Selected Publications
by CNI Executive Director Clifford Lynch
Prior to 1997
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Integrity of Digital Information,”Robin Peek and Gregory Newby, eds., Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996), pp. 133-146.
Clifford A. Lynch and Hector Garcia-Molina, “Interoperability,Scaling, and the Digital Libraries Research Agenda: A Report on the May 18-19, 1995 IITA Libraries Workshop,” Microcomputers for Information Management: Global Internetworking for Libraries 13:2 (1996).
Carl Lagoze, Clifford A. Lynch, and Ron Daniel, Jr., “The Warwick Framework: A Container Architecture for Aggregating Sets of Metadata,” Metadata Workshop II, Warwick, UK, April 1-3, 1996.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Future Roles of Libraries in Citizen Access to Information Resources through the National Information Infrastructure,” The Changing Nature of Telecommunications/Information Infrastructure (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1995), pp. 86-97.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The TULIP Project: Context, History, and Perspective,” Library Hi -Tech 13:4 (1995), pp.8-24.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Technological Framework for Library Planning in the Next Decade,” New Directions for Higher Education 90 (1995), pp. 93-105.
Clifford A. Lynch, Avra Michelson, Craig Summerhill, and Cecilia Preston, White Paper on Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval NIDR (Washington, DC: Coalition for Networked Information, 1995).
Clifford A. Lynch, “Pricing Electronic Reference Works: The Dilemma of the Mixed Library and Consumer Marketplace,” Murray S. Martin, ed., Issues in Collection Management: Librarians, Booksellers, Publishers (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1995), pp. 19-34.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Changing Nature of Collections in the Digital Age,” California Academic and Research Libraries Third Annual Conference, October 21, 1995.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Networked Information Resource Discovery: An Overview of Current Issues,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13:8 (October 1995), pp. 1505-1522.
Clifford A. Lynch, “System Architecture and Networking Issues in Implementing the North American Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery (NAILDD) Initiative,” Journal of Library Administration 21:1/2 (Spring/Summer 1995), pp. 145-167.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Uniform Resource Naming: From Standards to Operational Systems,” Serials Review 20:4 (1994), pp. 9-14.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Scholarly Communications in theNetworked Environment: Reconsidering Economics and Organizational Missions,” Serials Review 20:3 (1994), pp. 23-30.
Clifford A. Lynch, “RFC 1729: Using the Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol in the Internet Environment,” (The Internet Group, 1994).
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Integrity of Digital Information:Mechanics and Definitional Issues,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45:10 (December 1994), pp. 737-744.
Cecilia M. Preston and Clifford A. Lynch, “Interoperability and Conformance Issues in the Development and Implementation of the Government Information Locator Service (GILS),” May 22, 1994.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Using the Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol in the Internet Environment,” Information Standards Quarterly 6:2 (April 1994), pp. 1-5.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Rethinking the Integrity of the Scholarly Record in the Networked Information Age,” EDUCOM Review 29:2 (March/April 1994), pp. 38-40.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Wanted: A Consistent Interface for Networked Information Resources,” IEEE Computer 27:1 (January 1994), pp. 81-82.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Roles of Libraries in Access to Networked Information: Cautionary Tales from the Era of Broadcasting,” Proceedings of the 30th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing (Urbana-Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science,1993), pp. 120-132.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Transformation of Scholarly Communication and the Role of the Library in the Age of Networked Information,” The Serials Librarian 23:3/4 (1993), pp. 5-20.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Interoperability: The Standards Challenge for the 1990s,” Wilson Library Bulletin 67: 7 (March 1993), pp.38-42.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Envisioning a National Engineering Information System (NENGIS) in a Networked Information Environment,” Final Report on the Conference for Exploration of a National Engineering Information Service, Palm Coast FL, June 14-19, 1992 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Information Technologies and Media Services Printing, 1992), pp. 397-400.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Online Searching on the Internet: The Challenge of Information Semantics for Networked Information,” Online Databases, CD-ROMs, Library Systems: Proceedings of the National Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 5-7, 1992 (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1992), pp. 203-210.