Joan K. Lippincott
Associate Executive Director
Coalition for Networked Information
Harriette Hemmasi
Joukowsky Family University Librarian
Brown University
Vivian Lewis
University Librarian
McMaster University
The recently opened Brown University Library Digital Scholarship Lab is an expansion of a long-standing library program to support faculty and graduate students working with complex digital content. Featuring a 7×16 foot tiled wall comprised of twelve 55-inch LED screens, the high-definition visualization facility supports innovative methods of teaching and research, and enables new forms of student learning and interaction. The Lab has already attracted faculty and students at all levels working on projects in a wide variety of disciplines, and it is also used for public presentations.
At the Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship at McMaster University, faculty and graduate students receive support in their e-research activities in many disciplines. A new fellows/internship program enables library staff to work closely with a core group of users. In addition, McMaster is one of the lead institutions for an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant to explore “best in class” digital scholarship programs. After visiting centers around the world and conducting interviews, the co-investigators will generate a set of benchmarks for such programs.
Presentation (Hemmasi)
Presentation (Lippincott)
Presentation (Lewis)