Cited sources from a poster presented by Joan K. Lippincott, CNI Associate Executive Director, at the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) Annual Meeting, Feb. 19-21, 2019, in Anaheim, California, with co-presenters Alison Armstrong, The Ohio State University and Sharon Pitt, University of Delaware.
Themes for Library/IT Collaborations
- Teaching and Learning
- Columbia University. Foundations for Research Computing: Collaborating to Provide Student Support at Scale (video, CNI, 12/18)
- Ohio State University. Power of Partnership and the Affordable Learning Exchange (PPT, CNI, 3/17)
- The Research Enterprise
- CNI. Funders, Compliance, and Access to Research Results (Report, CNI, 2016)
- North Carolina State University. Data Science and Visualization Institute for Librarians. (NCSU; co-sponsored by CNI, 5/19)
- Enterprise-Wide Concerns
- Yale University. From Talking to Action: Fostering Deep Collaboration (video, CNI, 12/18)
- Public Access to Research Data: Report from the AAU APLU Public Access Working Group Workshop (video, CNI, 12/18)
Selected CNI Resources
- Refreshing the Agenda & Priorities for Collaboration (meeting report)
- Big Data, the Cloud, and Academic Research (talk by Clifford Lynch)
- Institutional Strategies for Open Educational Resources (OERs) (Executive Roundtable report)
- Privacy in the Age of Analytics (Executive Roundtable report)
CNI is a joint program of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and EDUCAUSE that promotes the use of information technology to advance scholarship and education. Some 250 institutions representing higher education, publishing, information technology, scholarly and professional organizations, foundations, and libraries and library organizations, make up CNI’s members. Learn more at