Selected Online Talks & Interviews
Before 2010
* See also recent talks & interviews, and Publications by Cliff Lynch
Clifford A. Lynch, “Welcome, 2009 in Review, & Overview of the 2009-10 CNI Program Plan,” delivered at the Fall 2009 CNI Membership Meeting, Dec. 14-15, 2009 in Washington, DC. Video at
Audio only: Listen
Clifford A. Lynch, “Summing Up at the 5th International Digital Curation Conference,” presented Dec. 3, 2009. Video at
Clifford A. Lynch, “Revisiting Institutional Repositories,” presented at the Spring 2009 CNI Membership Meeting, April 6-7, 2009 in Minneapolis, MN. Video at
Clifford A. Lynch, “Software and the Long Haul: Software Design, Adoption, Evolution and Curation in a Context,” presented at the NSF Cyberinfrastructure Software and Sustainability Workshop, March 27, 2009. Video at
Clifford A. Lynch, “A Changing Society, Changing Scholarly Practices, and the New Landscape of Scholarly Communication,” delivered March 6, 2009 as part of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia Faculty Development Monthly Series; video available from
Clifford A. Lynch, keynote address, “University Missions, Academic Values, and Information Technology,” delivered Feb. 13, 2009 at The Changing Landscape of Scholarly Communication in the Digital Age symposium at Texas A&M University.
Watch the video.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Cliff Lynch talks about the role of universities in disseminating and preserving Scholarship,” from a special series of podcasts with authors from EDUCAUSE’s recent book, The Tower and the Cloud, Feb. 5, 2009, by Paul Miller, podcast at
Open Access in the Humanities, panel discussion between Clifford A. Lynch, John L. King from the University of Michigan and Stanford’s John Willinsky, Feb. 3, 2009, podcast available from
Clifford A. Lynch, closing remarks delivered at the ARL/CNI Fall Forum, Reinventing Science Librarianship: Models for the Future, Oct. 17, 2008.
Clifford A. Lynch, from the University of South Carolina Future Knowledge: Prospects for a Digital Era speaker series, lecture and interview held Oct. 6, 2008.
Lecture, Humanities Scholarship, Cyberinfrastructure and the Future of Cultural Memory Organizations:
An Interview with Clifford Lynch at the CNI 2008 Spring Task Force Meeting, posted April 10, 2008, podcast available at
Clifford A. Lynch, Scholarly Literature as an Object of Computation: Implications for Libraries, Publishers, Authors.
Blog notes:
Clifford A. Lynch, Networked Information Applications and Future Internet Developments, presented on June 19, 2007 at the event “Internet Innovation: Applications and Architectures, An Industry Perspective on Internet Research,” in Santa Clara, CA. Video available from
Clifford A. Lynch, Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) Top Tech Trends, Part 3, presented at the American Library Association midwinter conference on January 21, 2007 in Seattle, WA. Available at
An Interview with Clifford Lynch at the CNI 2006 Fall Task Force Meeting, posted Dec. 18, 2006, podcast available at
Clifford A. Lynch, Impact of Digital Scholarship upon Research Libraries, presented at The Research Library in the 21st Century, held in Austin, TX, Sept. 11-12, 2006. Transcript and audio available from
ALA Annual 2006: SPARC/ACRL Forum, OPEN DATA held on June 24, 2006 in New Orleans, LA. Podcasts and presentations available for most speakers, including Clifford A. Lynch:
“Advancing Scholarship and Intellectual Productivity: An Interview with Clifford A. Lynch,” conducted by EDUCAUSE president Brian Hawkins, appearing in two parts in EDUCAUSE Review. Part one, from the March/April 2006 issue:; part two, from the May/June 2006 issue:
An Interview with CNI’s Cliff Lynch, podcast interview conducted during the CNI Spring 2006 Task Force Meeting, held April 3-4, 2006 in Arlington, VA.
Audio: Listen
Clifford A. Lynch, Closing Remarks from Scholarship and Libraries in Transition: A Dialogue about the Impacts of Mass Digitization Projects, presented by the University of Michigan University Library & the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, March 11, 2006. Available from
Clifford A. Lynch, If Only We Knew Yesterday What We Know Today, presented January 24, 2006 at The Economics of Open Content Symposium, hosted by Intelligent Television at the Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT). Available in various formats from
Clifford A. Lynch, The Implications of Digital Libraries, keynote address at SURF Education Days in Utrecht, Netherlands, on November 16, 2005. [Video]
An Interview with Clifford Lynch, Executive Director of CNI, podcast interview conducted during the EDUCAUSE annual conference held in Orlando, Florida, October 18-21, 2005.
Audio: Listen
Clifford A. Lynch, The Data Deluge Hits Campus, speech delivered at EDUCAUSE 2005 in Orlando, FL on October 20, 2005, upon receiving the EDUCAUSE Leadership in Public Policy and Practice Award.