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Achieving the Promise: A Proposed Strategic Agenda for Libraries and Networked Information Resources in the 1990s,” Networks for Networkers II Pre-conference: Critical Issues for Libraries in the National Network Environment, Chantilly, VA, December 17-19, 1990 (NY: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 1992), pp. 53-84.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Challenge of the National Research and Education Network,” The Role of State Library Agencies in the Evolving National Information Network: Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee and the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies, April 27-29, 1992, Network Planning Paper 23 (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1992), pp.87-91.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Networked Information: A Revolution in Progress,” Brett Sutton and Charles H. Davis, eds., Networks, Open Access and Virtual Libraries: Implications for the Research Library (Urbana-Champaign, IL: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Committtee on Institutional Cooperation, 1992), pp.12-39.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Development of Electronic Library Collections and the Technologies of Networked Information: A Status Report,” Preprint, Fifth Japan-U.S. Conference on Libraries and Information Science in Higher Education: Japan-U.S. Collaboration in Enhancing International Access to Scholarly Information: Looking Toward the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan, October 6-9, 1992 pp. 4-3-1–4-3-23.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Next Generation of Public Access Information Retrieval Systems for Research Libraries: Lessons from Ten Years of the MELVYL System,” Information Technology and Libraries 11:4 (December 1992), pp. 405-415.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Beyond the Ordinary Card Catalog: MELVYL Learns From Years of Experience,” EDUCOM Review 27:6 (November/December 1992), pp. 20-23.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Guest Editor’s Introduction,” Information Technology and Libraries 11:3 (September 1992), pp. 271-272.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Reaction, Response, and Realization: From the Crisis in Scholarly Communication to the Age of Networked Information,” Serials Review 18:1-2 (Spring and Summer 1992), pp. 107-112.
Clifford A. Lynch and Cecilia M. Preston, “Describing and Classifying Networked Information Resources,” Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy 2:1 (Spring 1992), pp. 13-23.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Text Encoding Initiative: SummaryProgress Report,” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 18 (February/March 1992), pp. 21-2.
Clifford A. Lynch, Review of Lorcan Dempsey, Libraries, Networks,and OSI: A Review, with a Report on North American Developments,in The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2:1 (1991), pp. 171-176.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The System Perspective, “Gary M. Pitkin, ed., The Evolution of Library Automation: Management Issues and Future Perspectives (Westport, CT: Meckler Publishing, 1991), pp.39-57.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Visions of Electronic Libraries,” Filomena Simora, ed., The Bowker Annual Library and Book Trade Almanac, 36th edition (New Providence, NJ: R.R. Bowker, 1991), pp. 75-82.
Clifford A. Lynch and Cecilia M. Preston, “Evolution of Networked Information Resources,” Martha E. Williams, ed., Proceedings of the 12th National Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 7-9, 1991 (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1991), pp. 221-230.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Issues in the Use of the Internet for Image Transport,” Advanced Printing of Paper Summaries: Electronic Imaging Solutions from SICs to X Windows, Electronic Imaging West ’91, April 15-18, 1991, Anaheim, CA (Newtonville, MA: BIS Strategic Decisions, 1991), pp. 163-166. Reprinted with revisions as “An Overview of Document Delivery Systems at the University of California,” Journal of Interlibrary Loan and Information Supply 2:2 (1991), pp. 21-32.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Client-Server Model in Information Retrieval,” Martin Dillon, ed., Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems: The State of the Art (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press,1991), pp. 301-318.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Technologies of Electronic Imaging,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42:8 (September 1991), pp. 578-585.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Nonmaterialized Relations and the Support of Information Retrieval Applications by Relational Database Systems,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 42:6 (July 1991), pp.389-396.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Serials Management in the Age of Electronic Access,” Serials Review 17:1 (Spring 1991), pp. 7-12.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Development of Electronic Publishing and Digital Library Collections on the NREN,” Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy 1:2 (Winter 1991), pp. 6-22.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Z39.50 Information Retrieval Protocol: An Overview and Status Report,” Computer Communications Quarterly 21:1 (January 1991), pp. 58-70.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Information Retrieval as a Network Application,” Library Hi-Tech 8:4 (1990), pp. 59-74.
