Rachel Cheng, Wesleyan University
Denise Troll Covey, Carnegie Mellon University
Project Briefings Presented at the
CNI Spring 2002 Membership Meeting
April 15-16, 2002
Washington, DC
Architectural Innovation: Merging Networks and Physical Spaces in Higher Education
Garry Forger, University of Arizona
Amy S. Metcalfe, University of Arizona
Veronica M. Diaz, University of Arizona
Amy S. Metcalfe, University of Arizona
Veronica M. Diaz, University of Arizona
ARL Scholars Portal Working Group: An Update
Mary E. Jackson, Association of Research Libraries
Building the Glasgow Digital Library and Its Components
Dennis Nicholson, Strathclyde University
Building a Heritage Sector on the Internet: Experiences with .museum
Cary Karp, Museum Domain Management Association
Building an Information Environment: New Challenges for the Education Community in the UK
Catherine Grout, Joint Information Systems Committee
Building Sustainable Models for Electronic Scholarly Publishing
Maria S. Bonn, University of Michigan
Catherine Candee, University of California, Office of the President
Catherine Candee, University of California, Office of the President
Creating Digital Libraries through Multi-Institution Collaborations
Alan Cornish, Washington State University
Robert H. McDonald, Auburn University
Catherine M. Jannik, Auburn University
Robert H. McDonald, Auburn University
Catherine M. Jannik, Auburn University
Digital Libraries for Access to Scientific Research
Catherine Murray-Rust, Oregon State University
Laurie E. Stackpole, Naval Research Laboratory
R. James King, Naval Research Laboratory
Laurie E. Stackpole, Naval Research Laboratory
R. James King, Naval Research Laboratory
The Digital Library @ Duke: Library Initiatives and IT Collaboration
Paul Conway, Duke University
Digital Media Acess and Management in the University of Maryland Libraries
Lori A. Goetsch, University of Maryland
Allan Rough, University of Maryland
Paul Hammer, University of Maryland
Allan Rough, University of Maryland
Paul Hammer, University of Maryland
Digitizing Intellectual and Cultural Heritage for the Public Good
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
ETDs at UMI Dissertation Publishing
William Savage, Pro Quest Information and Learning
Getting Started with Digital Certificates: Is PKI-Lite Real PKI?
Judith Boettcher, Corporation for Research & Educational Networking
Larry Levine, Dartmouth College
Susan Minai-Azry, MIT
Larry Levine, Dartmouth College
Susan Minai-Azry, MIT
IMLS Update: New Initiatives, Trends in National Leadership Grants & Survey Reports
Joyce Ray, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Barbara Smith, Institute of Museum and Library Services
Information Policy, Electronic Surveillance, and Privacy Post September 11th
Prue Adler, Association of Research Libraries
Rodney Peterson, EDUCAUSE/University of Maryland
Rodney Peterson, EDUCAUSE/University of Maryland
Local to Global: The Next Generation of the Collaborative Digital Reference Service (CDRS)
Diane Kresh, Library of Congress
Chip Nilges, OCLC
Chip Nilges, OCLC
LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): The Software Works! What’s Next?
Vicky Reich, Stanford University
David S.H. Rosenthal, Sun Microsystems
David S.H. Rosenthal, Sun Microsystems
MIT Initiatives: Post-Plenary Discussion
Hal Abelson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vijay Kumar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ann Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Vijay Kumar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ann Wolpert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Media Cloisters, Vassar College
Virginia Jones, Vassar College
Rain Breaw, Vassar College
Kathleen Kurosman, Vassar College
Rain Breaw, Vassar College
Kathleen Kurosman, Vassar College
Mellon Digital Archives Project
Donald Waters, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Metadata Harvesting: Reports from Three Projects Supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Kat Hagedorn, University of Michigan
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois
Martin D. Harbert, Emory University
Beth Sandore, University of Illinois
Martin D. Harbert, Emory University
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program: Long Term Preservation of Digital Content
Laura E. Campbell, Library of Congress
The National Gallery of the Spoken Word
Mark Kornbluh, Michigan State University
Jerry Goldman, Northwestern University
Jerry Goldman, Northwestern University
NDLTD and OAI: A Case Study of a Worldwide Community Sharing (Multilingual, Multimedia) Electronic Theses & Dissertations through the Open Archives Initiative
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
NSF Middleware Initiative Update
Michael Gettes, Georgetown University
The Online Publishing Use and Costs Evaluation Program
Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University
Christina Norman, EPIC
David Millman, Columbia University
Christina Norman, EPIC
David Millman, Columbia University
Open Archives Initiative Update
Clifford Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information
Daniel Greenstein, Digital Library Federation
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory - Research Library
Daniel Greenstein, Digital Library Federation
Herbert Van de Sompel, Los Alamos National Laboratory - Research Library
Open Source Networking Tools In The Humanities
David Green, National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage
Daniel Cohen, George Mason University
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland
Stephen Ramsay, University of Virginia
Daniel Cohen, George Mason University
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, University of Maryland
Stephen Ramsay, University of Virginia
Portals to the World
Carolyn Brown, Library of Congress
Everette Larson, Library of Congress
Everette Larson, Library of Congress
A Research Agenda for Digital Archiving: Report on an NSF-LOC Workshop
Margaret Hedstrom, University of Michigan
Update on the Open Knowledge Initiative
Phillip D. Long, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A Web-Based Image Access System for Classroom Presentation in Art History
Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt University
Where Students and Faculty Go for Information: Project Update on the Digital Library Federation Study of Academic Information Users
Leigh Watson Healy, Outsell, Inc.
ZING: Z39.50-International: Next Generation
Ray Denenberg, Library of Congress
Pat Stevens, OCLC
Pat Stevens, OCLC