sandra DeCastro, IMS Global Learning Consortium
Archivists and Activists: You Don’t Get to Non-Traditional Collections with Traditional Collectors (November '13)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon E. Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Ali Jamshidi, University of California, Los Angeles
Archivists and Activists: You Don't Get to Non-Traditional Collections with Traditional Collectors (November '13)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon E. Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Ali Jamshidi, University of California, Los Angeles
Audiovisual Collections and the Digital Preservation Network: A Convening of the DPN Task Force on Audio, Video and Film (November '13)
Steven Morales, Digital Preservation Network
Jon Dunn, Indiana University Bloomington
Joshua S. Harris, University of Illinois
Sam Gustman, University of Southern California
Barn Raising in a Virtual World, or How Innovative Approaches in Funding Led to an Architecture We Can All Use (November '13)
Allan Bell, University of British Columbia
Alex Garnett, Simon Fraser University
Carla Graebner, Simon Fraser University
Geoff Harder, University of Alberta
Capturing the Ephemeral: Collecting Social Media and Supporting Twitter Research with Social Feed Manager (November '13)
Daniel Chudnov, George Washington University
Bergis Jules, George Washington University
Daniel Kerchner, George Washington University
Laura Wrubel, George Washington University
Watch the Video
Collaborating to Manage Research Data (November '13)
Zheng (John) Wang, University of Notre Dame
Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame
Deborah Ludwig, University of Kansas
Ann Campion Riley, University of Missouri, Columbia
Creating a Data Interchange Standard for Researchers, Research, and Research Resources: VIVO-ISF (November '13)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Brian Lowe, Cornell University
Databrary: An Open Video-Based Data-Sharing System for Developmental Science (November '13)
Dylan Simon, New York University
Rick Gilmore, Pennsylvania State University
David Millman, New York University
Developments in Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) (November '13)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Gail McMillan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Matt Schultz, Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative
Austin McLean, ProQuest
Digital Humanities and Arts Projects Updates from Columbia University (November '13)
Mark P. Newton, Columbia University
Leyla S. Williams, Columbia University
Jackson Harvell, Columbia University
Tad Shull, Columbia University
Digital Public Library of America: Present and Future (November '13)
Dan Cohen, Digital Public Library of America
Driving Data-Driven Decision-Making (November '13)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Deanna Marcum, Ithaka S+R
E-book Strategies: What We Heard at the CNI Executive Roundtable (November '13)
Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Enhancing DMPTool: Further Streamlining the Data Management Planning Process (November '13)
Stephen Abrams, California Digital Library
Andrew Sallans, Center for Open Science
Expanding E-Journal Preservation: Developing and Promoting Methods for Community Implementation (November '13)
Robert Wolven, Columbia University
Oya Rieger, Cornell University
Fedora Update: Building Community, Building Software (November '13)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
HathiTrust Research Center: Improving Scholarly Inquiry (November '13)
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Harriett Green, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Hiberlink: Investigating Reference Rot in Web-Based Scholarly Communication (November '13)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Martin Klein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Implementing a Context-Sensitive Chat Reference Service (November '13)
Krisellen Maloney, University of Texas at San Antonio
Jan Kemp, University of Texas at San Antonio
Carolyn Ellis, University of Texas at San Antonio
Innovations in E-book and E-journal Publishing Forms (November '13)
Jason Clark, Montana State University
Scott Young, Montana State University
Reginald Gibbons, Northwestern University
Harlan Wallach, Northwestern University
Institutional Research Data Management: Policies, Planning, Services and Surveys (November '13)
David Fearon, Johns Hopkins University
Andrew Sallans, Center for Open Science
Ricky Erway, OCLC Research
Internet Identity Update: From Social to Scholar (November '13)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
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Leveraging Shared Publishing Platforms: What We are Learning (November '13)
Irene Perciali, bepress
Library Brand Recognition: Generating Visibility in the Virtual Age (November '13)
Jeremy Frumkin, University of Arizona
Pascal Calarco, University of Waterloo
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris, Ltd.
Mobile Technologies to Support Field Research (November '13)
Wayne Johnston, University of Guelph
Watch the Video
A National Agenda for Digital Stewardship (November '13)
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress
Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
David Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Lynn Rohrs, New York University
Jenn Stringer, University of California, Berkeley
OpenInfRA: A Web-based Information System for Documentation and Publication of Archaeological Research Projects (November '13)
Frank Schwarzbach, Dresden University of Applied Sciences
Frank Henze, Brandenburg University of Technology
Reclaiming STEM Journals for the Academy: A Modest Proposal (November '13)
Meredith M. Babb, University Press of Florida
Alex Holzman, Temple University Press
Charles Watkinson, Purdue University Press
Marlie Wasserman, Rutgers University Press
Research Data Alliance (RDA) (November '13)
Larry Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
Chris Greer, National Institute of Standards & Technology
ScienceDirect’s Advanced Recommender: A Fruitful Academic-Industrial Partnership (November '13)
Craig Scott, Elsevier
Martin Rajman, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
SHARE Update: Higher Education and Public Access to Research (November '13)
Rick Luce, University of Oklahoma
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
SIdora: A Software Environment for Supporting Research at the Smithsonian (November '13)
Thorny Staples, Smithsonian Institution
Toward a Sustainable Approach to Open Access Publishing and Archiving (November '13)
Rebecca Kennison, Columbia University
Lisa Norberg, Barnard College
Trends in Digital Scholarship Centers (November '13)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Harriette Hemmasi, Brown University
Vivian Lewis, McMaster University
Update From Federal Funding Agencies (November '13)
Robert Horton, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
Kathleen Williams, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Updates from the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) (November '13)
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Todd Carpenter, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Update on Selected National Science Foundation DataNet Projects (November '13)
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Reagan Moore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steven Ruggles, University of Minnesota
Using Accreditation Standards to Promote Library and Computing Services: A Case Study from the University of Miami (November '13)
Joan Giesecke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Yolanda Cooper, University of Miami
Using Informatics & Visualizations to Understand Digital Preservation Activity (November '13)
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
Christina Drummond, University of North Texas
Visualizing: A New Data Support Role for Duke University Libraries (November '13)
Angela Zoss, Duke University
Administering and Assessing Four E-Textbook Pilots (March '13)
Dean Hendrix, State University of New York at Buffalo
And After You’ve Built It? Next Steps in Repository and Research Data Support (March '13)
Philip Konomos, Arizona State University
The Avalon Media System: An Open Source Audio/Video System for Libraries and Archives (March '13)
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University Bloomington
Claire Stewart, Northwestern University
Bibliographic Framework Initiative: Process and Expectations (March '13)
Roberta Shaffer, Library of Congress
Listen to the Podcast
Chinese Canadian Stories: Uncommon Histories from a Common Past (March '13)
Allan Bell, University of British Columbia
Collaboration to Innovation (March '13)
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Annette Bailey, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The DataShare Project: Collaboration Yields Promising Tool (March '13)
Angela Rizk-Jackson, University of California, San Francisco
Julia Kochi, University of California, San Francisco
Perry Willett, California Digital Library
Developments in Scholarly Identity Management (March '13)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
David Millman, New York University
Laurel L. Haak, ORCID
Neil Jacobs, Jisc
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Digital Humanities Revisited: Continuing Debates and Work on the Ground (March '13)
Thomas C. Wilson, University of Alabama
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Ladd Hanson, University of Texas at Austin
James Simon, Stanford University
Discovery Turned Inside Out: Using and Google Site Search with Library Digital Collections (March '13)
Will Sexton, Duke University
Sean Aery, Duke University
DuraCloud for Research: A Project Status Report (March '13)
Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace
Economical Big Local Storage (March '13)
Tom Klingler, Kent State University
EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) Student Technology Study (March '13)
Pam Arroway, EDUCAUSE
Enabling Institutional Action for Research Data Management: The DCC Experience (March '13)
Kevin Ashley, University of Edinburgh Annotating the World’s Knowledge (March '13)
Peter Brantley,
IT@Cornell: Is It What We Imagined? (March '13)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
View video
Leveraging Traditional, Digital, and Crowd-Sourced Resources to Create “Database of the Smokies” (March '13)
Anne Bridges, University of Tennessee
Mark Baggett, University of Tennessee
Ken Wise, University of Tennessee
The Library Building as Research Platform (March '13)
Kristin Antelman, North Carolina State University
Maurice York, North Carolina State University
Linked Data and Archival Description: The LiAM Planning Project (March '13)
Anne Sauer, Tufts University
Managing Large-Scale Library Digitization Projects Via the Cloud (March '13)
Timothy Logan, Baylor University
Darryl Stuhr, Baylor University
Katherine Akers, Emory University
Lori Jahnke, Emory University
Elliott Shore, Association of Research Libraries
Rachel Frick, Council on Library and Information Resources
The Move Towards Open Standards: Enabling Next Generation Digital Learning (March '13)
Sandra DeCastro, IMS Global Learning Consortium
Moving from an Institutional Repository to a Current Research Information System: The Why & How (March '13)
David T. Palmer, University of Hong Kong
Not Your Grandfather’s Web Any More (March '13)
Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Internet Archive
David Rosenthal, Stanford University
Not Another Cross-Search Tool: The Digital Commons Network (March '13)
Jean-Gabriel Bankier, bepress
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Personal Archiving and Scholarly Workflow: An Exploratory Study of Pennsylvania State University Faculty (March '13)
Ellysa Stern Cahoy, Pennsylvania State University
Providing Library Course Reserves Solely in the Context of Blackboard While Leveraging the Summon API (March '13)
Paul Joseph, University of British Columbia
Publication and Research Roles for Libraries Using Spectral Imaging Data (March '13)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Stephen Davison, University of California, Los Angeles
RDF: Resource Description Failures and Linked Data Letdowns (March '13)
Robert Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Research Data Management Services in Germany: Funding Activities of the German Research Foundation (March '13)
Klaus Tochtermann, ZBW Leibniz Information Centre for Economics
Peter Schirmbacher, Humboldt University of Berlin
Research Impact: The State of the Art and Implications for Networked Infrastructure (March '13)
Neil Jacobs, Jisc
Rights, Research, Results: The Copyright Review Management System (March '13)
Melissa Levine, University of Michigan
Richard C. Adler, University of Michigan
Scholarly Communication: New Models for Digital Scholarship Workflows (March '13)
Stephen M. Griffin, University of Pittsburgh
SIPX: Online Copyright Management, Distribution, and Analytics (March '13)
Franny Lee, SIPX, Inc.
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Michael Boock, Oregon State University
Deborah Ludwig, University of Kansas
Diane Geraci, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
James Mullins, Purdue University
Student Use of Digital Resources for Learning: Results and Implications from a National Study (March '13)
Glenda Morgan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chuck Dziuban, University of Central Florida
Joshua Morrill, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Taking Scholarly Note-taking to the Web (March '13)
Michael Buckland, University of California, Berkeley
Ryan Shaw, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A Toolkit for Digital Research (March '13)
Kaitlin Thaney, Digital Science
Karen Estlund, University of Oregon
Evviva Weinraub Lajoie, Oregon State University
Update on NISO’s Open Discovery Initiative (March '13)
Nettie Lagace, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
David Lindahl, University of Missouri-Kansas City
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris Group
Using the Amazon Cloud to Host Digital Scholarship Projects (March '13)
Stewart Varner, Emory University
Jay Varner, Emory University
ZSRx: An Information Literacy MOOC (March '13)
Kyle Denlinger, Wake Forest University
Academic Library as Makerspace: 3D Printing and Knowledge Creation (December '12)
Kathlin Ray, University of Nevada, Reno
Academic Preservation Trust (December '12)
Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
Michele Kimpton, DuraSpace
Auditing Distributed Preservation Networks (December '12)
Micah Altman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building an Archival Identity Management Network: Transforming Archival Practice and Historical Research (December '12)
Daniel Pitti, University of Virginia
Brian Tingle, California Digital Library
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Collaborative Statewide Networked Information Content: Case Study in the Development and Operation of the Portal to Texas History (December '12)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Helen Agüera, National Endowment for the Humanities
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Brenda Gunn, University of Texas at Austin
Data Management Planning Made Easy: The DMPTool (December '12)
Andrew Sallans, University of Virginia
Carly Strasser, California Digital Library
Debunking Myths and Establishing Guidelines for the ETD Lifecycle (December '12)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative
Matt Schultz, Educopia Institute, MetaArchive Cooperative
Gail McMillan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Demonstrating Library Value (December '12)
Rachel Fleming-May, University of Tennessee
Teresa Walker, University of Tennessee
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries
Mary Ellen K. Davis, Association of College and Research Libraries
Kara J. Malenfant, Association of College and Research Libraries
Developing a Customized, Extensible Application for Digital Collections (December '12)
Suzanne Thorin, Syracuse University
Sean Quimby, Syracuse University
Jeremy Morgan, Syracuse University
Digital Preservation Network Update (December '12)
James Hilton, University of Virginia
Steven Morales, Digital Preservation Network
Doing Data Together: BWR, Shared Shelf, and CONA (December '12)
Carole Ann Fabian, Columbia University
James Shulman, ARTstor
Bill Ying, ARTstor
E-Science Institute: An Approach to the Challenge of Digital Research (December '12)
MacKenzie Smith, University of California, Davis
Gary Strong, University of California, Los Angeles
Valorie Hollister, DuraSpace
Establishing Infrastructures for Scholarly Publishing (December '12)
Kevin Comerford, University of New Mexico
Jonathan Wheeler, University of New Mexico
Kevin S. Hawkins, University of Michigan
Extending Access to Scholarly Resources: JSTOR’s Alumni Program (December '12)
Bruce Heterick, JSTOR
Susan Gibbons, Yale University
Damon Jaggars, Columbia University
Molly Tamarkin, Duke University
eTexts at Illinois: Digital Textbook Publishing (December '12)
Glenda Morgan, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Millind Basole, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Force 11: The Future of Research Communications and E-Scholarship (December '12)
Anita de Waard, Elsevier Labs
Maryann Martone, University of California, San Diego
The Future of Fedora (December '12)
Edwin Shin, MediaShelf
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Matthias Razum, FIZ Karlsruhe
Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace
Thornton Staples, Smithsonian Institution
Mark Leggott, DiscoveryGarden
The HathiTrust Research Center: Opening Up the Elephant for New Knowledge Creation (December '12)
John Unsworth, Brandeis University
Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Robert McDonald, Indiana University
HarvardX: Developing Communities of Practice for Innovation in Online Learning (December '12)
Samantha Earp, Harvard University
Susan Fliss, Harvard University
Innovation and the Law: An Analysis of the Barriers and Benefits of Text Mining (December '12)
Torsten Reimer, JISC
Internet2 Net+ Services (December '12)
Khalil Yazdi, Internet2
Dana Voss, Internet2
Ithaka S+R’s Research Support Services: Recommendations for Addressing the Needs of Chemists and Historians (December '12)
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka
Deanna Marcum, Ithaka
Leveraging Digital Library Infrastructure to Support New Roles of the 21st Century Research Library (December '12)
Mark Phillips, University of North Texas
Declan Fleming, University of California, San Diego
Lois Widmer, University of Florida
Library Innovation: Initiatives to Support Content Discovery and eResearch (December '12)
Jim Hahn, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Bill Mischo, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Beth Sandore Namachchivya, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Julie Speer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Library Publishing Coalition Project: Advancing the Emerging Library Publishing Field (December '12)
Katherine Skinner, Educopia
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Julie Speer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Spencer Keralis, University of North Texas
Massive Open Online Courses as Drivers for Change (December '12)
Lynne O’Brien, Duke University
New Tools for Enabling Research: DMPTool, DataUp, and DataONE (December '12)
William Michener, University of New Mexico
Carly Strasser, California Digital Library
John Kunze, California Digital Library
Novel Collaboration Forms for Developing and Maintaining Research Data (December '12)
Anita de Waard, Elsevier
David Marques, Elsevier
Olive: An Executable Content Archive Underway (December '12)
Gloriana St. Clair, Carnegie Mellon University
Daniel Ryan, Carnegie Mellon University
Open Annotation Update: OAC Experiment Results and Ongoing Work of the W3C OA Community Group (December '12)
Timothy Cole, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Paolo Ciccarese, Harvard University & Massachusetts General Hospital
Piloting Linked Data to Connect Library and Archive Resources to the New World of Data, and Staff to New Skills (December '12)
Zheng (John) Wang, Emory University
Laura Akerman, Emory University
The PressForward Project and Scholarly Communication on the Open Web (December '12)
Dan Cohen, George Mason University
Joan Fragaszy Troyano, George Mason University
The Research Data Alliance: A Forum for Global Cooperation on Data Infrastructure (December '12)
Chris Greer, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Fran Berman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
The Service Family for Research Data at Oxford University (December '12)
Wolfam Horstmann, Oxford University
Neil Jefferies, Oxford University
Student-Driven Innovation: UCLA Library Simul8 Group (December '12)
Kevin Rundblad, University of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Supporting Community and Open Source Software in Cultural Heritage Institutions (December '12)
Molly Tamarkin, Duke University
David Millman, New York University
Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Angela Spinazze, CollectionSpace
Katherine Kott, Katherine Kott Consulting
SURFconext: Next Generation Collaboration Infrastructure Across Institutional Boundaries (December '12)
Frank Benneker, University of Amsterdam
Driek Heesakkers, University of Amsterdam
Trends and Priorities: Briefing from Federal Funding Agencies (December '12)
Amy Friedlander, National Science Foundation
Robert Horton, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Kathleen Williams, National Historic Records and Publications Commission
Joel Wurl, National Endowment for the Humanities
The Truth is Out There: Preservation and the Cloud (December '12)
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
UCLA Broadcast News Archive (December '12)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Sharon E. Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Using the Cloud for Backup, Storage, and Archiving: Decision Factors, Experiences, and Use Cases Explored (December '12)
Michele Kimpton, DuraSpace
Geneva Henry, Rice University
Holly Mercer, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Mark Leggott, University of Prince Edward Island
Video at Risk: Preserving Commercial Video Collections in Research Libraries (December '12)
Howard Besser, New York University
Walter Forsberg, New York University
Melissa Brown, New York University
Virtual Research Environments in Germany: Funding Activities of the German Research Foundation (December '12)
Sigrun Eckelmann, German Research Foundation (DFG)
Steffen Vogt, University of Freiburg
Yvonne Rommelfanger, University of Trier
What To Do with All of those Hard Drives: Data Mining at Duke (December '12)
Joel Herndon, Duke University
Molly Tamarkin, Duke University
What We’re Learning from E-Text Pilots (December '12)
Joan Cheverie, EDUCAUSE
Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE
Jarrett Cummings, EDUCAUSE
Wikipedia and Libraries: What’s the Connection? (December '12)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research
Sara Snyder, Smithsonian Institution
Absolute Relevance? Ranking in the Scholarly Domain (March '12)
Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris Group
Advances in Discovery: An EBSCO Service (March '12)
Michael Gorrell, EBSCO Publishing
Archiving Large Swaths of User-Contributed Digital Content: Lessons from Archiving the Occupy Movement (March '12)
Howard Besser, New York University
David Millman, New York University
Sharon M. Leon, George Mason University
Kristine Hanna, Internet Archive
Building the Grateful Dead Archive Online: The Golden Road to Unlimited Devotion (March '12)
Virginia Steel, University of California, Santa Cruz
Robin Chandler, University of California, Santa Cruz
Lisa Schiff, University of California
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
Catherine Mitchell, University of California
Changing for Excellence: Libraries and IT Experience with Campus Consultants (March '12)
Deborah Ludwig, University of Kansas
Paul Farran, University of Kansas
Climate Data for Our Future: Acquired, Analyzed, Archived (March '12)
Andreas Hense, Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
Florian Quadt, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Competing Priorities: Sustainability, Growth, and Innovation in Digital Collections (March '12)
Jenn Riley, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Creating the Digital Preservation Network (March '12)
James Hilton, University of Virginia
Curation Practices for Born-Digital and Digitized Newspaper Collections (March '12)
Stephen Abrams, California Digital Library
Developing a Portal for Geospatial Resources (March '12)
Alan Darnell, University of Toronto
The Digital Public Library of America Platform (March '12)
David Weinberger, Harvard University
Paul Deschner, Harvard University
DMPTool: Phase 2 (March '12)
Andrew Sallans, University of Virginia
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
A Feasibility Study of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Open-Access Repository (March '12)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Mark Cyzyk, Johns Hopkins University
Federated Identity with a Side of Scholar (March '12)
Renee Shuey, Pennsylvania State University
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2
Fembot: Reinventing Scholarly Production and Communication (March '12)
Karen Estlund, University of Oregon
Carol Stabile, University of Oregon
Interoperating Requirements for a Media-Specific Repository (March '12)
James Shulman, ARTstor
Randy Stern, Harvard University
David Germano, University of Virginia
William Ying, ARTstor
JSTOR: Exploring New Economic Models and Markets for Scholarly Content (March '12)
Heidi McGregor, ITHAKA
Linked Data for Libraries: Why Should We Care? Where Should We Start? (March '12)
Jennifer Bowen, University of Rochester
Philip E. Schreur, Stanford University
National Science Foundation (NSF) EarthCube Program Update (March '12)
Jennifer Schopf, National Science Foundation
National Status of Data Management: Current Research in Policy and Education (March '12)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Spencer Keralis, Council on Library and Information Resources
William E. Moen, University of North Texas
Rachel Frick, Council on Library and Information Resources
Networks and the Paradox of the Active Learner (March '12)
Gardner Campbell, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
New York University’s Implementation of Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) (March '12)
Jennifer Stringer, New York University
New York University's Implementation of Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) (March '12)
Jennifer Stringer, New York University
Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) (March '12)
James Jacobs, Stanford University
Suzanne Sears, University of North Texas
David Walls, United States Government Printing Office
Pay Once, Preservation Forever: A “Paid Up” Cost Model for Long-Term Preservation (March '12)
Stephen Abrams, California Digital Library
ResourceSync: Towards a Web-Based Approach for Resource Synchronization (March '12)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory An Open-Source Process for the Discovery and Recovery of Lost or Obscured Content (March '12)
Joyce L. Ogburn, University of Utah
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
Harold M. Erickson, University of Utah
A Study in SCARLET (March '12)
Matt Ramirez, University of Manchester
Sustaining Open Source Projects: An Update from DuraSpace (March '12)
Michele Kimpton, DuraSpace
Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace
Taking Ownership of Electronic Journals and Books (March '12)
Alan Darnell, University of Toronto
Jose-Marie Griffiths, Bryant University
Too Big to Know (March '12)
David Weinberger, Harvard University
Transforming Research Support Services (March '12)
Jennifer Rutner, Ithaka S&R
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S&R
Eric C. Weig, University of Kentucky
The United States End-of-Term Web Archive (March '12)
Abbie Grotke, Library of Congress
Kathleen Murray, University of North Texas
Update on the Activities of the Board on Research Data and Information (BRDI) (March '12)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked information
Why Google Scholar Has Trouble Indexing Institutional Repositories (March '12)
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
Patrick O’Brien, University of Utah
2011 Digital Preservation Initiatives (December '11)
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Martha Anderson, Library of Congress
Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
Priscilla Caplan, University of Florida
Kris Carpenter, Internet Archive
Rachel Frick, Council on Library and Information Resources
Art Images Online: Leveraging Social Tagging and Language for Browsing (December '11)
Irene Eleta, University of Maryland
Raul Guerra, University of Maryland
Building Capacity for Demonstrating the Value of Academic Libraries: A Report on Recent ACRL Summits (December '11)
Joyce L. Ogburn, University of Utah
Mary Ellen K. Davis, Association of College and Research Libraries
Kara J. Malenfant, Association of College and Research libraries
Building Data Management Services at Johns Hopkins University (December '11)
G. Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Barbara Pralle, Johns Hopkins University
Capturing Research Data: A MODS Metadata Application Profile for Institutional Repositories (December '11)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
Cost Forecasting Model for New Digitization Projects (December '11)
Karim Boughida, George Washington University
Linda Colet, George Washington University
Martha Whittaker, George Washington University
Dan Chudnov, George Washington University
Crowd Sourcing Metadata (December '11)
Barbara Taranto, New York Public Library
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DAITSS Digital Preservation System: Re-architected, Re-written, and Open Source (December '11)
Priscilla Caplan, Florida Center for Library Automation
Data Lifecycle Management (December '11)
Thorny Staples, Smithsonian Institution
Jeremy Kenyon, University of Idaho
Bruce Godfrey, University of Idaho
Data Management Strategies (December '11)
Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace
Elaine L. Westbrook, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kathy Notter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The DMPTool: Online Guidance and Resources for Your Data Management Plan (December '11)
Sherry Lake, University of Virginia
Laine Farley, California Digital Library
ETDs as Prior Publications: The 2011 NDLTD Publishers’ Survey (December '11)
Gail McMillan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Europeana Libraries: Establishing THE Library Aggregator for Europe (December '11)
Wouter Schallier, LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries)
Exhibit 3.0: The New and Improved Linked Data Publishing Platform (December '11)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Geospatial Literacy: Developing an Innovative and Student-centered Approach through Blended Learning (December '11)
John Maclachian, McMaster University
Susan Vajocki, McMaster University
Jeffrey Trzeciak, McMaster University
Julianne L. Bagg, McMaster University
HathiTrust: Reviewing Goals, Accomplishments, and Opportunities for Collective Action (December '11)
Jeremy York, HathiTrust
Hydra: One Body, Many Heads for Repository-Powered Library Applications (December '11)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Ideas that Drive Technology Innovation: Perspectives from Two Institutions (December '11)
Dean Krafft, Cornell University
Beth Sandore Namachchivaya, University of Illinois
IMLS Funding Opportunities and Updates: 2012 (December '11)
Chuck Thomas, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Indiana University eText Program (December '11)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
JSTOR’s Big Data Challenge: Mining Log Files to Improve Service to Users (December '11)
Ronald Snyder, Ithaka – JSTOR
Learning in the Digital Age: Certificate Program in Conceptual Curation and Pedagogy for Conceptual Thinking (December '11)
Uri Shafrir, University of Toronto
Bruce Stewart, University of Toronto
Ana Patricia Ayala, University of Toronto
Masha Etkind, Ryerson University
Learning Spaces and Assessment: What Do We Want to Know? (December '11)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE
Jeanne L. Narum, Learning Spaces Collaboratory
Leveraging an OAIS Digital Preservation System to Build a Locally Relevant Digital Library (December '11)
John M. Meador, Jr., Binghamton University, State University of New York
Ido Peled, Ex Libris Group
Localizing Integrated Search (December '11)
Jens Hofman Hansen, State and University Library, Denmark
Simeon Warner, Cornell University Library
Mapping Atlanta: Building Spatial History Tools and Digital Resources (December '11)
Michael Page, Emory University
Kim Durante, Emory University
Randy Gue, Emory University
Microsoft Academic Search: Next-Generation Scholarly Discovery (December '11)
Lee Dirks, Microsoft Research
Moving Video and Audio into the Scholarly Mainstream (December '11)
Judtih Thomas, University of Virginia
Rafael Alvarado, University of Virginia
Jama Coartney, University of Virginia
Julie Meloni, University of Virginia
The New ISO Standard for Digital Repositories: What it Will Mean for Libraries (December '11)
Marie-Elise Waltz, Center for Research Libraries
New Roles for New Times: Emerging Library Roles for Supporting and Curating Digital Scholarship (December '11)
Tyler Walters, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Katherine Skinner, MetaArchive Cooperative
Olive: A Digital Archive for Executable Content (December '11)
Gloriana St. Clair, Carnegie Mellon University
Dan Ryan, Carnegie Mellon University
Online Video Creation by Undergraduates: Consequences for Media Literacy (December '11)
Anu Vedantham, University of Pennsylvania
Renee Hobbs, Temple University
Watch the Video
Open Folklore: A Collaboration (December '11)
Brenda Johnson, Indiana University
Timothy Lloyd, American Folklore Society
Julie Bobay, Indiana University
The Open Geoportal (December '11)
Patrick Florance, Tufts University
David Siegel, Harvard University
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Chris Barnett, Tufts University
Oral History, METS and Fedora: Building a Standards-Compliant Audio Preservation Infrastructure (December '11)
Janet Gertz, Columbia University
Stephen Paul Davis, Columbia University
ORCID Update (December '11)
Geoff Bilder, ORCID and CrossRef
Amy Brand, Harvard University
An Overview of the National Science Foundation DataNet Funded Sustainable Environments-Actionable Data Project (December '11)
Margaret Hedstrom, University of Michigan
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University
Paying for Long-Term Storage (December '11)
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
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Preservation Status of e-Resources: A Potential Crisis in Electronic Journal Preservation (December '11)
Oya Y. Rieger, Cornell University
Robert Wolven, Columbia University
Progress in Access Technologies (December '11)
Edward Luczak, US National Library of Medicine, NIH
Jennifer L. Marill, US National Library of Medicine, NIH
Paul Joseph, University of British Columbia
Bronwen Sprout, University of British Columbia
The SciVerse APIs: An Infrastructure for Machine-readable Scholarly Information (December '11)
Ale de Vries, Elsevier, Inc.