Dennis E. Smith and Clifford A. Lynch, “Document Delivery Systems at the University of California: An Overview,” Riding the Electronic Wave-Document Delivery: Proceedings of the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee Meeting, November 29-December 1, 1989, Network Planning Paper 20 (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1990), pp. 41-48.
Clifford A. Lynch and Cecilia M. Preston, “Internet Access to Information Resources,” Martha E. Williams, ed., Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) 25 (New York, NY: Elsevier, 1990), pp. 263-312.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Growth of Computer Networks: A Status Report,” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 16:5 (June/July 1990), pp. 10-11.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Access Technology for Network InformationResources,” CAUSE/EFFECT 13:2 (Summer 1990), pp. 15-20.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Linking Library Automation Systemsin the Internet: Functional Requirements, Planning, and Policy Issues,” LibraryHi-Tech 7:4 (1989), pp. 7-18.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Public Access Bibliographic Databases in the Multicampus University Environment,” Lawrence J. McCrank, ed., Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences, volume 4 (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989), pp. 411-419.
Clifford A. Lynch, “From Telecommunications to Networking: The MELVYL Online Union Catalog and the Development of Intercampus Networks at the University of California,” Library Hi-Tech 7:2:26 (1989), pp. 61-83.
Clifford A. Lynch and John C. Gale, “Multimedia, CD-ROM,and Local Area Networks,” Information Today 6:8 (1989), pp. 19, 21-22.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Hypertext, Large Databases, andRelational Database Management Systems,” Proceedings of the Tenth National Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 9-11, 1989, (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989), pp. 265-270.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Electronic Imaging in the University Environment: Issues and Applications,” Electronic Imaging ’88, Volume II (Boston, MA: Institute for Graphic Communication, Inc., 1989), pp.895-901.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Applications of Performance and Usage Data for Online Catalogs,” Charles Hildreth, ed., The Online Catalog: Developments and Directions (London: Library Association Publishing, Ltd., 1989), pp. 127-141.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Intersystem Linking and DistributedDatabase Technology: A Comparison of Two Approaches to the Construction of Network Based Information Utilities,” Proceedings of the Fourth Integrated Online Library Systems Meeting, New York, NY, May 10-11, 1989 (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1989), pp. 107-112.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Optical Media and Database Management Systems,” Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging Conference West, April 1989, Volume I, pp. 417-419.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Electronic Imaging Applications and Database Access in the University Environment,” Proceedings of the Electronic Imaging Conference West, April 1989, Volume II, pp. 1089-1095.
Clifford A. Lynch and Michael G. Berger, “The UC MELVYL MEDLINE System: A Pilot Project for Access to Journal Literature Through an Online Catalog,” Information Technology and Libraries 8:4 (December1989), pp. 371-383. Abstract online.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Library Automation and the National Research Network,” EDUCOM Review 24:3 (Fall 1989), pp. 21-26.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Text Encoding Initiative,” Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science 15:5 (June/July 1989), pp. 15-16.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Large Database and Multiple Database Problems in Online Catalogs,” OPACs and Beyond: Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC (Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., 1988), pp. 51-55.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Image Retrieval, Display, and Reproduction,”Proceedings of the Ninth National Online Meeting, New York, NY, May 10-12, 1988 (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1988), pp. 227-232.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distributions of Column Values,” Francois Bancilhon and David J. DeWitt, eds., Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Very Large Databases, Los Angeles, CA, August 29 – September 1, 1988 (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann,1988), pp.240-251.
