Building an Affordable E-Journal Archive and Preservation System: Moving Toward Implementation of the LOCKSS Program Vicky Reich, Stanford University
Building a Virtual University of the Past: Archives and Electronic Media in the 21st Century Stephen Vaughn, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Building Digital Art Resources for the Community: Finding Scalable Strategies and a Balance of Interests David Bearman, AMICO Jennifer Trant, AMICO
The Challenge of Building Complex Objects from Digital Repositories Mark Lawrence Kornbluh, Michigan State University Dean Rehberger, Matrix, Michigan State University Michael Fegan, Matrix, Michigan State University
CIC Electronic Publishing Venture: Exploring Library-University Press Collaboration in the Electronic Context Maria Bonn, University of Michigan
Computer and Network Security: An Action Agenda for Higher Education Rodney Petersen, EDUCAUSE and UMD
Context, Creativity, and Collaboration: Redefining Computing Spaces through Relationships at the University of Chicago Chad Kainz, University of Chicago
Cross Domain Networked Reference: Developments on Standards Donna Dinberg, National Library of Canada Jeff Penka, OCLC
Data Capture Framework and Testbed for Cultural Heritage Materials Sayeed Choudhury, Johns Hopkins University Tim DiLauro, Johns Hopkins University
Enhancing Interoperability between Digital Libraries and Educational Technology via XML Crosswalks Raymond Yee, University of California, Berkeley
Exploring Computational Linguistics for Metadata Building (CLiMB) Judith Klavans, Columbia University Stephen Davis, Columbia University Angela Giral, Columbia University
The Faculty Innovations Profile Project: Promoting the Scholarship of Interconnected Teaching, Learning, and Research Andrew Stricker, Vanderbilt University Donald Cox, Vanderbilt University
The Fedora Project: An Open Source Repository for the Management of Content and Services Thornton Staples, University of Virginia Sandy Payette, Cornell Unviersity
Follow-Up to Transforming Disciplines: Computer Science and the Humanities Conference Charles Henry, Rice University David Green, NINCH
From PDF to PDF-Archival Pat Harris, NISO Stephen Levenson, U.S. Department of Justice William LeFurgy, Library of Congress
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports Martha Crawley, IMLS Barbara Smith, IMLS Dan Lukash, IMLS
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports Martha Crawley, IMLS Barbara Smith, IMLS Dan Lukash, IMLS
LibQUAL+(tm) from a Technological Perspective: A Scalable Web-Survey Protocol across Libraries Fred Heath, Texas A & M University Jonathan D. Sousa, ARL
Linking Biomedical Information Resources: Update from The National Library of Medicine Betsy Humphreys, National Library of Medicine
Linking Courseware to Library Resources Using OpenURL: Experience, Possibilities, and Future Direction David W. Lewis, IUPUI Oren Beit Arie, ExLibris Chris Awre, JISC
Managing Unstructured Data with Latent Semantic Indexing Maciej Ceglowski, NITLE Clara Yu, NITLE John Cuadrado, NITLE
The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program: Challenges and Solutions Laura E. Campbell, Library of Congress
New Initiatives for Resource Description and Preservation Metadata Priscilla Caplan, University of Florida Rebecca Guenther, Library of Congress Sally McCallum, Library of Congress
Online Publishing Use and Costs Evaluation Program, 2003 Christine Norman, Columbia University Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University David Millman, Columbia University
RedLightGreen Accelerates Research: RLG’s Union Catalog on the Web Merrilee Proffitt, Program Officer, RLG
Shibboleth and the Management of Content: Be Careful What You Ask For . . . Ken Klingenstein, Internet2
Status Report of Ongoing National Library of Medicine End-to-End Pilot Study George Brett, Internet2 Elliott Siegel, NLM Frank Connolly, ConseQ Associates Daryl Nardick, ConseQ Associates
The Vanderbilt Television News Archive: An Update on Digital Conversion, Organizational Changes, and Legal Issues Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University