A Tangled Web: Structural Problems in Game Preservation (December '11)
Jerome McDonough, University of Illinois
Trends in Publishing (December '11)
Julie Speer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Allyson Mower, University of Utah
Sylvia K. Miller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Understanding Use of Networked Information Content: MINES for Libraries® Implementations at Scholars Portal (December '11)
Dana Thomas, Ontario Council of University Libraries
Alan Darnell, Ontario Council of University Libraries
Terry Plum, Simmons College
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries
WissKI: An Architecture for a Transdisciplinary Virtual Research Environment (December '11)
Guenther Goerz, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Siegfried Krause, Germanic National Museum, Nuremberg
David F. Flanders, Joint Information Systems Committee
Bruce Heterick, JSTOR | Portico
Cody W. Hanson, University of Minnesota
Building from Bedrock: Tailoring Technology to Collaboration (April '11)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Connecting Scholars with Information, and Unlocking It! (April '11)
William Gunn, Mendeley Research Networks
Thomas Hickerson, University of Calgary
Shawna Sadler, University of Calgary
Creating a Digital Scholarly Edition in the Humanities (April '11)
Suzanne Thorin, Syracuse University
Teresa Harris, Syracuse University
Data Conservancy Update (April '11)
Sayeed Choudhury, John Hopkins University
Elliot Metsger, John Hopkins University
Data Management Plans Online (April '11)
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Patricia Cruse, California Digital Library
Digital Humanities: A Natural Future for Academic Libraries (April '11)
Thomas C. Wilson, University of Alabama
DiSC: Developing a Digital Scholarship Commons (April '11)
Joan A. Smith, Emory University
Rick Luce, Emory University
Discipline-based Digital Centers at Columbia: Assessing Needs and Outcomes (April '11)
Robert Cartolano, Columbia University
E-Book Wars: Ten Years Later (April '11)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
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The Espresso Book Machine in the Library: Case Studies from Two University Libraries (April '11)
Ian Godfrey, University of Utah
Terri Geitgey, University of Michigan
Finding a Way: Moving from Open Access Principle to Practice (April '11)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamaign
Mary Ellen Davis, Association of College & Research Libraries
Janice Welburn, Marquette University
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Matt Schultz, Educopia Institute
Kuali OLE: From Startup to Software (April '11)
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University
Michael Winkler, University of Pennsylvania
Bradley Skiles, Indiana University
Richard Slabach, Indiana University
Learning Spaces (April '11)
Paul A. Soderdahl, University of Iowa
Steven R. Fleagle, University of Iowa
John Maclachlan, McMaster University
Managing Research Information for Researchers and Universities (April '11)
Jennifer Schaffner, OCLC Research
Meta-Image: A Digital Collaborative Environment for Image Discourse (April '11)
Martin Warnke, Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany
Migrating to the Cloud: Pepperdine Libraries at Web Scale (April '11)
Michael Dula, Pepperdine University
Gan Ye, Pepperdine University
Minnesota Digital Library and HathiTrust Prototype an Image Preservation Archive (April '11)
John Butler, University of Minnesota
John Weise, University of Michigan
Eric Celeste, Minnesota Digital Library
NSF and Beyond: Data Management Planning (April '11)
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University
Dorothea Salo, University of Wisconsin
A New Publishing Ecosystem: Applications and Developers for Better Outcomes (April '11)
Rafael Sidi, Elsevier
ORCID: The Open Researcher and Contributor ID Registry (April '11)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Out of the Eddies and into the Mainstream: Making Special Collections Less Special and More Accessible (April '11)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Research
Ricky Erway, OCLC Research
David McCaslin, California Institute of Technology
Public Knowledge Project: Achieving Sustainability for an Open Source Software Initiative (April '11)
Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
A Publishing Pilot for “Data Papers” (April '11)
John A. Kunze, California Digital Library
Catherine Mitchell, California Digital Library
Steven Abrams, California Digital Library
Patricia Cruse, California Digital Library
Realizing Scalar Capacities to Transform Media Archive Scholarship (April '11)
Craig Dietrich, University of Southern California
Erik Loyer, University of Southern California
SAFE-Archive: Open Source, TRAC-Based Preservation Auditing for LOCKSS and Dataverse Network (April '11)
Micah Altman, Harvard University
Jonathan Crabtree, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Search Engine Optimization for Digital Repositories (April '11)
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
Patrick O’Brien, RevX Corporation
Shared Shelf Fee Structure: Conversation About Collaborative Business Planning (April '11)
James Shulman, ARTstor
Neil McElroy, Lafayette College
Laine Farley, California Digital Library
Judith Thomas, University of Virginia
Supporting Research Data Discovery and Reuse: Adding Critical Context (April '11)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
Sustaining Digital Resources: The Ithaka Case Studies, Two Years Later (April '11)
Matthew Loy, Ithaka S+R
Maria Pantelia, University of California-Irvine
Robert A. Seal, Loyola University Chicago
Susan Malisch, Loyola University Chicago
Unlocking the Gates: The Implications of Courseware and Online Learning for Academic Institutions (April '11)
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka
VIVO Researcher Networking Update (April '11)
Leslie McIntosh, Washington University School of Medicine
Ellen J Cramer, Cornell University
Jonathan Corson-Rikert, Cornell University
Annotating Scholarly Resources: An Update from the Open Annotation Collaboration (December '10)
Robert Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Tim Cole, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ARL’s 2030 Scenarios Look at the Future of Research (December '10)
Karla Strieb, Association of Research Libraries
Assessing Cyberinfrastructure Impact (December '10)
Sally Jackson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Bamboo Technology Project: Building Research Environments for the Digital Humanities (December '10)
David Greenbaum, Univeristy of California, Berkeley
James D. Muehlenberg, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tim Cole, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The bX Recommender: Search Informing Discovery (December '10)
Nettie Lagace, Ex Libris
Carl Grant, Ex Libris
Jeff Huestis, Washington University
Marvin Pollard, California State University
Centers for Digital Scholarship & Library Leadership: Two Case Studies (December '10)
Joan Giesecke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Harriette Hemmasi, Brown University
Certification and Assessment of Digital
Repositories: The Auditor and Auditee Perspective (December '10)
Bernard F. Reilly, Jr., Center for Research Libraries
Eileen Fenton, Portico
Community Briefing: Next Generation Learning Challenges (December '10)
Copyright and Book Digitization Workflows: Breaking the 1923 Barrier (December '10)
Anne Karle-Zenith, University of Michigan
M. Claire Stewart, Northwestern University
David Lowe, University of Connecticut
The Cuban Theater Digital Archive at the University of Miami (December '10)
Kyle Rimkus, University of Miami
Lillian Manzor, University of Miami
Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (December '10)
Alan Blatecky, National Science Foundation
Digital Humanities at Small Liberal Arts College: Innovation and Intergration (December '10)
Rebecca Frost Davis, National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE)
ELI Seeking Evidence of Impact (December '10)
Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Everyday Electronic Materials in Policy and Practice (December '10)
Katherine B. Kott, Stanford University
Exhibit 2.0: The Latest from MIT’s Simile Project (December '10)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric Miller, Zepheira
Exhibit 2.0: The Latest from MIT's Simile Project (December '10)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eric Miller, Zepheira
Laboratory for Digital Cultural Heritage in the Research Commons at UCLA (December '10)
Gary E. Strong, Univeristy of California, Los Angeles
Todd Grappone, University of California, Los Angeles
Linked Open Data: The Promises and the Pitfalls… Where Are We and Why Isn’t There Broader Adoption? (December '10)
Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Internet Archive
Martin Kalfatovic, Smithsonian Institution
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dean Krafft, Cornell University
National Digital Preservation Program Initiatives for 2011 (December '10)
Martha Anderson, Library of Congress
Laura Campbell, Library of Congress
National Hosting and Interoperability: The LuKII Project in Germany (December '10)
Michael Seadle, Humboldt University of Berlin
David S. H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
New Tools for Search and Discovery (December '10)
Jason Vaughan, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Bill Clayton, University of Georgia
Next Generation Multimedia Analysis: Introducing MediaThread (December '10)
Mark Phillipson, Columbia University
William Ying, ARTstor
NSF Data Management Plan Requirements: Institutional Initiatives (December '10)
Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton University
Scott Brandt, Purdue University
OCLC Research Survey of Special Collections and Archives (December '10)
Jackie Dooley, OCLC Research
Preserving Social Science Research Data Using Fedora (December '10)
Bryan Beecher, University of Michigan
Project Venod: Processing Non-OCRable Documents (December '10)
Lothar Meyer-Lerbs, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Institute for Print & Media Technology
Public Wow: Artistically Demonstrating the Value of Libraries by Making the Invisible Visible (December '10)
Nathan Lambert, Case Western Reserve University
Timothy Robson, Case Western Reserve University
Reimagining IT at Cornell University (December '10)
Dean Krafft, Cornell University
Reinventing Dissertation and Thesis Publishing: Driving Efficiency and Lower Costs by Harnessing Innovation (December '10)
Austin McLean, ProQuest
SBE 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (December '10)
Myron Gutmann, National Science Foundation
Amy Friedlander, National Science Foundation
SBE 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences (December '10)
Myron Gutmann, National Science Foundation
Amy Friedlander, National Science Foundation
Seizing the Moment: Jazz Discography and Digital Communications (December '10)
Tad Shull, Columbia University
Sherwood Archive Project: Preserving Private Records of Public Interest (December '10)
Sam Meister, Consultant
David Kirsch, University of Maryland
University Publishing Initiatives (December '10)
David Ruddy, Cornell University
Mira Waller, Duke University Press
Maria Bonn, University of Michigan
Updates from the National Library of Medicine (NLM): MedlinePlus Connect & JATS (NLM DTDs) (December '10)
Naomi Miller, National Library of Medicine
Jeffrey Beck, National Library of Medicine
Using Institutional Repositories and Multichannel On-demand Streaming Media for Effective Teaching and Learning (December '10)
Vinod Chachra, VTLS Inc.
The Value of Academic Libraries: Findings and Next Steps (December '10)
Mary Ellen Davis, Association of College and Research Libraries
Diane Harley, University of California, Berkeley
James Michalko, OCLC, Inc.
David A. Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert McDonald, Indiana University
Big Digital Machine (April '10)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University
Sandy Payette, DuraSpace, Inc.
Joel Thierstein, Rice University
Jane Mandelbaum, Library of Congress
Margot Gerritsen, Stanford University
Digital Libraries and Long-term Access for the Rest of Us: The University of Alabama Acumen Experience (April '10)
Tom Wilson, University of Alabama
Jody DeRidder, University of Alabama
Tonio Loewald, University of Alabama
Digital Scholarship in an Academic Research Library: UVa’s Scholars’ Lab (April '10)
Bethany Nowviskie, University of Virginia
Michael Furlough, Pennsylvania State University
Anne Houston, University of Virginia
Discussion of an Open, Safe Harbor Initiative (April '10)
David Carlson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
DLO to Go: Fostering Instructional Use of New Media (April '10)
Sandra G. Yee, Wayne State University
Jonathan McGlone, Wayne State University
Joshua Neds-Fox, Wayne State University
Nardina Mein, Wayne State University
DuraCloud: Preservation Infrastructure in the Cloud (April '10)
Andrew Woods, DuraSpace
An Enterprise IT Approach to Museum and Research Collections on Campus? (April '10)
David A. Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Patrick Schmitz, University of California, Berkeley
Faculty Attitudes 2009: Findings from the Latest Ithaka S+R Survey (April '10)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R
FloraGREIF: A Virtual Flora of Mongolia (April '10)
Anne Zemmrich, University of Greifswald
Reinhard Zoelitz, University of Greifswald
From the Researcher’s Point of View: Support for Research Workflows (April '10)
Jennifer Schaffner, OCLC Research and the RLG Partnership
Generalizing the Subject Repository: An Investigation into Potential Best Practices (April '10)
Jessica Adamick, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Rebecca Reznik-Zellen, University of Massachusetts Amherst
InCommon: Growing into the Future (April '10)
Kevin Morooney, Pennsylvania State University
Interoperable Annotation: A Reference Implementation for the Open Annotation Collaboration (April '10)
Doug Reside, University of Maryland
Dave Lester, University of Maryland
Trevor Owens, George Mason University
Learning Commons: What’s Working? (April '10)
John Culshaw, University of Colorado at Boulder
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Anu Vedantham, University of Pennsylvania
As Lives Are Documented Digitally: Strategies for Cultural Memory Organizations (April '10)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
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Mapping the Sanctuary of the Great Gods (April '10)
Michael Page, Emory University
myBucknell 2.0 (April '10)
Param Bedi, Bucknell University
New Discovery and Search Tools (April '10)
Ching-hsien Wang, Smithsonian Institution
Keith Jeffers, National Library of Australia
Policy-Driven Repository Interoperability (April '10)
Richard Marciano, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
David Pcolar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Martin Halbert, University of North Texas
Katherine Skinner, MetaArchive Cooperative
Real Data; Real World; Real Stories (April '10)
Jackie Carter, Mimas, University of Manchester
Research Repositories & Publications Management Systems (April '10)
Janet Copsey, University of Auckland
ROI: Measuring the Library’s Contribution to the Academic Enterprise (April '10)
Mary Ellen K. Davis, Association of College & Research Libraries
Lori A. Goetsch, Kansas State University and Association of College & Research Libraries
ROI: Measuring the Library's Contribution to the Academic Enterprise (April '10)
Mary Ellen K. Davis, Association of College & Research Libraries
Lori A. Goetsch, Kansas State University and Association of College & Research Libraries
Scientific Data and Electronic Publishing: Examining Two Projects (April '10)
Mark Cyzyk, Johns Hopkins University
David Reynolds, Johns Hopkins University
Maarten Hoogerwerf, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Renze Brandsma, University of Amsterdam
Standards and Best Practices for Datasets and Other Supplemental Journal Article Materials (April '10)
Paul Bracke, Purdue University
Stephen Abrams, University of California
Karen A. Wetzel, National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
Status Report: NDIIPP Preserving Digital Public Television Project (April '10)
Howard Besser, New York University
Kara van Malssen, New York University
Joe Pawletko, New York University
Taking the Library Outside the Library: A Light-weight Innovation Model for Heavy-weight Economic Times (April '10)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Dianne Dietrich, Cornell University
Baseema B. Krkoska, Cornell University
Turning Curators into Web Publishers: Expanding the Digital Library Program Within the Institution (April '10)
Stephen P. Davis, Columbia University
Janet Gertz, Columbia University
Joanna DiPasquale, Columbia University
William G. Cowan, Indiana University
VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists (April '10)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Valrie Davis, University of Florida
Web 2.0 and the Study of History Through a Living Learning Community (April '10)
Andrew Bonamici, University of Oregon
Heather Briston Corrigan-Solari, University of Oregon
Kevin Hatfield, University of Oregon
Matthew Villeneuve, University of Oregon
What to Retain? A Framework for Managing Change in the System-wide Book Collection (April '10)
Constance Malpas, RLG Programs OCLC Research
ACLS Humanities E-Book: 10 Years Later (December '09)
Eileen Gardiner, American Council of Learned Societies
Ronald G. Musto, American Council of Learned Societies
ARTstor Shared Shelf Initiative: A Networked Image Management Platform (December '09)
James Shulman, ARTstor
Tracy Robinson, Harvard University
Dean Krafft, Cornell University
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Paulina Saliga, Society of Architectural Historians
Clem Guthro, Colby College
Assessing Opportunities for Intervention in the Rising Costs of Textbooks (December '09)
Maria Bonn, University of Michigan
Natsuko Nicholls, University of Michigan
Blacklight at Stanford: A Highly Leveraged, Reusable Discovery Tool (December '09)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Bookserver: An Open Standards Based Catalog for Digital Books (December '09)
Peter Brantley, Internet Archive
CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship and the Transformation of Academic Libraries (December '09)
Elliot Shore, Bryn Mawr College
Charles Henry, Council on Library and Information Resources
COSEPUP Research Data Study: Briefing and Possible Next Steps (December '09)
Rick Luce, Emory University
Tom Arrison, National Academies
Crisis, Tragedy and Recovery Network (December '09)
Kristine Hanna, Internet Archive
Paul A. Soderdahl, University of Iowa
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
DataNet Partners Update: DataONE and the Data Conservancy (December '09)
Robert J. Sandusky, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Digital Content Strategy Development (December '09)
Mike Handy, Library of Congress
Rebecca Graham, Harvard University
Tracey Robinson, Harvard University
Joshua Greenberg, New York Public Library
Stephen Short, Library of Congress
Sabrina Thomas, Library of Congress
Anton Pierce, Library of Congress
Joseph Pagano, Library of Congress
Enabling Collaboration through Solution Communities (December '09)
Thorny Staples, DuraSpace, Inc.
Valerie Hollister, DuraSpace, Inc.