Clifford A. Lynch, Cliff’s Notes 2005, delivered at Access 2005 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on October 17, 2005.
Audio: Listen
Clifford A. Lynch, “The shift to E-Research and its implications for the system of scholarly communication,” seminar presented at the Oxford Internet Institute on March 23, 2005 in Oxford, UK.
ACRL Webcast with Clifford Lynch, executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information, and Michael Keller, University Librarian, Director of Academic Information Resources, Publisher of HighWire Press, and Publisher of the Stanford University Press at Stanford University; moderated by Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Consulting Research Scientist, Office of Research, OCLC, Inc. Recorded March 10, 2005. Recording available online at
Clifford A. Lynch, Prenote, ECURE 2005: Preservation and Access for Digital College and University Resources, Tempe, AZ, February 28-March 2, 2005. [HTML transcript]
A Conversation with Clifford Lynch, recorded at the University of Washington Information School on February 14, 2005. Audio
Clifford A. Lynch, keynote address at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill convocation Scholarly Communications in the Digital World, January 27-28, 2005. Video and audio files are available at
Open Access Forum, Carnegie Mellon University, October 25, 2004. Panelists include Mark Kamlet, Mary Jo Dively, Daviess Menefee (Elsevier Ltd.), and Clifford Lynch. VIDEO available at
Clifford A. Lynch, “Libraries and Library Systems in the New Information Landscape,” presented at the LITA National Forum, October 7-10, 2004; audio available at
“Serial Conversations: A Man for All Reasons: An Interview with Clifford Lynch,” Serials Review 30:4 (September 2004). [Courtesy of Elsevier, the corrected proof of the interview published in Emily McElroy’s “Serial Conversations” column in Serials Review v.30, no.4 is available in PDF format].
Clifford A. Lynch, “Editor’s Interview with Clifford A. Lynch,” RLG DigiNews 8:4 (August 15, 2004) (Interview).
Clifford A. Lynch, “Digital Learning Cultures in the Information Landscape,” keynote speech at Syllabus2004, San Francisco, CA, July 19, 2004. Partially excerpted at–tackling-the-big-questions.aspx.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Keynote Address: Digital Rights Management Systems and Scholarship,” Colleges, Code and Copyright: The Impact of Digital Networks and Technological Controls on Copyright and the Dissemination of Information In Higher Education, symposium sponsored by the University of Maryland University College in Adelphi, MD on June 10-11, 2004. Audio files available at
Clifford A. Lynch, Keynote, ECURE 2004: Preservation and Access for Digital College and University Resources, Tempe, AZ, March 1-3, 2004.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Cliff’s Notes,” ACCESS 2003: Extending Our Abilities, Vancouver, BC, October 1-4, 2003.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Check Out the New Library,” Ubiquity 4:23 (July 29-August 4, 2003) (Interview)
Clifford A. Lynch, “Digital Rights Management: More than Meets the Eye,” EDUCAUSE LIVE! April 21, 2003. (Audio Webcast)
Clifford A. Lynch, “Essential Elements of an Archiving Strategy,” The Archiving Forum: Preserving Digital Content (and the Opportunities It Holds) for the Long Haul, Philadelphia, PA, March 4, 2003. (Video of the entire conference. Cliff Lynch’s keynote comes early on, after an initial introduction.)
“Academic Publishing in the Digital Realm: An Interview with Clifford Lynch,” Syllabus Magazine, December 2002
Clifford A. Lynch, Keynote Address (Webcast, requires QuickTime 6 to view) Personalisation and Digital Libraries Seminar, The Open University, October 18, 2002.
Clifford A. Lynch, Keynote, ECURE 2002: Preservation and Access for Electronic College and University Records, Phoenix, AZ, October 9-11, 2002.
Clifford A. Lynch, “What’s Become of the Digital Library?” (Video) EDUCAUSE 2002, Atlanta, GA, October 1-4, 2002.
Florence Olsen, “Logging in with Clifford A. Lynch: Public-Key Security Systems Hold Promise for Academe,” (Interview) Chronicle of Higher Education, November 27, 2000.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The New Context for Bibliographic Control in the New Millennium,“ Bicentennial Conference on Bibliographic Control for the New Millennium: Confronting the Challenge of Networked Resources and the Web, Washington, DC, November 15-17, 2000.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Coming Crisis in Preserving Our Digital Cultural Heritage,” (Video) To Preserve and Protect: The Strategic Stewardship of Cultural Resources, Library of Congress Bicentennial Symposium, Washington, DC, October 30-31, 2000.
Clifford A. Lynch, Mary Ellen Bates, and Steve Lawrence, “Internet Search Engines,” (Panel discussion) The Diane Rehm Show, WAMU Radio, Washington, DC, Thursday, July 27, 2000.
Carl Malamud, Interview with Clifford Lynch, Geek of the Week, June 4, 1993.
Audio files available at