Clifford A. Lynch and Michael Stonebraker, “Extended User-Defined Indexing with Application to Textual Databases,” Francois Bancilhon and David J.DeWitt, eds., Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Very Large Databases, Los Angeles, CA, August 29 – September 1, 1988 (San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1988), pp. 306-317.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Developments in Database Management System Technology and Their Prospects for Information Retrieval Systems,” Proceedings of the 51st ASIS Annual Meeting (Medford, NJ: Learned Information,Inc.,1988), pp. 190-194.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Some Reliability Issues in Very Large Databases,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 39:6 (November 1988), pp. 408-420.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Response Time Measurement and Performance Analysis in Public Access Information Retrieval Systems,” InformationTechnology and Libraries 7:2 (June 1988), pp. 177-183.
Michael K. Buckland and Clifford A. Lynch, “National and International Implications of the Linked Systems Protocol for Online Bibliographic Systems,” Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 8:3/4 (Spring 1988), pp. 15-33.
Nachum Shacham, Edwin B. Brownrigg, and Clifford A.Lynch, “A Packet Radio Network for Library Automation,” Proceedings of the 1987 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM ’87), Volume 2 (New York: IEEE Press, 1987), pp. 456-462.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Use of Heuristics in User Interfacesfor Online Information Retrieval Systems,” Proceedings of the 50th ASIS Annual Meeting (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc.,1987), pp. 148-152.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Standards Issues in Optical Publishing,” ASIS Bulletin 13:6 (August/September 1987), pp. 27-29.
Michael K. Buckland and Clifford A. Lynch, “The Linked Systems Protocol and the Future of Bibliographic Networks and Systems,” Information Technology and Libraries 6:2 (June 1987), pp. 83-88.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Electronic Publishing, Electronic Imaging and Document Delivery,” Electronic Imaging ’86 (Boston, MA: Institute for Graphic Communication, Inc., 1986), pp. 662-667.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Progress in Wide-Area Packet Radio,” Proceedings of the 49th ASIS Annual Meeting (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1986), pp. 167-177.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Linked Systems Protocol: A Practical Perspective,” M. E. Jacob, ed., Telecommunications Networks: Issues and Trends (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1986), pp. 67-91.
Clifford A. Lynch, “The Operational Issues of Internet working,”M. E. Jacob, ed., Telecommunications Networks: Issues and Trends (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1986), pp. 115-133.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Conservation, Preservation, and Digitization,” Danuta A. Nitecki, ed., Energies for Transition: Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, Baltimore, MD, April 9-12, 1986 (Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1986), pp. 225-228. Reprinted in College and Research Libraries 47:4 (July1986), pp.379-382.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Standards for Read-Only Optical Media,” Library Hi -Tech News 33 (December 1986), pp. 1, 7-15.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “The Telecommunications Landscape: 1986,” Library Journal 16:3 (October 1, 1986), pp. 40-46.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Implications of the Electronic Manuscript Project For Libraries, Scholarly Publication, and Universities,” Electronic Publishing Business 4:8 (September 1986), pp. 22-23, 26.
John Gale, Clifford A. Lynch, and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “The Impact of Optical Media on Information Publishing,” ASIS Bulletin 12:6 (August/September 1986), pp. 12-14.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Optical Storage Media, Standards and Technology Lifecycle Management,” Records Management Quarterly (January 1986), pp. 44-54.
John B. Lowe and Clifford A. Lynch, “Testbed Evaluation of the ISI 525 WC Write-Once Optical Disk for Bibliographic Databases,” Proceedings of the 1985 Videodisc, Optical Disk, and Compact Disc Conference, December 1985 (Westport, CT: Meckler Publishing, 1985), pp. 124-129. Also in Optical Information Systems 6:2 (March/April 1986), pp. 9-12.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Library Applications of Electronic Imaging,” Information Technology and Libraries 5:2 (June 1986), pp. 100-105. Earlier version in Proceedings of Electronic Imaging 1985 (Boston, MA: Institute for Graphic Communication, Inc.,1985), pp. 386-388.