Enhancing Research through Enhanced Publications in the SURFshare Program (December '09)
John Doove, SURF Foundation
E-science and Data Support Services in 2009: A Benchmark Survey of ARL Members (December '09)
Karla Hahn, Association of Research Libraries
Everything Old Is New Again: Newspapers and Auction Catalogs in the Age of Web 2.0 (December '09)
Keith Jeffers, National Library of Australia
Lesley Goodwin, JSTOR
Exploring Community-Based Sustainability Models for arXiv (December '09)
Oya Y. Rieger, Cornell University
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Exploring New Methods for Protecting and Distributing Confidential Research Data (December '09)
Bryan Beecher, University of Michigan
Feasibility of a Primarily Digital Research Library (December '09)
Lisa Spiro, Rice University
Geneva Henry, Rice University
Finding One Piece of the Digital Preservation Puzzle (December '09)
Randy Olsen, Brigham Young University
William Lund, Brigham Young University
Chris L. Erickson, Brigham Young University
Forging Ahead with Institutional Digital Information Strategies (December '09)
Ellen Waite-Franzen, Dartmouth College
Stephen McAllister, Dartmouth College
Jeffrey Horrell, Dartmouth College
Paolo Mangiafico, Duke University
Deborah Jakubs, Duke University
Molly Tamarkin, Duke University
Geographic Tools & Digital Collections (December '09)
Natasha Smith, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Richard Szary, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Scott Eldredge, Brigham Young University
The Internet2 Research and Development Agenda (December '09)
Randall Frank, Internet2
Interoperable Annotation: Perspectives from the Open Annotation Collaboration (December '09)
Robert Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
IR+ A New Repository to Meet User Needs (December '09)
Michael Bell, University of Rochester
Knowledge Exchange: The European Initiative of DEFF, DFG, JISC and SURF (December '09)
Sigrun Eckelmann, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Let’s Stop Talking About Repositories: Reinventing UC’s eScholarship Repository as an Open Access Publisher (December '09)
Catherine Mitchell, University of California
Memento: Time Travel for the Web (December '09)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
Robert Sanderson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mobile Library Projects at North Carolina State University (December '09)
Tito Sierra, North Carolina State University
Modeling Press-Library Collaboration in the Creation of an Online Book (December '09)
Rebecca Kennison, Columbia University
The New Board on Research Data and Information at the National Research Council (December '09)
Paul F. Uhlir, National Research Council
Roberta Balstad, Columbia University
Opportunities and Updates from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (December '09)
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Marsha Semmel, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Rachel Frick, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Chuck Thomas, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Report from the Bamboo Planning Project (December '09)
David A. Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Chad Kainz, University of Chicago
Results from the NEH/DOE Humanities High Performance Computing Competition (December '09)
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Gregory Crane, Tufts University
David Bamman, Tufts University
David Koller, University of Virginia
Small Colleges and Digital Gaming: Collaboration and the State of Play (December '09)
Bryan Alexander, National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE)
Unified Access: BiodIS and the Karst Information Portal (December '09)
David Allen, Kansas State University
Michael Haddock, Kansas State University
Todd A. Chavez, University of South Florida
Yale University’s Model for Campus-wide Digital Content Strategy and Implementation: Progress and Observations at the One Year Mark (December '09)
Meg Bellinger, Yale University
Ann Green, Yale University
Louis E. King, Yale University
Aligning Curricular Support With Student Acculturation: Results from a Mixed-Method Study (April '09)
Andrea Nixon, Carleton College
Heather Tompkins, Carleton College
Paula Lackie, Carleton College
bX Scholarly Recommender Services and More… (April '09)
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris Group
Connecting with Existing Communities: the Library of Congress on Flickr (April '09)
David Reser, Library of Congress
Cultivating Collaboration: Lessons Learned from DLF Aquifer (April '09)
Katherine Kott, Digital Library Federation & Stanford University
The Djatoka JPEG 2000 Image Server (April '09)
Ryan Chute, Los Alamos National Laboratory
DuraSpace: New Value from Fedora Commons and DSpace Foundation (April '09)
Michele Kimpton, DSpace Foundation
Sandy Payette, Fedora Commons Inc.
Enhancing Research through Innovation and Collaboration: JSTOR’s Showcase and Data for Research Initiatives (April '09)
John Burns, JSTOR
Enhancing Research through Innovation and Collaboration: JSTOR's Showcase and Data for Research Initiatives (April '09)
John Burns, JSTOR
EthicShare: A Model for Virtual Research Communities (April '09)
Kate McCready, University of Minnesota
John T. Butler, University of Minnesota
Future Leaders of Research Libraries: What Are They Thinking? (April '09)
Kristin A. Antelman, North Carolina State University
Krisellen Maloney, University of Texas at San Antonio
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
John T. Butler, University of Minnesota
GENI: Global Environment for Network Innovations (April '09)
Vicraj Thomas, GENI Project Office/BBN Technologies
Helping Researchers Manage Data: The Role of Research Libraries (April '09)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hidden Collections Panel (April '09)
Charles Henry, Council on Library and Information Resources
Linda Hocking, Litchfield Historical Society
Loretta Parham, Atlanta University Center
Tara J. Olivero, Goucher College
In Search of Shared Leadership for Transforming Information Technology Organizations (April '09)
Stephen P. Cawley, University of Minnesota
Ann Hill Duin, University of Minnesota
Bernard Gulachek, University of Minnesota
In Sync: Reuniting Oral History’s Text and Audio in a Digital Environment (April '09)
Eric Weig, University of Kentucky
Doug Boyd, University of Kentucky
In Sync: Reuniting Oral History's Text and Audio in a Digital Environment (April '09)
Eric Weig, University of Kentucky
Doug Boyd, University of Kentucky
IR Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Institutional Repository (April '09)
Ricky Erway, OCLC Programs and Research
“Just in Time” in Difficult Times: Lessons to be Learned (April '09)
Victoria Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
New Directions at Ithaka, Aluka, and JSTOR (April '09)
Kevin Guthrie, Ithaka
The Next Wave of Federated Stuff and the Role of Libraries in the Stuffing Recipe (April '09)
Kenneth J. Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado, Boulder
Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University
Open Annotation Collaboration: Enabling Interoperable Annotation of Scholarly Digital Resources (April '09)
Timothy W. Cole, University of Illinois
Open Source Software Sustainability: A Case Study of Indiana University’s Variations Software (April '09)
Jon W. Dunn, Indiana University
Philip Ponella, Indiana University
Robert H. McDonald, Indiana University
People of the Founding Era: Mining the Data of the Founders Projects (April '09)
Sue Perdue, Documents Compass/ Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
Susan Severtson, Documents Compass/ Virginia Foundation for the Humanities
A Prototype for Including Archeological Excavation Data in a Digital Library (April '09)
Thornton L. Staples, Fedora Commons, Inc.
Publication and Citation of Scientific Primary Data (April '09)
Jan Brase, German National Library of Science and Technology
ResearcherID: First Year Update (April '09)
Reynold Guida, Thomson Reuters
Rethinking Assumptions with the Our Americas Archive Partnership Project (April '09)
Geneva L. Henry, Rice University
Revisiting Institutional Repositories (April '09)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Social Networking for Graduate Students: GradShare (April '09)
Jeff Lang, ProQuest
Space Collaboration: Positioning the Library at the Center of Teaching, Learning, and Research (April '09)
Thomas C. Wilson, University of Alabama
System Design for Collecting, Managing, and Distributing Media Assets for University Teaching and Learning (April '09)
Jonathan Smith, Northwestern University
Robert D. Davis, Northwestern University
Text Linking in the Humanities: Citing Canonical Works Using OpenURL (April '09)
David Ruddy, Cornell University
Eric Rebillard, Cornell University
Trident Project: Managing an Extensible Digital Repository (April '09)
David Kennedy, Duke University
Using Network Effects to Produce More Useful Results: ARTstor Collaborative Filtering (April '09)
James Shulman, ARTstor
William W. Ying, ARTstor
Web-based Workflow Software to Support Book Digitization and Dissemination (April '09)
Mary Claire Stewart, Northwestern University
Steve DiDomenico, Northwestern University
What To Do While Your Building Project Is on Hold (April '09)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Academic Research Portals: Integrating Librarians and Academic Programs (December '08)
John Zenelis, George Mason University
Wally Grotophorst, George Mason University
Victoria Shelton, George Mason University
LeRoy J. LaFleur, George Mason University
Accelerating Developments in Internet Identity and Privacy (December '08)
Kenneth J. Klingenstein, Internet2 and the University of Colorado, Boulder
Bamboo Planning Project Update (December '08)
Chad J. Kainz, University of Chicago
David A. Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Building the Universal Library: Introducing the HathiTrust (December '08)
Patricia A. Steele, Indiana University
John Price Wilkin, University of Michigan
Canadian Research Data Strategy Working Group: Update (December '08)
Pam Bjornson, Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI)
Capturing Crisis: A Digital Library to Study Tragedy and Recovery from Around the World (December '08)
Kristine Hanna, Internet Archive
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jamaica Jones, National September 11 Memorial Museum
Padmini Srinivasan, The University of Iowa
Collaborating to Build an Open Access Archive of Public Policy Research (December '08)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Romulo Rivera, Center for Governmental Studies
Brenda L. Burk, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Collaborating to Preserve Public US Government Web Sites (December '08)
George Barnum, United States Government Printing Office
Mark Edward Phillips, University of North Texas
Abigail Grotke, Library of Congress
Collection Building for Web Resources (December '08)
Robert Wolven, Columbia University
Carlen M. Ruschoff, University of Maryland at College Park
Combining Research and Outreach to Explore Current Examples of Digital Scholarly Communication (December '08)
Karla Hahni, Association of Research Libraries
Nancy L. Maron, Ithaka
K. Kirby Smith, Ithaka
Copyright Balance and Fair Use in Networked Learning: Lessons from Creators’ Codes of Best Practices (December '08)
Peter Jaszi, American University
Patricia Aufderheide, American University
The Data Audit Framework: A Toolkit to Identify Research Assets and Improve Data Management in Research Led Institutions (December '08)
Seamus Ross, University of Glasgow
Sarah Jones, University of Glasgow
Designing a Prototype Digital Repository for Archaeological Information at the Abridgesmerican School of Classical Studies at Athens (December '08)
Charles Watkinson, American School of Classical Studies at Athens
The Digital Bridges Initiative: Classroom and Library Transformations (December '08)
Mark Phillipson, Columbia University
Patricia E. Renfro, Columbia University
Discovery and Integration of Library Services and Collections Beyond the Library Website (December '08)
Kristin Antelman, North Carolina State University
The EDUCAUSE Top Teaching and Learning Challenges 2009 (December '08)
Julie K. Little, EDUCAUSE
Carie Page, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative
e-Research, Data Integration, and New Formats for Knowledge (December '08)
John Wilbanks, Creative Commons / Science Commons Project
Establishing the Australian National Data Service (ANDS) (December '08)
Andrew Treloar, Monash University
Experiments in Twenty-First Century Research and Teaching (December '08)
Andrew J. Torget, University of Richmond
Robert K. Nelson, University of Richmond
eXtensible Catalog Project Update (December '08)
David L. Lindahl, University of Rochester
Interactive Publications Research at the National Library of Medicine (December '08)
Donald A.B. Lindberg, National Library of Medicine
Elliot R. Siegel, National Library of Medicine
Michael J. Ackerman, National Library of Medicine
George Thoma, National Library of Medicine
Learning Under and in Spite of Duress (December '08)
Susan E. Metros, University of Southern California
Leveraging the Campus-wide Library, Archive and Museum Collection (December '08)
Günter Waibel, OCLC Research
Mark Ratliff, Princeton University
Ann Speyer, Smithsonian Institution
MedioVis: Visual Interface for Searching and Exploring Multimedia Libraries (December '08)
Harald Reiterer, University of Konstanz
Mathias Heilig, University of Konstanz
Marc H. Scholl, University of Konstanz
Mobile Technologies for Libraries (December '08)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
OAI Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE): Production Release of the Specifications (December '08)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
Michael Lloyd Nelson, Old Dominion University
Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Pete Johnston, Eduserv Foundation
The OLE Project: Community Design for an Open Library Environment (December '08)
Lynne O’Brien, Duke University
Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
Carlen M. Ruschoff, University of Maryland at College Park
Partnerships for Distributed Digital Preservation: MetaArchive Cooperative (December '08)
Gail McMillan , Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Mark Stoffan, Florida State University
Patterns of Culture: Re-aligning Library Culture to Meet User Needs (December '08)
Nancy B. Turner , Syracuse University
Bonnie C. Ryan, Syracuse University
Plazi: Opening Access to the Literature of Biological Diversity (December '08)
Donat Agosti, American Museum of Natural History; Plazi
Terence H. Catapano, Columbia University; Plazi
A Platform for Auditable, Distributed, Asymmetric Archival Replication (December '08)
Micah Altman, Harvard University
Bryan Beecher, University of Michigan
Marc Maynard, The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research
Jonathan Crabtree,University of North Carolina
Prediction Markets for Emerging Technology: An Experiment in the Wisdom of Crowds (December '08)
Brian Alexander, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Roman de la Rose Digital Library: A New View of Medieval Manuscripts (December '08)
David Reynolds, The Johns Hopkins University
Nadia R. Altschul, The Johns Hopkins University
The Society of Architectural Historians Online Image Archive: Transforming the Field of Architectural History through Collaboration (December '08)
Ann Whiteside, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pauline Saliga, Charnley-Persky House Museum Foundation
Carole Ann Fabian, ARTstor
Studying Next Generation Academics (a.k.a. Graduate Students) to Build the Next Generation Repository (December '08)
Susan Gibbons, University of Rochester
Nathan Starr, University of Rochester
What Constitutes Effectiveness in Digital Preservation? (December '08)
Keith Johnson, Stanford University
Alabama Authors: Managing Old Data with New Technology (April '08)
Thomas C. Wilson, University of Alabama
Assessing Research Cyberinfrastructure Needs at the University of Minnesota (April '08)
Ann Hill Duin, University of Minnesota
Eric F. Celeste
John T. Butler, University of Minnesota
Kemal Badur, University of Minnesota
Authors, Identity Management and the Scholary Communication System: Report on a CNI Workshop (April '08)
Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Bamboo: Community-Defined Shared Services and Cyberinfrastructure for the Arts & Humanities (April '08)
Chad J. Kainz, University of Chicago
David A. Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Jeff Trzeciak, McMaster University
Olga Perkovic, McMaster University
Cathy Moulder, McMaster University
Civil Rights Digital Library (April '08)
P. Toby Graham, University of Georgia
Matthew W. Stolper, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Collaboration Plus Autonomy: Campus Partnerships for Building a Web Content Management System (April '08)
Carol Ann Hughes, University of California, Irvine
Beth Harnick-Shapiro, University of California, Irvine
Computer Labs, Learning Centers, Commons: Rethinking Learning Spaces (April '08)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Timothy Lance, NYSERNet, Inc.
Creating a Successful Library Learning Enterprise through Collaboration with Campus Partners (April '08)
Mark T. Paul, University of Louisville
Hannelore B. Rader, University of Louisville
Dark Archive to Open Access: A CLOCKSS Trigger Event (April '08)
Victoria Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
Digital Humanities Centers: Models, Missions, and Challenges (April '08)
Mark Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Katherine L. Walter, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Worthy Martin, University of Virginia
DPubS Report: Progress on an Open Source Digital Publishing System (April '08)
Mike Furlough, Pennsylvania State University
David Ruddy, Cornell University
An EDUCAUSE Update on Current Public Policy Issues (April '08)
Mark Luker, EDUCAUSE.
Steven L. Worona, EDUCAUSE
Elsevier’s Initiatives in Bioinformatics and Semantic Enrichment (April '08)
Anita de Waard, Elsevier B.V.
Going Live: The Open Source Software Process at the Rutgers University Libraries (April '08)
Chad M. Mills, Rutgers University
Kalaivani Ananthan, Rutgers University
Library Integration with the Campus Enterprise and Beyond (April '08)
Shane Nackerud, University of Minnesota
Paul Bramscher, University of Minnesota
Cody W. Hanson, University of Minnesota
Library Publishing Services: An Emerging Role for Research Libraries (April '08)
Karla L. Hahn, Association of Research Libraries
MIT’s SIMILE Project: Semantic Web Applications for Digital Data Management (April '08)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT's SIMILE Project: Semantic Web Applications for Digital Data Management (April '08)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moving to Mobile: Exploratory Services and Applications in Libraries (April '08)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jim F. Hahn, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Michelle Leigh Jacobs, University of California, Los Angeles Future Cyberinfrastructure Serving Over 58,000 Users Today (April '08)
George B. Adams, Purdue University
National Digital Heritage Archive: A Partnership Approach to Trusted Digital Repositories (April '08)
Graham Coe, National Library of New Zealand
Implementing NIH Deposit Policies: Institutional Strategies (April '08)
Joan Giesecke, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Karla Hahn, Association of Research Libraries
Wendy Pradt Lougee, University of Minnesota
An OAI-ORE Aggregation for the National Virtual Observatory (April '08)
David Reynolds, Johns Hopkins University
Open Publishing Lab: Print Wiki Project (April '08)
Pat Albanese (Pitkin), Rochester Institute of Technology
Matt Bernius, Rochester Institute of Technology
ResearcherID: Connecting the Researcher and their Scholarly Output (April '08)
Ellen Rotenberg, Thomson Scientific
Reynold Guida, Thomson Scientific
Starting an Institutional Repository Program in Two Months or Less: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (April '08)
Abby Clobridge, Bucknell University
Streaming from the Institutional Repository (April '08)
Geneva Henry, Rice University
Diane C. Butler, Rice University
Barbara I. Dewey, University of Tennessee
Twine: Accessible Semantic Tagging (April '08)
Sarah Miller, Illinois Wesleyan University
Understanding Interdisciplinary Ecosystems: Social Construction of Scholarly Communication (April '08)
Oya Y. Rieger,Cornell University
An Update on the MESUR Project: A Large-scale Survey of Usage-based Metrics of Scholarly Impact (April '08)
Johan Bollen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Virtual Worlds: What’s Needed to Harness this Technology for Scholarship (April '08)
Michelle Roper, Federation of American Scientists
Web 2.0 Services and the Management of Academic Libraries (April '08)
Christian Haenger, Mannheim University
Christine Kraetzsch, Mannheim University
WesFiles: A Web-based Unified File System Implementation (April '08)
Ganesan Ravishanker, Wesleyan University
WorldCat Local: Discovery to Delivery at the Network Level (April '08)
William Jordan, University of Washington
Mindy Pozenel, OCLC, Inc.
Collaborative Digital Collection Building: Lessons Learned (December '07)
Mark E. Phillips, University of North Texas
Robert M. Johnson, Rhodes College
Suzanne Bonefas, Rhodes College
Stacy Pennington, Rhodes College
Copyright and Large Scale Digitization: Implications for Access (December '07)
Merrilee Proffitt, OCLC Programs and Research
Constance Malpas, OCLC Programs and Research
Creating an Integrated Digital Library Based on the Fedora Platform (December '07)
Susan Schreibman, University of Maryland at College Park
David Kennedy, University of Maryland at College Park
Data Management and Accessibility: Initiatives in the Biological Sciences (December '07)
Zack E. Murrell, Appalachian State University
Chris Hodge, University of Tennessee
Robert K. Peet, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Greg Riccardi, University of Tennessee
Thomas Garnett, Smithsonian Institution
Indra Neil Sarkar, Marine Biological Laboratory
Data-Cyberinfrastructure Collaboration at the University of California, San Diego (December '07)
Brian Schottlaender, University of California, San Diego
Robert H. McDonald, University of California, San Diego
dbGaP: Linking Clinical Information with Genetic Data (December '07)
Jeffrey Beck, National Library of Medicine
Digital Humanities Centers as Cyberinfrastructure (December '07)
John Unsworth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Neil Fraistat, University of Maryland at College Park
Katherine L. Walter, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
The eCrystals Federation: Open Data Repositories Supporting Open Science (December '07)
Liz Lyon, University of Bath
Manjula Patel, University of Bath
Simon Coles, University of Southhampton
Editorial Curation and Identity Management in Digital Libraries: A Case Study of the NSDL (December '07)
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
David Millman, Columbia University
Explorative Search and the Library Catalog (December '07)
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, State and University Library
Fedora Commons: Mission and Sustainability Strategy (December '07)
Sandy Payette, Fedora Commons and Cornell University
The Global Digital Format Registry Project (December '07)
Stephen Abrams, Harvard University
Andreas Stanescu, OCLC, Inc.
A Home for Converging Literacies: the Center for Digital Fluency at George Mason University (December '07)
Craig Gibson, Ithaka
Sharon Pitt, George Mason University
How Does Digitization Affect Scholarship? (December '07)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka
Imag(n)ing the Shuilu Temple: A Report on the Project in China… and the Path Ahead (December '07)
Harlan Wallach, Northwestern University
William R. Parod, Northwestern University
Integrating Library Resources (December '07)
Kim Griggs, Oregon State University
Margaret Mellinger, Oregon State University
Jane Nichols, Oregon State University
Angela Ramnarine-Rieks, Syracuse University
DeAnn Buss, Syracuse University
International Digitial Preservation (December '07)
Seamus Ross, University of Glassgow
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard, State & University Library (Aarhus, Denmark)
George Barnum, United States Government Printing Office
Abigail Grotke, Library of Congress
IU ChaCha Search: Research, Development and Services (December '07)
Kim Milford, Indiana University
Jonathan Ellman, ChaCha
David William Lewis, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Carolyn M. Walters, Indiana University
LibraryThing and the Library Catalog: Adding Collective Intelligence to the OPAC (December '07)
John Wenzler, San Francisco State University
Managing Collaboration and the Opportunities for Libraries (December '07)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado, Boulder
Lois Brooks, Stanford University
Mashup Contest: Student Created Video Parodies (December '07)
Anu Vedantham, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Decherney, University of Pennsylvania
Andrew Treloar , Monash University
Cathrine Harboe-Ree, Monash University
Alan McMeekin, Monash University
Moving Communication Forward: Internet Voice and Video in Libraries (December '07)
Char Booth, Ohio University
Moving Forward with Shibboleth (December '07)
Philip Mattingly, Texas Digital Library
David Kennedy, University of Maryland at College Park
Scott Phillips, Texas A&M University
New Cooperative Strategies for Distributed Digital Preservation: MetaArchive and Educopia (December '07)
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Katherine Skinner, Emory University
Tyler O. Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
The Public Knowledge Project: Providing Alternatives for Scholarly Publishing (December '07)
G.W. Brian Owen, Simon Fraser University
Recommender Systems for (Scientific) Libraries (December '07)
Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
A Research Agenda for Scholarly Communication: Call for Community Engagement (December '07)
John Ober, University of California
Joyce Ogburn, University of Utah
The Research Commons: Planning Library Space and Services for Faculty and Graduate Students (December '07)
Patricia A. Steele, Indiana University
Carolyn M. Walters, Indiana University
Searching Across Time: Issues and Opportunities for Full Text Search of Web Archives Using Nutch (December '07)
Kris Carpenter Negulescu, Internet Archive
Supporting Cyberscholarship in American Social History: The DLF Aquifer Story (December '07)
Katherine Kott, Digital Library Federation
A Survey and Evaluation of Open-Source Electronic Publishing Systems (December '07)
Mark Cyzyk, The Johns Hopkins University
An Update from OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (December '07)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Michael Lloyd Nelson, Old Dominion University
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool
Update on Key Copyright Developments in the U.S. with a Focus on 108 Study Group (December '07)
James G. Neal, Columbia University
Update on Scholarly Communication Efforts by Microsoft Corporation (December '07)
Lee Dirks, Microsoft Corporation
Adding Value to Digitization with GIS (April '07)
Marianne Stowell Bracke, Purdue University
Christopher C. Miller, Purdue University
Deanna Cooke, Georgetown University
Joan Cheverie, Georgetown University
Business Transformation: Building the Museum of the 21st Century (April '07)
Bonnie Szirtes, Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
Can We Afford to Preserve Large Databases? (April '07)
David S.H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
Victoria Reich, Stanford University
Case Western Reserve University Digital Case: Repository of Digital Collections (April '07)
Ben Bykowski, Optiem, LLC
Nicholas Fischio, Case Western Reserve University
Considering Community and Open Source: Decision Frameworks for Selecting Software (April '07)
Lois Brooks, Stanford University
Terry Ryan, University of California, Los Angeles
Crossing Boundaries: Exploring Ways to Share Content Across Educational Institutions (April '07)
Gretchen Wagner, ARTstor
Maureen Whalen, J. Paul Getty Trust
DLF: Architectures of Collaboration (April '07)
Peter Brantley, Digital Library Federation
DSpace’s Next Generation (April '07)
John Mark Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania
Ann J. Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edition Production & Presentation Technology (EPPT) (April '07)
Kevin Kiernan, University of Kentucky
Ionut Emil Iacob, University of Kentucky
Engaging and Connecting Faculty: Research Discovery, Access, Re-use, and Archiving (April '07)
Janet McCue, Cornell University
Jon Corson-Rikert, Cornell University
Faculty Information Needs: Insights from Two Assessment Approaches (April '07)
Gail Persily, University of California, San Francisco
Neil Rambo, University of Washington
Gaming as Learning, Research, and Collections: Strategies and Issues for Today and the Coming Years (April '07)
Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Karen Schmidt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Ward, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jack McCredie, University of California, Berkeley
Institutional Repositories: What Are We Learning? (April '07)
Ann J. Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rea Devakos, University of Toronto
Martha Sites, University of Virginia
Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
In Support of Online Collections: The APSR Activity Portfolio (April '07)
Adrian Burton, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR)
IRSAW : Towards Semantic Annotation of Documents for Question Answering (April '07)
Johannes Leveling, University of Hagen
Barbara Taranto, New York Public Library
The MONK Project (April '07)
Martin Mueller, Northwestern University
NSDL 2.0: Creating a Collaborative Digital Library (April '07)
Dean B. Krafft, Cornell University
Podcasting: Institutional Policy and Management Issues (April '07)
Garland Elmore, Indiana University
Elizabeth Ann Van Gordon, Indiana University
Bob R. Price, Duke University
Preserving Digital Public Television: Repository Metadata and Architecture (April '07)
Howard Besser, New York University
James Bullen, New York University
Kara Van Malssen, New York University
Project Ungava (April '07)
Glen Newton, Canada Institute for Scientific & Technical Information (CISTI)
The Rise of Federations… Almost Everywhere (April '07)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado, Boulder
A Role for Libraries in Collaboration (April '07)
Kenneth Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado, Boulder
Peter Brantley, Digital Library Federation
Social Science Data and ETDs: Issues and Challenges (April '07)
Myron Gutmann, University of Michigan
Joan Cheverie, Georgetown University
The Stanford Digital Repository: A Case Study in Building a Generic Preservation Infrastructure (April '07)
Tom Cramer, Stanford University
Rachel Gollub, Stanford University
Student-Centered Space Design (April '07)
Susan Gibbons, University of Rochester
A Strategy for Academic Libraries in the First Quarter of the 21st Century (April '07)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Technology and Change in Academic Libraries: What does the Future Hold? (April '07)
Pamela Snelson, Franklin & Marshall College and Association of College & Research Libraries
Mary Ellen Davis, Association of College & Research Libraries
Trends in Information Commons (April '07)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Trying the Gold Road on a Shoestring Budget: Open Access Publishing with PKP’s Open Journal System (April '07)
Nancy R. John, University of Illinois at Chicago
Edward J. Valauskas, First Monday
Unifying Resource Access: The USC Libraries’ Gandhara Project (April '07)
Todd Grappone, University of Southern California
R. Wayne Shoaf, University of Southern California
An Update on Google Book Search Digitization at the University of Michigan (April '07)
Paul N. Courant, University of Michigan
An Update on the Open Archives Initiative Object Re-Use and Exchange (OAI-ORE) Project (April '07)
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
Michael Lloyd Nelson, Old Dominion University
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Using Wikipedia to Meet Information Searchers at Their Point of Need (April '07)
Ann M. Lally, University of Washington Libraries
Carolyn E. Dunford, Los Alamos National Laboratory
What Faculty Think of the Changing Environment (April '07)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka
Kevin Guthrie, Ithaka
What’s in Your Horizon? Process, Technologies, and Impact of the 2007 Horizon Report (April '07)
Alan Levine, The New Media Consortium (NMC)
Bryan Alexander, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Cyprien Lomas, University of British Columbia
Analog to Digital Audio Reformatting: Digital Audio for Oral History at the University of Kentucky (December '06)
Eric Weig, University of Kentucky
ARIADNE and UNIMATRIX: Infrastructure and Standards of Recent German Archival Information Systems (December '06)
Dirk Alvermann, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald
Alexander Weidauer, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University of Greifswald
Art Historians and Projection Screen Real Estate: Promoting Innovation in Teaching Art History in Large Classrooms (December '06)
Joan Giesecke, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
David Bagby, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Beyond Keyword Searches: Exploring Texts with the Semantic Engine (December '06)
Aaron Coburn, Middlebury College
Clara Yu, Monterey Institute of International Studies
John L. Cuadrado, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Building a Secure Media Network to Share Moving Images in Dance (December '06)
Nena Couch, Ohio State University
Elizabeth Aldrich, Library of Congress
Gilad Rosner, Media Matters LLC
Collaborative Services of Libraries and Campus Units (December '06)
Richard W. Meyer, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tyler O. Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
Deep Indexing of Journal Articles as a Significant Enhancement in Scholarly Communications (December '06)
Matthew Dunie , CSA
Designing Libraries for Research (December '06)
Wendy Lougee, University of Minnesota
Carol Mandel, New York University
Digital Asset Management: Beyond the Repository (December '06)
Louis E. King, University of Michigan
Digital Images: Pedagogy, Technology & Infrastructure (December '06)
David L. Green, Knowledge Culture
Eric Jansson, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Robert Lancefield, Wesleyan University
Digital Images: Pedagogy, Technology & Infrastructure (December '06)
David L. Green, Knowledge Culture
Eric Jansson, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Robert Lancefield, Wesleyan University
A Field Study of Users’ Expectations of the Hybrid Library (December '06)
Jens Hofman Hansen, State and University Library (Aarhus, Denmark)
Grant Opportunities under the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Digital Humanities Initiative (December '06)
Brett Bobley, National Endowment for the Humanities
Michael Hall, National Endowment for the Humanities
Steve Ross, National Endowment for the Humanities
Grant Henrickson, National Endowment for the Humanities
Improving Access to Collections: Two Perspectives (December '06)
John Mark Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania
Anne Graham, University of Washington
Incorporating Rights and Preservation Information into the RUcore Metadata Platform (December '06)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Update (December '06)
Martha Crawley, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Mary Chute, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Stephanie Clark, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dan Lukash, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara G. Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Introduction to Zotero (December '06)
Daniel Cohen, George Mason University
Roy Rosenzweig, George Mason University
Joshua M. Greenberg, George Mason University
IT Engagement in Research: Results of the 2006 ECAR Study (December '06)
Richard N. Katz, EDUCAUSE
Sebastian Cordewener, SURF Foundation
Norman Wiseman, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Learning By Doing: A Report from the Early Operation of the Portico Archiving Service (December '06)
Eileen G. Fenton, Portico
Librarian Attitudes and Perceptions in the Transition to an Increasingly Electronic Environment: 2006 (December '06)
Kevin M. Guthrie, Ithaka
Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka
Libraries and Librarians in Social Spaces: A Tour of Initiatives at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (December '06)
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Karen Schmidt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
LOCKSS/CLOCKSS and Portico: What Does that Archived Content Look Like? (December '06)
Geneva L. Henry, Rice University
Carolyn Mary Walters, Indiana University
Phyllis Davidson, Indiana University
Kerry Keck, Rice University
Merging the Local and the Remote: Harvard – ARTstor Experiment in Harvesting and Hosting (December '06)
Carole Ann Fabian, ARTstor
Dale Flecker, Harvard University
William W. Ying, ARTstor
New Press Initiatives (December '06)
Charles Henry, Rice University
Nancy L. Eaton, Pennsylvania State University
Artemis G. Kirk, Georgetown University
The OAI Object Re-Use & Exchange (ORE) Initiative (December '06)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
OCLC Programs and Research: Early Achievements and the Emerging Work Agenda (December '06)
James P. Michalko, OCLC, Inc.