Robert K. Brandriff, Clifford A. Lynch, and Mark H. Needleman, “Development of a TCP/IP for the IBM/370,” Proceedings of the 9th Data Communications Symposium, Whistler Mountain, BC, September 10-13, 1985 (Washington, D.C.: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1985), pp. 10-13.
Clifford A. Lynch and Robert K. Brandriff, “The Evolution of the User Interface in the MELVYL Online Catalog, 1980-1985,” Proceedings of the 48th ASIS Annual Meeting 22 (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1985), pp. 102-105.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Document Delivery and Packet Facsimile,” Proceedings of the 48th ASIS Annual Meeting 22 (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1985), pp. 11-14.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Cataloging Practices and the Online Catalog,” Proceedings of the 48th ASIS Annual Meeting (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1985), pp. 111-115.
John B. Lowe, Clifford A. Lynch, and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Publishing Bibliographic Data on Optical Disks: A Prototypical Application and Its Implications,” R. A. Sprague, ed., Optical Mass Data Storage I: Proceedings of SPIE, 529 (Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 1985), pp. 227-236.
Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch, “Electrons, Electronic Publishing, and Electronic Display,” Information Technology and Libraries 4:3 (September 1985), pp. 201-207. Abstract online.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Protocols in Perspective,” ASIS Bulletin (August/September 1985), pp. 9-11.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Beyond the Integrated Library System Concept: Bibliographic Networking at the University of California,” Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Integrated Online Library Systems, Atlanta, GA, September 1984 (Canfield, OH: Genaway and Associates, 1984), pp. 243-252.
Edwin B. Brownrigg, Clifford A. Lynch, and Rebecca Pepper,” Packet Radio for Library Automation,” Information Technology and Libraries 3:3 (September 1984), pp. 229-244.
Edwin B. Brownrigg, Clifford A. Lynch, and Mary E. Engle,”Technical Services in the Age of Electronic Publishing,” Library Resources and Technical Services 28:1 (January/March 1984), pp. 59-67.
Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch, “Development of a Packet-Switching Network for Library Automation,” Proceedings of the National Online Conference (Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc.,1983), pp. 67-74.
Clifford A. Lynch, Mary E. Engle, and Mark H. Needleman,” Computing Resources for an Online Catalog,” Information Technology and Libraries 2:1 (March 1983), pp. 58-72.
David L. Shaughnessy and Clifford A. Lynch, “Telecommunications for an Online Catalog,” Information Technology and Libraries 2:1 (March 1983), pp. 73-86.
Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch, “Online Catalogs: Through a Glass Darkly,” Information Technology and Libraries 2:1 (March 1983), pp. 104-115. Reprinted in Joseph R. Matthews, ed., A Reader on Choosing an Automated Library System (Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 1983), pp. 315-330.
Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch, “Packet Switching and Library Automation: A Management Perspective,” Proceedings of the 45th ASIS Annual Meeting, 19 (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1982), pp. 54-57.
Clifford A. Lynch and Edwin B. Brownrigg, “Application of Data Compression Techniques to a Large Bibliographic Data Base,” Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Very Large Databases, Cannes, France, September 9-11, 1981 (Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1981), pp.435-447.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Practical Electronic Mail Through a Centralized Computing Facility,” Proceedings of the 43rd ASIS Annual Meeting, 17 (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1980), pp. 34-38.
Clifford A. Lynch and Sue Tyner, “University of California Union Catalog: An Overview of Bibliographic Issues,” Proceedings of the 43rd ASIS Annual Meeting, 17 (White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1980), pp. 266-270.
Edwin B. Brownrigg and Clifford A. Lynch, “Implementing Library Automation Plans in a University Computing Environment,” James C. Emery, ed., Planning for Computing in Higher Education (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980), pp. 215-225.
Clifford A. Lynch, “Alternatives to the Build or Buy Decision in Library Automation Software Planning,” James C. Emery, ed., Planning for Computing in Higher Education (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1980), pp. 181-192.