On-premises Library vs. Google™ Usage Patterns as Reported in LibQUAL+™ (December '06)
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries
C. Colleen Cook, Texas A&M University
Bruce Thompson, Texas A&M University
Open Source Innovations for Library Search Tools (December '06)
Jeremy Frumkin, Oregon State University
Jennifer B. Bowen, University of Rochester
David L. Lindahl, University of Rochester
Jeff Suszczynski, University of Rochester
Overview of the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Services Framework Working Group (December '06)
Geneva L. Henry, Rice University
A Practical, Working and Replicable Approach to Digital Preservation: The MetaArchive of Southern Digital Culture (December '06)
Gail McMillan, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tyler O. Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
Aaron J. Trehub, Auburn University
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Project Builder: A Digital Repository Engineered to Function as a Robust Content Management System (December '06)
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Dean Rehberger, Michigan State University
Michael Fegan, Michigan State University
Qualitative Analysis: Five Years of Feedback Messages to the Virtual Museum of Canada (December '06)
Kati Geber, Canadian Heritage Information Network
Report from the Licensing and Policy Summit for Software Sharing in Higher Education (December '06)
Bradley C. Wheeler, Indiana University
Repository-to-Repository Interoperability Solutions for DSpace and Fedora (December '06)
Christopher Blackall, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories (APSR)
Teaching in the New Vernacular (December '06)
Peter B. Kaufman, Columbia University
Mark Phillipson, Columbia University
Threats and Defenses for Digital Preservation (December '06)
Victoria Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
Transformations at GPO: An Update on the Government Printing Office’s Future Digital System (December '06)
George Barnum, United States Government Printing Office
Diane Harley, University of California, Berkeley
ALADIN Research Commons: A Consortial Institutional Repository (April '06)
Joan Cheverie, Georgetown University
Claire T. Dygert, American University
Bruce Hulse, Washington Research Library Consortium
Archiving and Preserving the Web: Future Directions and Applications (April '06)
Merrilee Proffitt, RLG, Inc.
Kristine Hanna, Internet Archive
Dan Avery, Internet Archive
AstroCat: A Web-based Interactive Astronomical Catalog (April '06)
Stefan Dreizler, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Ralf Stockmann, Goettingen State and University Library
Stephen Griffin, National Science Foundation
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Donald J. Waters, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Building an Interdisciplinary Research Program in an Academic Library (April '06)
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University
James Mullins, Purdue University
Circle of Service: The Commons at the University of Tennessee (April '06)
Barbara I. Dewey, University of Tennessee
Julie K. Little, University of Tennessee
Collaborations in Shibboleth and Federation Futures (April '06)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado, Boulder
Designing Digital Preservation Repository Services at Stanford: Practical Theory for Practical Services (April '06)
Keith Johnson, Stanford University
Embracing the (De)contextualization of Digital Artifacts (April '06)
Barbara Taranto, The New York Public Library
Gnosh: Social Metasearching in the Liberal Arts (April '06)
Bryan Alexander, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE)
Michael Richwalsky, NITLE, Allegheny College
IMLS Update: Programs, Initiatives, Projects (April '06)
Martha Crawley, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dan Lukash, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Implementing Institutional Repositories (April '06)
Ronald Jantz, Rutgers University
Nicholas Fischio, Case Western Reserve University
Nathan Lambert, Case Western Reserve University
In-House Digitization: The National Digital Newspaper Program at the University of Kentucky (April '06)
Eric Weig, University of Kentucky
J. Wendel Cox, University of Kentucky
Institutional Repositories and the Need for “Value-added” Services: Current Research and Lessons Learned (April '06)
Susan Gibbons, University of Rochester
Tyler O. Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
Journal Use Reports: Networking Resources for More Informational Power (April '06)
Doug Newman, Thomson Scientific
James Mouw, University of Chicago
Key Standards Updates (April '06)
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
Rob Sanderson, University of Liverpool
Brian Lavoie, OCLC, Inc.
Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress
Robin Dale, RLG, Inc.
Letting Faculty Drive the Digital Program (April '06)
Tom Ruthven, University of Miami
William LeFurgy, Library of Congress
The Melvyl Recommender Project: Early Results and Open Questions (April '06)
Colleen Whitney, California Digital Library
Peter Brantley, California Digital Library
MIT’s SIMILE Project: Demonstrating Practical Value of Semantic Web Technologies for Digital Libraries (April '06)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The MLA Task Force on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion: An Open Discussion (April '06)
David Laurence, Modern Language Association
David Nicholls, Modern Language Association
NARA’s Electronic Records Archives Initiative (April '06)
Fynnette Eaton, National Archives and Records Administration
“Network Neutrality” Issues for Higher Education and the Internet (April '06)
Steve Worona, EDUCAUSE
Gary Bachula, Internet2
Earl Comstock, COMPTEL
Richard Greenfield, University of Alaska
NLM Long Range Plan for the 21st Century: A First-Look Preliminary Report (April '06)
Elliot R. Siegel, National Library of Medicine
Open Source Tools and Metasearch Findings of the Emory MetaCombine Project (April '06)
Martin Halbert, Emory University
The Orphan Works Report (April '06)
Marybeth Peters, U.S. Copyright Office
Jule Sigall, U.S. Copyright Office
Pathway to the Future: Library Bibliographic Services for the 21st Century (April '06)
Luc M. Declerck, University of California, San Diego
Terry Ryan, University of California, Los Angeles
The Rat is Never Wrong: An Introduction to the Methods of User-Centered Design (April '06)
Nancy Fried Foster, University of Rochester
Michael Roy, Wesleyan University
Results from a Technology Analysis of Repositories and Services (April '06)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Sakai: From Grant to Deployment to Global Community in 24 Months (April '06)
Bradley Wheeler, Indiana University
Sharing Learning and Teaching Materials: Some JISC-Funded Collaborative Projects (April '06)
Susan Eales, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Shibboleth for Real (April '06)
Thomas C. Wilson, University of Maryland
David Kennedy, University of Maryland
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris Group
James Mouw, University of Chicago
The Solution to the Orphan Works Problem: Safe Legal Adoption or Risky Foster Parenting? (April '06)
Denise Troll Covey, Carnegie Mellon University
Standardized Licence Expression: Clarity, Control and Fair Use (April '06)
Sharon Farb, University of California, Los Angeles
Daviess Menefee, Elsevier
Christopher McKenzie, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Alicia Wise, Publishers Licensing Society
Two Years of the ARROW Project: A Progress Report on Where We Are, and How We Got Here (April '06)
Neil Dickson, Monash University
David Groenewegen, Monash University
The UK National Centre for Text Mining: Activities and Plans (April '06)
Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool
A Very Large Scale Library for the History of the Web (April '06)
William Y. Arms, Cornell University
Work of the Section 108 Study Group (April '06)
Laura N. Gasaway, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Alan Inouye, National Coordination Office for NITRD
José-Marie Griffiths, University of North Carolina
Christopher R. Johnson, University of Utah
Alan Inouye, National Coordination Office for NITRD
José-Marie Griffiths, University of North Carolina
Christopher R. Johnson, University of Utah
Charles Henry, Rice University
Steven Wheatley, American Council of Learned Societies
The American Council of Learned Societies, Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences: Open Forum (December '05)
Charles Henry, Rice University
Steven Wheatley, American Council of Learned Societies
Peter B. Kaufman, Intelligent Television
The ASERL LOCKSS-ETD Initiative: Developing Preservation Strategies for Libraries that Publish E-Scholarship (December '05)
Robert H. McDonald, Florida State University
Jody Combs, Vanderbilt University
John Burger, Association of Southeastern Research Libraries
Thomas Stuart Robertson, Stanford University
Assessing Learning Spaces (December '05)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Assessing the Dimensions of Institutional Stewardship of Scholarly Digital Assets (December '05)
Gary S. Lawrence, University of California
Abby Smith, Independent Consultant
John Ober, University of California
Auditing and Certification of Digital Repositories (December '05)
Bernard F. Reilly, Center for Research Libraries
The British Library Digital Object Management Program (December '05)
Sean Martin, British Library
Building a New Educational Television Enterprise (December '05)
Peter B. Kaufman, Intelligent Television
Building Collaborative Partnerships for Digital Research in the Humanities (December '05)
Katherine L. Walter, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The bX Project: Federating and Mining Usage Logs from Linking Servers (December '05)
Johan Bollen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Oren Beit-Arie, Ex Libris
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
CIOs Look at Research Support (December '05)
J. Gary Augustson, Pennsylvania State University
James Bottum, Purdue University
James L. Hilton, University of Michigan
Ronald Johnson, University of Washington
William E. Lewis, Arizona State University
William Decker, University of Iowa
Creating a Standards-Based Model for Sharing Cultural Heritage Collections Online: The CDWA Lite/OAI PMH Project (December '05)
Murtha Baca, Getty Research Institute
Karim Boughida, Getty Research Institute
Ken Hamma, J. Paul Getty Trust
William W. Ying, ARTstor
Nik Honeysett, J. Paul Getty Trust
Curation of E-Government Records (December '05)
GladysAnn Wells, Arizona State Library and Archives
Richard Pearce-Moses, Arizona State Library and Archives
Documenting Internet2: Using Heritrix for Focussed Web Crawl (December '05)
Eric Celeste, University of Minnesota
Institutional Repositories: Trends and Issues in an International Context (December '05)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Norman Wiseman, Joint Information Systems Committee
Gerard van Westrienen, SURF Foundation
Integrating Wiki Functions into OCLC Services (December '05)
Jeffrey A. Young, OCLC, Inc.
Lessons in Cross-Repository Interoperability Learned from the aDORe Effort (December '05)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jeroen Bekaert, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Library as the Center for Teaching, Learning and Socializing (December '05)
Hannelore B. Rader, University of Louisville
Jeffrey Trzeciak, Wayne State University
Matthew Martin, Wayne State University
Shawn McCann, Wayne State University
Making History, Using Technology: Developing a Collections-Based Online History of Chicago (December '05)
Robert L. Taylor, Northwestern University
William R. Parod, Northwestern University
Sarah Marcus, Chicago Historical Society
MINES for Libraries: Measuring the Impact of Networked Electronic Services (December '05)
Brinley Franklin, University of Connecticut
Terry Plum, Simmons College
National (Canada) Consultation on Access to Scientific Research Data (December '05)
Glen Newton, CISTI, National Research Council Canada
The Open Content Alliance: Progress Report (December '05)
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
The Portal to Texas History: Harnessing Technology to Enable Collaboration with Small Museums and Libraries (December '05)
Cathy Nelson Hartman, University of North Texas
Mark Edward Phillips, University of North Texas
Preserving Electronic Scholarly Resources: An Overview of Portico (December '05)
Eileen Fenton, Portico
Putting the “I” Back in Library (December '05)
Nancy John, University of Illinois at Chicago
Putting the "I" Back in Library (December '05)
Nancy John, University of Illinois at Chicago
Real Measurements for Libraries: The Normative Data Project (December '05)
Steven Abram, SirsiDynix
Robert Molyneux, SirsiDynix
Re-imagining the Electronic Journal: “Vectors” and New Modes of Digital Scholarship (December '05)
Tara McPherson, University of Southern California
Research Data and the Distributed Institutional Repository (December '05)
D. Scott Brandt, Purdue University
Michael C. Witt, Purdue University
The Right Tool for the Job: DPubS Publication Management Software (December '05)
Sarah Thomas, Cornell University
Nancy L. Eaton, Pennsylvania State University
Social Bookmarking in an Academic Environment (December '05)
Michael Winkler, University of Pennsylvania
The Spoken Word: New Resources to Transform Teaching and Learning (December '05)
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Jerry Goldman, Northwestern University
David Donald, Glasgow Caledonian University
Dean Rehberger, Michigan State University
TechLens: Exploring the Use of Recommenders to Support Users of Digital Libraries (December '05)
Joseph A. Konstan, University of Minnesota
Nishikant Kapoor, University of Minnesota
Sean M. McNee, University of Minnesota
John T. Butler, University of Minnesota
Toward A Digital-Based Information Management Practice (December '05)
Avra Michelson, MITRE Corporation
Michael Olson, MITRE Corporation
Year One Lessons Learned: Partnerships in the Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program (December '05)
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
William G. LeFurgy, Library of Congress
Patricia Cruse, University of California, Office of the President
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Sarah M. Pritchard, University of California, Santa Barbara
Steven Morris, North Carolina State University
David A. Kirsch, University of Maryland
Myron P. Gutmann, University of Michigan
The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Commission on Cyberinfrastructure: Preliminary Results (April '05)
Abby Smith, Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Charles Henry, Rice University
Annual Security Reviews and Library Staff (April '05)
Scott Childers, University of Nebraska
The Aquifer Digital Library Initiative of the Digital Library Federation: Project Update (April '05)
Katherine Kott, Digital Library Federation
John Millard, Miami University of Ohio
The Changing Nature of the Standards Development Infrastructure (April '05)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
James P. Michalko, Research Libraries Group (RLG)
Lorcan Dempsey, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
Closing the Gap: The Fedora Project and Small Colleges (April '05)
Eric Jansson, Associated Colleges of the South Technology Center
Community Source: A Model for Shared Investment, Sustainability, and Innovation (April '05)
Brad Wheeler, Indiana University
Creating a Digital Library Services Registry: Two Approaches (April '05)
Jeremy Frumkin, Oregon State University
Ann Apps, University of Manchester
Amanda Hill, University of Manchester
Desktop Records Management in the Networked Environment: Enterprise-Based Strategies (April '05)
Charles R. McClure, Florida State University
J. Timothy Sprehe, Sprehe Information Management Associates, Inc.
Daniel Greenstein, University of California
Peter Brantley, California Digital Library
Envisioning a New Case: From Inspiration to Presentation to Preservation (April '05)
Joanne Eustis, Case Western Reserve University
Wendy Shapiro, Case Western Reserve University
The Global Reach of Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) (April '05)
Edward Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Eva Muller, Uppsala University
Susan Copeland, Robert Gordon University
Michael Wash, United States Government Printing Office
George Barnum, United States Government Printing Office
Grey Literature in Scholarly Communication: Current Thinking from Libraries and Publishers (April '05)
James Neal, Columbia University
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
How Do Users Search? Examining User Behavior and Testing Innovative Possibilities Within the CREE Project (April '05)
Christopher Awre, University of Hull
The Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS): 2005 Update (April '05)
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Martha Crawley, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara G. Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Dan Lukash, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Marsha Semmel, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Margaret M. Byrnes, National Library of Medicine
Integrating Libraries and Electronic Publishing: The DART Project (April '05)
David Millman, Columbia University
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
The Knowledge Exchange: A Major New European Cooperative Project (April '05)
Bas Cordewener, SURF Foundation
Sigrun Eckelmann, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Norman Wiseman, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Martha Kyrillidou, Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Jonathan D. Sousa, Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
Fred M. Heath, University of Texas at Austin
Long-Lived Data Collections: Enabling Digital Research and Education in the 21st Century (April '05)
Chris L. Greer, U.S. National Science Foundation
NDIIPP: Building Collaborative Digital Preservation Partnerships (April '05)
William LeFurgy, Library of Congress
Daniel Greenstein, University of California
Martha Anderson, Library of Congress
Net Generation Students and Libraries (April '05)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Marybeth Peters, U.S. Copyright Office
Partnering to Provide Rich Media Assets for Teaching and Learning: Cdigix (April '05)
Chuck Powell, Yale University
Public Domain Art in an Age of Easier Mechanical Reproducibility (April '05)
Kenneth Hamma, J. Paul Getty Trust
A Radioactive Metadata Record Approach for Interoperability Testing (April '05)
William E. Moen, University of North Texas
Shibboleth and InCommon: Beginning the Migration of Library Services (April '05)
Steven Carmody, Brown University, Internet2
Clifford A. Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information (CNI)
Squeezing Metadata Out of Scholarly Texts: Extending the CLiMB Project (April '05)
Judith Klavans, University of Maryland
Marilyn Domas White, University of Maryland
Angela Giral, Columbia University
Stanford “Groks”: Using Grokker at Stanford (April '05)
Chris Bourg, Stanford University
Jerry C. Persons, Stanford University
Support and Access Issues for Large Scale Collections: The Shoah Visual History Foundation Testimonies (April '05)
John Silvester, University of Southern California
Sam Gustman, Shoah Foundation
Judith A. Truelson, University of Southern California
Mike Pearce, University of Southern California
A System-Wide View of Library Collections (April '05)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka
Brian Lavoie, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
A Technology Analysis of Repositories and Services (April '05)
Jim Martino, Johns Hopkins University™ and Other Ways to Get Images Out of the Database and Into the Classroom (April '05)
Ricky Erway, Research Libraries Group (RLG)
UK Digital Curation Centre (DCC): One Year On (April '05)
Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath
Chris Rusbridge, Digital Curation Centre, Edinburgh University
UThink: Blogs at the University of Minnesota Libraries (April '05)
Shane Nackerud, University of Minnesota
Eric Celeste, University of Minnesota
Adoption of JPEG 2000 by Libraries and Archives: The Future of Digital Imaging (December '04)
Peter Murray, University of Connecticut
Almagest Open Source Software: A Teaching Tool for the Scholarly Community (December '04)
Janet Temos, Princeton University
Serge J. Goldstein, Princeton University
Archiving the Political Web: Prospects and Challenges (December '04)
Bernard F. Reilly, Center for Research Libraries
ARL Endorses Digitization as an Acceptable Preservation Reformatting Option (December '04)
William A. Gosling, University of Michigan
Sherry Byrne, University of Chicago
Automatic Exposure – Capturing Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images (December '04)
Günter Waibel, Research Libraries Group
Bibliographic Data Management Software for Every Student: Embedding a Researcher’s Tool In the CMS (December '04)
Brian Nielsen, Northwestern University
Capture to Creation: How High-Resolution Capture and Network-Based Presentation Redefine and Recreate Original Artifacts (December '04)
Harlan Wallach, Northwestern University
DARE: The Next Stage (December '04)
Leo Waaijers, SURF
Digital Preservation: From Theory toward Practice (December '04)
Richard Fyffe, University of Kansas
Deborah Ludwig, University of Kansas
Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
DigitalWell: Digital Asset Managment for Institutions, Television and Radio (December '04)
Jim DeRoest, University of Washington
DSpace/SRB Integration (December '04)
Luc Declerck, University of California, San Diego
Chris Frymann, University of California, San Diego
Enhancing DPubS: Open Source Software for Electronic Publishing (December '04)
Nancy Eaton, Pennsylvania State University
Thomas Hickerson, Cornell University
Exposing Art: Accomplishments and Challenges Associated with Metasearching Into and Out of ARTstor (December '04)
James Shulman, ARTstor
Bill Ying, ARTstor
Going ‘On-Web’: Google, Yahoo, Open WorldCat and Library Services (December '04)
Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC, Inc.
Chip Nilges, OCLC, Inc.
How Faculty Members Work: Exploring Faculty Needs for an Institutional Repository (December '04)
David Lindahl, University of Rochester
Nancy Foster, University of Rochester
An Innovative Approach to ICT Literacy Assessment (December '04)
Gordon Smith, California State University
David Williamson, Educational Testing Service
Integrating Libraries into Course Management Software (December '04)
Gretchen Hanson, University of Maryland, College Park
Charles E. Dye, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
John Eiszner, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
A Demand-Side View of the Future of Library Collections (December '04)
David W. Lewis, Indiana University/Purdue University, Indianapolis
Internet2 Middleware Developments (December '04)
Nathan Dors, University of Washington
Is Stuff Safe Yet? Publisher Cooperation, Collection Expansion, Technology Development, Community Sustainability (December '04)
Victoria Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Stanford University
Learning from the Commons: Experiments in Collaboration and Transformation (December '04)
Julia Zimmerman, Ohio University
Crit Stuart, Georgia Institute of Technology
Learning Spaces: Collaborations and Opportunities (December '04)
Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Managing the Rhizome: METS for Web-Archiving (December '04)
Leslie Myrick, New York University
The MetaArchive of Southern Digital Culture: Building a Collaborative Digital Preservation Network (December '04)
Robert H. McDonald, Florida State University
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Beth Nicol, Auburn University
Vicky Reich, Stanford University
Tyler O. Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
Metadata for Digital Preservation: A Status Report on PREMIS (December '04)
Priscilla Caplan, State University System of Florida
Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Stanford University
New Developments in Digital Libraries (December '04)
Carol Hixson, University of Oregon
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
Eileen M. Llona, University of Washington
Sakai Update (December '04)
Suzanne Thorin, Indiana University
James L. Hilton, University of Michigan
Status of Volume Book Scanning (December '04)
Brewster Kahle, Internet Archive
Unimpeded Discovery of Digital Content (December '04)
Günter Waibel, Research Libraries Group
Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Sand Codex
Unlocking Literary Texts with the NITLE Semantic Engine (December '04)
Meciej Ceglowski, National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education
An Update from the OAI (December '04)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
An Update from the OAI: Discussion Session (December '04)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Carl Lagoze, Cornell University
Simeon Warner, Cornell University
Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University
UTOPIA: The University of Texas Portal and Institutional Repository (December '04)
Fred M. Heath, University of Texas at Austin
Daniel A. Updegrove, University of Texas at Austin
The Vanderbilt Television News Archive: A Progress Report (December '04)
Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University
The Virtual Data Center (December '04)
Micah Altman, Harvard-MIT Data Center
180 Terabytes of Visual History: Incorporating Survivors of the Shoah Archives into the Curriculum (April '04)
Charles Henry, Rice University
Andrea Martin, Rice University
Diane Butler, Rice University
Another Step on the Bridge: Sharing Resource Lists Among Content Repositories and E-Learning Systems (April '04)
Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich, Stanford University
Mladen Maljkovic, WebCT
Warwick Cathro, National Library of Australia
Capturing Caribbean Life and Culture: New Digital Resources at the University of Miami Library (April '04)
Jeff Barry, University of Miami
Copyright Management for Scholarship (April '04)
Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE
Julia Blixrud, Association of Research Libraries
John C. Vaughn, Association of American Universities
Digital Libraries & Virtual Museums Ten Years After (the First Web Browsers) and Into the Future (April '04)
Kati Geber, Canadian Heritage Information Network
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Digital Library Repositories and Instructional Support Systems (April '04)
Dale Flecker, Harvard University
Leslie L. Johnston, University of Virginia
David Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
DSpace Federation at the End of Year One: A Status Report (April '04)
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
H. Thomas Hickerson, Cornell University
Susan Gibbons, University of Rochester
EPIC’s Online Use and Costs Evaluation Program: Findings and Suggestions for Future Research (April '04)
Christina Norman, Columbia University
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
Federations of Institutional Repositories and OAI-PMH Harvesting: Beyond Dublin Core (April '04)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
William Gray Potter, University of Georgia
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in Grant Programs (April '04)
Martha Crawley, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Robert Trio, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Richard Fyffe, University of Kansas
Deborah Ludwig, University of Kansas
Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
Marilu Goodyear, University of Kansas
Innovation Lab (April '04)
Geoffrey Adams, Elsevier
David Marques, Elsevier
Integration of Data Grids, Digital Libraries, and Persistent Archives (April '04)
Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Ithaka: An Introduction (April '04)
Kevin Guthrie, Ithaka
JISC and SURF: An Update on Activities (April '04)
Malcolm Read, Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
Wim Liebrand, SURF Foundation
LionShare: Connecting and Extending P2P networks (April '04)
Michael J. Halm, Pennsylvania State University
Charles R. McClure, Florida State University
William E. Moen, University of North Texas
John Carlo Bertot, Florida State University
Mixed Content and Mixed Metadata in the NSDL (April '04)
William Y. Arms, Cornell University
Moving Image Collections Project (April '04)
Grace Agnew, Rutgers University
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program Update (April '04)
William G. LeFurgy, Library of Congress
Pattern Recognition: Some Observations Based on the 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan (April '04)
Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC, Inc.
Preservation-Worthy Digital Video: Hope You Brought Your Checkbook (April '04)
Jerome McDonough, New York University
Publishing Digital History: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions (April '04)
Eileen Gardiner, American Council of Learned Societies
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
Robert Townsend, American Historical Association
Ron Musto, American Council of Learned Societies
PubMed Central and the NLM Journal Archiving Vocabulary (April '04)
Jeffrey Beck, National Library of Medicine
Realizing the Scholarly Knowledge Cycle: The Experience of eBank UK (April '04)
Liz Lyon, UKOLN, University of Bath
RedLightGreen Update (April '04)
Merrilee Proffitt, RLG, Inc.
Sakai Project Update: Connecting Libraries and CMS/LMS (April '04)
Brad Wheeler, Indiana University
Suzanne Thorin, Indiana University
Raymond Yee, University of California, Berkeley
Peter Brantley, California Digital Library
David Greenbaum, University of California, Berkeley
Security and Privacy: Workstation Authentication and Records Retention (April '04)
Lori Driscoll, University of Florida
Peter Murray, University of Connecticut
Gordon Wishon, University of Notre Dame
Shibboleth and InCommon: An Update and Implications (April '04)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2 and University of Colorado
Steve Olshansky, Internet2
SRW and Metasearch (April '04)
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
Jenny Walker, ExLibris (USA) Inc.
Rob Sanderson, University of Liverpool
A “Tip of Our FEDORA: An Under-the-Cap Look at Northwestern University, VTLS and the FEDORA Team (April '04)
Carl Grant, VTLS
Thornton L. Staples, University of Virginia
Bill Parod, Northwestern University
UCSB Campus Informatics: Collaboration for Knowledge Management (April '04)
Sarah Pritchard, University of California, Santa Barbara
Smiti Anand, University of California, Santa Barbara
Update from the Joint Committee on P2P File Sharing (April '04)
Steve Worona, EDUCAUSE
Mark Luker, EDUCAUSE
Virtual Vaudeville: An Interactive 3D Simulation of Historical Performance (April '04)
David Z. Saltz, University of Georgia
What Faculty Think of Electronic Resources: 2003 (April '04)
Roger C. Schonfeld, Ithaka
Kevin Guthrie, Ithaka
Who and What Are Shaping the Net? An Update on the Internet Society’s Policy Initiatives (April '04)
Michael R. Nelson, IBM Corporation and The Internet Society
James X. Dempsey, Center for Democracy and Technology
Who and What Are Shaping the Net? An Update on the Internet Society's Policy Initiatives (April '04)
Michael R. Nelson, IBM Corporation and The Internet Society
James X. Dempsey, Center for Democracy and Technology
Applying Technology to Humanities Resources and Communication: The Cases of IATH and STG (December '03)
Elli Mylonas, Brown University
Daniel Pitti, University of Virginia
ARTstor: A Project Update (December '03)
Max Marmor, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Chandler: A Collaborative Open Source Initiative for Higher Education (December '03)
Jack McCredie, University of California, Berkeley
Pieter Hartsook, Open Source Applications Foundation
Oren Sreebney, University of Washington
Collaborative Filtering: Possibilities for Digital Libraries (December '03)
Janet Webster, Oregon State University
Jon Herlocker, Oregon State University
Seikyung Jung, Oregon State University
Cornell’s DCAPS: A New Model for Delivery and Support of Digital Services (December '03)
H. Thomas Hickerson, Cornell University
Cornell's DCAPS: A New Model for Delivery and Support of Digital Services (December '03)
H. Thomas Hickerson, Cornell University
Digital Library Architecture based on MPEG-21 DIDL, the OAI-PMH, and the OpenURL (December '03)
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Eileen Gifford Fenton, JSTOR
Roger Schonfeld, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Documenting Text Encoding Practices for Academics: The Women Writers Project’s TEI Encoding Guide (December '03)
Julia Flanders, Brown University
Documenting Text Encoding Practices for Academics: The Women Writers Project's TEI Encoding Guide (December '03)
Julia Flanders, Brown University
Images from the Past: The InscriptiFAct Project of the University of Southern California’s West Semitic Research Project (December '03)
Bruce Zuckerman, University of Southern California
Marilyn Lundberg, West Semitic Research Project
Leta Hunt, University of Southern California
Images from the Past: The InscriptiFAct Project of the University of Southern California's West Semitic Research Project (December '03)
Bruce Zuckerman, University of Southern California
Marilyn Lundberg, West Semitic Research Project
Leta Hunt, University of Southern California
Implementation of the Scholar’s Portal Project (December '03)
Scott Herrington, Arizona State University
Krisellen Maloney, University of Arizona
Implementation of the Scholar's Portal Project (December '03)
Scott Herrington, Arizona State University
Krisellen Maloney, University of Arizona
The Internet2 Shibboleth Project: An Update (December '03)
R.L. Bob Morgan
University of Washington
Interoperability between Information and Learning Environments: Bridging the Gaps: An IMS/CNI White Paper (December '03)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Neil McLean, Macquarie University, Sydney
Keeping the Learning in Learning Objects (December '03)
Vicki Suter, EDUCAUSE
Knowledge Lost in Information: Report of the NSF Workshop on Digital Library Research Directions (December '03)
Ronald L. Larsen, University of Pittsburgh
J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Donald Waters, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Michael Roy, Wesleyan University
Barbara Jones, Wesleyan University
Legal Alternatives for Online Music Distribution (December '03)
Steve Worona, EDUCAUSE
Libraries and Digital Scholarship: From Vision to Transformation (December '03)
Ann M. Lally, University of Washington
Eileen Llona, University of Washington
Libraries and the Enhancement of E-learning (December '03)
Patricia Albanese, Mt. Holyoke College
Patricia Stevens, OCLC, Inc.
Neil McLean, Macquarie University, Sydney
Managing and Archiving Learning Management Systems Course Materials and Records (December '03)
Jeremy Rowe, Arizona State University
Rob Spindler, Arizona State University
Thomas Rosko, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Music Information Retrieval/Music Digital Library Evaluation Project (December '03)
J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The Natural Resources Digital Library: Needs, Partners, and Challenges (December '03)
Janine Salwasser, Oregon State University
Janet Webster, Oregon State University
Bonnie Avery, Oregon State University
The New Frontier of Institutional Repositories: Three Different Libraries, Three Different Plans, One Common Goal (December '03)
Robert H. McDonald, Florida State University
Tyler Walters, Georgia Institute of Technology
Charles Thomas, Florida State University
Anthony Smith, University of Tennessee
The New York Public Library Digital Gallery: An Open Source Approach Using XML and the Lucene Search Engine API (December '03)
John Parsons, New York Public Library
David Dodson, New York Public Library
Persistent Identifiers (December '03)
John Kunze
California Digital Library
Power to the People: The IUB Libraries’ Digital Asset Management System (December '03)
Phyllis H. Davidson, Indiana University
Doug Ryner, Indiana University
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing On-line Submission Program (December '03)
Bill Savage, UMI Dissertations Publishing
Timothy Brace, University of Texas at Austin
Public and Distributed Scholarship in an Age of Wires and Empires (December '03)
David Silver, University of Washington
Research in Seeking Copyright Permission for Open Access (December '03)
Denise Troll Covey, Carnegie Mellon University
ResearchChannel Video Content (December '03)
Jim DeRoest, University of Washington
Amy Philipson, University of Washington
The Shibboleth Library Administrators’ Tool (December '03)
Jennifer Vine, Stanford University
R. L. Bob Morgan, University of Washington
Sustainability of Digital Asset Programs and Services: Business Planning by Cultural Heritage Organizations (December '03)
Nancy Allen, University of Denver
A Tale of Two Archives (December '03)
Priscilla Caplan, Florida Center for Library Automation
Jerry Persons, Stanford University
The Transformative Assessment Program (TAP): Next Steps (December '03)
Vicki Suter, EDUCAUSE
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
The Ugly World of Viruses and Worms: The CIO Perspective (December '03)
Gary Augustson, Pennsylvania State University
Ronald Johnson, University of Washington
Philip Long, Yale University
The Video on Demand Project: A New Tool for Journalism Students and Faculty (December '03)
Kim Sheehan, University of Oregon
Deborah Carver, University of Oregon
Why Research Libraries? Building Local Web-Based Collections: LOCKSS in Production (December '03)
Vicky Reich, Stanford University
David Rosenthal, Sun Microsystems
ARTstor: Progress Report and Plans (April '03)
James Shulman, ARTstor
Vicky Reich, Stanford University
Building a Virtual University of the Past: Archives and Electronic Media in the 21st Century (April '03)
Stephen Vaughn, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Building Digital Art Resources for the Community: Finding Scalable Strategies and a Balance of Interests (April '03)
David Bearman, AMICO
Jennifer Trant, AMICO
The Challenge of Building Complex Objects from Digital Repositories (April '03)
Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Dean Rehberger, Matrix, Michigan State University
Michael Fegan, Matrix, Michigan State University
Maria Bonn, University of Michigan
Computer and Network Security: An Action Agenda for Higher Education (April '03)
Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE and UMD
Chad Kainz, University of Chicago
Cross Domain Networked Reference: Developments on Standards (April '03)
Donna Dinberg, National Library of Canada
Jeff Penka, OCLC
Data Capture Framework and Testbed for Cultural Heritage Materials (April '03)
Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University
Tim DiLauro, Johns Hopkins University
DigitalWell Media Asset Management, Delivery, and Application (April '03)
Jim DeRoest, University of Washington
Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (April '03)
Michael Buckland, UC, Berkeley
Enhancing Interoperability between Digital Libraries and Educational Technology via XML Crosswalks (April '03)
Raymond Yee, University of California, Berkeley
Exploring Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building (CLiMB) (April '03)
Judith Klavans, Columbia University
Stephen Davis, Columbia University
Angela Giral, Columbia University
Andrew Stricker, Vanderbilt University
Donald Cox, Vanderbilt University
The Fedora Project: An Open Source Repository for the Management of Content and Services (April '03)
Thornton Staples, University of Virginia
Sandy Payette, Cornell Unviersity
Follow-Up to Transforming Disciplines: Computer Science and the Humanities Conference (April '03)
Charles Henry, Rice University
David Green, NINCH
From PDF to PDF-Archival (April '03)
Pat Harris, NISO
Stephen Levenson, U.S. Department of Justice
William LeFurgy, Library of Congress
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports (April '03)
Martha Crawley, IMLS
Barbara Smith, IMLS
Dan Lukash, IMLS
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports (April '03)
Martha Crawley, IMLS
Barbara Smith, IMLS
Dan Lukash, IMLS
IMS/CNI White Paper on Learning Management Systems and Digital Libraries (April '03)
Clifford Lynch, CNI
LibQUAL+(tm) from a Technological Perspective: A Scalable Web-Survey Protocol across Libraries (April '03)
Fred Heath, Texas A & M University
Jonathan D. Sousa, ARL
Linking Biomedical Information Resources: Update from The National Library of Medicine (April '03)
Betsy Humphreys, National Library of Medicine
Linking Courseware to Library Resources Using OpenURL: Experience, Possibilities, and Future Direction (April '03)
David W. Lewis, IUPUI
Oren Beit Arie, ExLibris
Chris Awre, JISC
Managing Unstructured Data with Latent Semantic Indexing (April '03)
Maciej Ceglowski, NITLE
Clara Yu, NITLE
John Cuadrado, NITLE
METS: A Status Report (April '03)
Jerome McDonough, New York University
The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program: Challenges and Solutions (April '03)
Laura E. Campbell, Library of Congress
The National STEM Education Digital Library: A Progress Report (April '03)
Lee Zia, NSF
New Initiatives for Resource Description and Preservation Metadata (April '03)
Priscilla Caplan, University of Florida
Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress
Sally McCallum, Library of Congress
OAI Metadata Harvesting and Institutional Repositories (April '03)
Martin Halbert, Emory University
Online Publishing Use and Costs Evaluation Program, 2003 (April '03)
Christine Norman, Columbia University
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
David Millman, Columbia University
RedLightGreen Accelerates Research: RLG’s Union Catalog on the Web (April '03)
Merrilee Proffitt, Program Officer, RLG
The Role of Incentives in Digital Archiving (April '03)
Brian Lavoie, OCLC
Shibboleth and the Management of Content: Be Careful What You Ask For . . . (April '03)
Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
SRW: The Search and Retrieve Web Service (April '03)
Ray Denenberg, LC
Ralph LeVan, OCLC
Status Report of Ongoing National Library of Medicine End-to-End Pilot Study (April '03)
George Brett, Internet2
Elliott Siegel, NLM
Frank Connolly, ConseQ Associates
Daryl Nardick, ConseQ Associates
The TEACH Act Toolkit (April '03)
Peggy Hoon, NC State University
Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE
Technologies to Address P2P File Sharing and Bandwidth (April '03)
Steve Worona, EDUCAUSE
Mark Luker, EDUCAUSE
Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University
A-Template Spring 2003 (April '03)
Academic Freedom and Institutional Commitment: Archival Considerations for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (December '02)
Rob Spindler, Arizona State University
Academic Data Research Services Alliance: Bridging the Gap between Data and Discovery (December '02)
Denise Stephens, Syracuse University
Beth Forrest Warner, University of Kansas
The Afterlives of Courses on the Network: Information Management Issues for Learning Management Systems (December '02)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Building a Large Digital Collection for Remote Use (December '02)
Barbara Taranto, The New York Public Library, Research Libraries
Kenning Arlitsch, University of Utah
Greg Zick, DiMeMa, Inc.
The Digital Library Federation: An Update (December '02)
David Seaman, Digital Library Federation
Digital Rights Management in Research and Education (December '02)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Mairead Martin, University of Tennessee
EAD Harvesting for the National Gallery of the Spoken Word (December '02)
Nancy Fleck, Michigan State University
Michael Seadle, Michigan State University
E-Learning and the Digital Library: A Report on Collaboration between IMS and OKI (December '02)
Steve Griffin, IMLS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.
Jeff Merriman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Image Retrieval Benchmark Database: A Report on a CLIR/CNI Exploration (December '02)
Jennifer Trant, Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO)
Implementing FRBR on Large Databases (December '02)
Thomas Hickey, OCLC Research
Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC
Implications of Improved Security for Networked Information (December '02)
Dan Updegrove, University of Texas at Austin
Steve Worona, EDUCAUSE
Institutional Repositories Part One: Project Overviews and Organizational Issues (December '02)
Joseph Branin, Ohio State University
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thornton Staples, University of Virginia
Eric Van de Velde, California Institute of Technology
Institutional Repositories Part Two: Functional Requirements and Technical Issues (December '02)
Joseph Branin, Ohio State University
MacKenzie Smith, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Thornton Staples, University of Virginia
Eric Van de Velde, California Institute of Technology
JSTOR’s New Initiative to Archive Electronic Journals (December '02)
Eileen Gifford Fenton, JSTOR
Kevin M. Guthrie, JSTOR
Learning Management Systems: Integrating Information Resources (December '02)
Patricia Albanese Pitkin, Mt. Holyoke College
Susan Gibbons, University of Rochester
John Ockerbloom, University of Pennsylvania
The Million Book Digitization Project with India and China (December '02)
Gloriana St. Clair, Carnegie Mellon University
A Model Digital Library of 3D Data: A Progress Report (December '02)
Jeremy Rowe, Arizona State University
Next Generation Library Tutorials for the Academic Setting (December '02)
Anne Graham, University of Washington
John Holmes, University of Washington
The NSF Cyberinfrastructure Project (December '02)
Dan Atkins, University of Michigan
The Open URL Standard (December '02)
Tony Hammond, Elsevier Science
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Eric Van de Velde, California Institute of Technology
An Overview of the Internet Scout Project and the Scout Portal Toolkit (December '02)
Edward Almasy, Internet Scout Project
Rachael Bower, Internet Scout Project
A Resource Discovery Service for the Library of Texas: Requirements, Architecture, and Interoperability Testing (December '02)
William E. Moen, University of North Texas
Kathleen R. Murray, University of North Texas
Security Issues for Licensed Resources (December '02)
Kevin Guthrie, JSTOR
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
The Shibboleth Approach to Web Access for Digital Content Becomes a Reality (December '02)
David Millman, Columbia University
Specialized OAI Service Providers: Sheet Music Harvester–A Work in Progress (December '02)
Kristine Brancolini, Indiana University
Stephen Davison, University of California, Los Angeles
Curtis Fornadley, University of California, Los Angeles
Cynthia Requardt, Johns Hopkins University
Stephen H. Schwartz, University of California, Los Angeles
Today’s Web for Tomorrow’s Generation: Web Preservation at the Library of Congress (December '02)
Gina Jones, Library of Congress
Transformative Assessment in the Educational Process (December '02)
Colleen Carmean, Arizona State University West and EDUCAUSE NLII Fellow
Joan Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
Robin Zuniga, The TLT Group
The UT Digital Knowledge Gateway (December '02)
Mark McFarland, University of Texas at Austin
Daniel A. Updegrove, University of Texas at Austin
A Web Service for Transforming Metadata Schemas (December '02)
Carol Jean Godby, OCLC, Inc.
Weaving Meaning: Overview of the Semantic Web and the Potential for Library Leadership (December '02)
Eric Miller, W3C
World Health Grid (December '02)
Charles Henry, Rice University
Geneva Henry, Rice University
XML Markup of Taxonomic Literature (December '02)
John Aubry, American Museum of Natural History
Approaches to Providing Real-Time Reference for Remote Users (April '02)
Rachel Cheng, Wesleyan University
Denise Troll Covey, Carnegie Mellon University
Architectural Innovation: Merging Networks and Physical Spaces in Higher Education (April '02)
Garry Forger, University of Arizona
Amy S. Metcalfe, University of Arizona
Veronica M. Diaz, University of Arizona
ARL Scholars Portal Working Group: An Update (April '02)
Mary E. Jackson, Association of Research Libraries
Building the Glasgow Digital Library and Its Components (April '02)
Dennis Nicholson, Strathclyde University
Building a Heritage Sector on the Internet: Experiences with .museum (April '02)
Cary Karp, Museum Domain Management Association
Building an Information Environment: New Challenges for the Education Community in the UK (April '02)
Catherine Grout, Joint Information Systems Committee
Building Sustainable Models for Electronic Scholarly Publishing (April '02)
Maria S. Bonn, University of Michigan
Catherine Candee, University of California, Office of the President
Creating Digital Libraries through Multi-Institution Collaborations (April '02)
Alan Cornish, Washington State University
Robert H. McDonald, Auburn University
Catherine M. Jannik, Auburn University
Digital Libraries for Access to Scientific Research (April '02)
Catherine Murray-Rust, Oregon State University
Laurie E. Stackpole, Naval Research Laboratory
R. James King, Naval Research Laboratory
The Digital Library @ Duke: Library Initiatives and IT Collaboration (April '02)
Paul Conway, Duke University
Digital Media Acess and Management in the University of Maryland Libraries (April '02)
Lori A. Goetsch, University of Maryland
Allan Rough, University of Maryland
Paul Hammer, University of Maryland
Digitizing Intellectual and Cultural Heritage for the Public Good (April '02)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
ETDs at UMI Dissertation Publishing (April '02)
William Savage, Pro Quest Information and Learning
Getting Started with Digital Certificates: Is PKI-Lite Real PKI? (April '02)
Judith Boettcher, Corporation for Research & Educational Networking
Larry Levine, Dartmouth College
Susan Minai-Azry, MIT
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports (April '02)
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Information Policy, Electronic Surveillance, and Privacy Post September 11th (April '02)
Prue Adler, Association of Research Libraries
Rodney Peterson, EDUCAUSE/University of Maryland
Local to Global: The Next Generation of the Collaborative Digital Reference Service (CDRS) (April '02)
Diane Kresh, Library of Congress
Chip Nilges, OCLC
LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): The Software Works! What’s Next? (April '02)
Vicky Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Sun Microsystems
MIT Initiatives: Post-Plenary Discussion (April '02)
Hal Abelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vijay Kumar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ann Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Media Cloisters, Vassar College (April '02)
Virginia Jones, Vassar College
Rain Breaw, Vassar College
Kathleen Kurosman, Vassar College
Mellon Digital Archives Project (April '02)
Donald Waters, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Metadata Harvesting: Reports from Three Projects Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (April '02)
Kat Hagedorn, University of Michigan
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois
Martin D. Harbert, Emory University
Laura E. Campbell, Library of Congress
The National Gallery of the Spoken Word (April '02)
Mark Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Jerry Goldman, Northwestern University
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
NSF Middleware Initiative Update (April '02)
Michael Gettes, Georgetown University
The Online Publishing Use and Costs Evaluation Program (April '02)
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
Christina Norman, EPIC
David Millman, Columbia University
Open Archives Initiative Update (April '02)
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Daniel Greenstein, Digital Library Federation
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory – Research Library
Open Source Networking Tools In The Humanities (April '02)
David Green, National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage
Daniel Cohen, George Mason University
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland
Stephen Ramsay, University of Virginia
Portals to the World (April '02)
Carolyn Brown, Library of Congress
Everette Larson, Library of Congress
A Research Agenda for Digital Archiving: Report on an NSF-LOC Workshop (April '02)
Margaret Hedstrom, University of Michigan
Update on the Open Knowledge Initiative (April '02)
Phillip D. Long, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Web-Based Image Access System for Classroom Presentation in Art History (April '02)
Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University
Leigh Watson Healy, Outsell, Inc.
ZING: Z39.50-International: Next Generation (April '02)
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
Pat Stevens, OCLC
The Report of the MLA Task Force on Evaluating Scholarship for Tenure and Promotion: One Year On (December '12)
David E. Laurence, Modern Language Association
David Nicholls, Modern Language Association
Last updated: Wednesday, August 17th, 2011